The main functions of lycopene

Lycopene is one of the most effective antioxidant active substances currently. It is present in large amounts in tomatoes and is a type of carotenoid. It is a natural pigment that makes tomatoes red. However, the human body cannot synthesize lycopene on its own and must obtain it from vegetables and fruits.
Research results on lycopene by scientists from all over the world in the past decade have confirmed that lycopene has a very strong ability to eliminate singlet oxygen, which is 100 times stronger than vitamin E. The biggest highlight of lycopene is its excellent antioxidant properties, which can neutralize free radicals in the human body. Excess free radicals can lead to health conditions such as inflammation. The number of free radicals increases with age, environmental pollution, poor diet and smoking. It is 33 times stronger than beta carotene in scavenging free radicals. In other words, lycopene can very effectively remove garbage from the body and improve the body’s immunity.
lycopene Anti-oxidation
The biggest highlight of lycopene is its excellent antioxidant properties, which can neutralize free radicals in the human body. Excess free radicals can lead to health conditions such as inflammation. The number of free radicals increases with age, environmental pollution, poor diet and smoking.
Lycopene is a strong antioxidant that can effectively quench singlet oxygen and scavenge peroxidative free radicals, prevent lipid peroxidation, and protect biological membranes from free radical damage. Research shows that the antioxidant capacity of lycopene is 3.2 times that of carotene and 100 times that of vitamin E. Lycopene has a very strong ability to protect human lymphocytes from cell membrane damage or cell death caused by nitric oxide, and its effect in scavenging oxygen free radicals is also more powerful than β-carotene. Since peroxidative damage to body cells is one of the main causes of human aging, lycopene can delay aging and beautify and remove wrinkles to a certain extent.
lycopene Radiation resistant
When ultraviolet rays irradiate the skin, the lycopene in the skin is destroyed first. The lycopene in the skin that has been irradiated by ultraviolet rays is reduced by 31% to 46% compared to the skin that has not been irradiated. Researchers supplemented 5 of 10 healthy volunteers with 28 mg of beta-carotene per day, and the other 5 with 2 mg of lycopene per day. As a result, the area of ultraviolet-induced erythema in the group taking lycopene was reduced after 2 months. , the degree is reduced. Therefore, lycopene supplementation may reduce peroxidative damage to the skin caused by ultraviolet rays. In addition, lycopene can effectively prevent external ultraviolet radiation from damaging the skin by quenching free radicals in the human body, and can promote the combination of collagen and elastin in the blood, making the skin more elastic.
lycopene Care for the heart
Lycopene can reduce serum cholesterol levels and anticoagulant. Because cholesterol can form fatty deposits in blood vessels, which can form clots and lead to heart attacks. One analysis found that respondents who consumed more than 25 mg of lycopene per day had a 10% reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.Epidemiological studies have shown that people who regularly consume tomatoes or tomato products have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
lycopene Care for eyes
Lycopene has a significant effect in preventing or delaying cataracts & fundus macular degeneration. In the control group with added lycopene, mature cataracts occurred in only 35% of the lycopene group, compared with 100% of the control group.
lycopene Care for the brain
Without the brain, life would not be possible at all. In observational animal studies, lycopene has been shown to be neuroprotective, reducing oxidative stress, inhibiting the production of inflammatory cytokines, and slowing the accumulation of damaging plaque.
lycopene Improve bone health
Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are linked to strong bones. Additionally, fruits and vegetables provide plenty of healthy vitamins and minerals. Studies of men and women show that those who consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day have a reduced risk of fractures and higher bone density.
lycopene Improve skin
Cancer researchers in the U.S. studied mice exposed to UVB light to measure tumor development in mice on a standard diet and a diet that included tomatoes. Mice fed tomatoes showed lower tumor incidence in male mice. This suggests that lycopene may have some protective effects on skin health.
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