The effect of astaxanthin

The effect of astaxanthin

What is astaxanthin?

 Astaxanthin/Astaxanthin is a green-orange carotenoid (similar in structure to beta-carotene and lycopene), which is an important component of microalgae under stressful conditions (such as strong light, high salinity, and high carbon-nitrogen ratio). and low nutrient utilization), which have a protective effect on itself (especially Chlorococcus pluvialis has the highest production volume)

Since astaxanthin contains two oxygen-containing groups in each ring structure, it has strong antioxidant ability. Other sources of astaxanthin include bacteria and yeast.

 Some marine or terrestrial organisms feed on microalgae, such as shrimps, crabs, trout, krill, blue cranes, quail and salmon, so the accumulation in their tissues shows a bright greenish-orange color.

 The antioxidant capacity of astaxanthin is 54 times that of beta-carotene, 14 times that of vitamin E, and 65 times that of vitamin C.Note 8: It is one of the few ingredients that can enter the blood-brain barrier and cross both sides of the cell membrane, providing the most complete antioxidant effect from the inside out.

Since the human body cannot naturally synthesize astaxanthin, its intake depends on foods consumed in the diet, such as salmon, shrimp and crab.

What are the proven effects of astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin helps cognitive function

 As we get older, occasional forgetfulness and slower reactions are normal phenomena of aging. For example, forgetting where you put your keys or whether the door is locked. Usually this is not a big problem. If you start to worry about your forgetfulness, it is still a good thing. Because of the true symptoms of dementia, one does not feel that one is forgetful.

 In the following two studies, it was found that taking astaxanthin is beneficial to the overall brain and improves cognitive function in the elderly:

 In the first study, it was found that taking astaxanthin (12 mg daily for 6 weeks) helped reduce reaction time on “divided attention tasks” (the ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time). In the same study, all cognitive function indexes improved after 12 weeks, with working memory being the most significant.  [source]

 The second study (conducted on 96 elderly subjects with forgetful characteristics, using computer card testing) found that working memory and delayed memory were significantly improved after 12 weeks (compared to the placebo group)

Astaxanthin good for eye health

 The prevalence of 3C electronic products has made the eyes the most overworked organ in the body. Due to excessive addiction, the time used to immerse in reading and enjoying beautiful scenery has been greatly reduced.

 Due to overuse of the eyes, ophthalmology has suddenly become a popular industry, with an endless stream of patients. If it is simply fatigue or dry eyes, you can still apply some drops, but what is worrying is serious eye diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma, which makes people have to be cautious. fear.

 Astaxanthin has a similar structure to lutein and zeaxanthin (both belong to the carotenoid family), has excellent antioxidant capacity, and bioaccumulates in eye tissue, so it is helpful for eye health.

 In a small study, it was found that astaxanthin (12 mg daily for four weeks) can help increase blood flow in the choroidal lining of the eye and improve eye circulation.  [source]

 Another study pointed out that for cataracts, the most common eye disease in the elderly, astaxanthin can reduce the oxidative stress in the eyes, especially the aqueous humor (source), and may help reduce the formation of cataracts (passed High oxidative stress is thought to be the main cause of cataract formation)

Astaxanthin lower blood lipids

 Hyperlipidemia is mostly caused by improper diet and lifestyle and is a known major cause of cardiovascular disease. According to the World Health Organization, more than 50% of ischemic heart disease cases are related to related to it.

 In vitro studies have found that astaxanthin can regulate PPAR-α receptors and reduce cellular lipid accumulation, so it may have the effect of regulating blood lipids.  [source]

 However, a systematic literature review and meta-analysis (meta-analysis, including 7 randomized controlled trials with a total of 280 participants) pointed out that astaxanthin supplementation has no significant improvement effect on related blood lipid indexes (cholesterol or triglycerides) (Except for a slight improvement in blood sugar).  [source]

 Astaxanthin does not have significant blood lipid-lowering effect, but considering the insufficiency and heterogeneity (population composition, quality) of the included studies, further confirmation is needed.

Astaxanthin regulate immune function

 Why do some people easily catch colds while others live in the same environment? The difference lies in immunity.

 The immune system is an important weapon for humans to resist bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Unfortunately, it gradually weakens with age. However, the advantage is that it can be strengthened and regulated through external methods.

 A double-blind controlled study (8 weeks, 14 women) showed that oral astaxanthin can help improve immune response, reduce DNA oxidative damage and some inflammatory indicators.

Astaxanthin improve skin aging problems

 There are a dazzling array of skin care products on the market. Often, a small bottle contains a variety of ingredients, claiming that one bottle can improve more than dozens of skin problems (whether it is sun protection, moisturizing, moisturizing, or concealing), so it has attracted many Attention of beauty-loving women.

 Even if they claim to be natural skin care products, preservatives and fragrances will be added to some extent to maintain stable quality. However, excessive application can easily cause skin allergies and inflammation.

Different from general skin care products, astaxanthin can penetrate into all layers of the skin (dermis, stratum corneum, and epidermis) from the inside out, providing the most comprehensive antioxidant protection.

 It was mentioned in several studies (on 30 women and 36 men) that astaxanthin, whether taken orally (6 mg daily for 8 weeks) or applied topically, can improve facial skin condition, including wrinkles (especially wrinkles) It is crow’s feet), light spots, elasticity, skin texture, and moisture content of the stratum corneum.

Astaxanthin benefit sports performance and reduce muscle damage

 Everyone knows the benefits of exercise to improve health, but inappropriate exercise is worse than no exercise at all. As for inappropriate exercise, it refers to those who have no exercise habit at ordinary times, but go to the gym or mountain during holidays. Studies have shown that this The form of exercise actually increases the risk of injury or sudden death.

 In one study, it was found that astaxanthin (4 mg daily for 28 days) can help improve performance in cycling competitions. In addition to improving timing (an improvement of up to 121 seconds, equivalent to 5%), it can also increase overall Power output (increase up to 20W, equivalent to 15%).  [source]

 Another double-blind controlled study on football players also pointed out that astaxanthin (4mg daily for 90 days) can reduce indices related to muscle fiber damage after intense training, including creatine kinase, aspartate Acid aminotransferase (aspartate aminotransferase).

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