The adaptable population of spirulina can rest assured to eat after reading

Spirulina powder benefits for women

Spirulina (scientific name: Spirulina) is a class of lower organisms, prokaryotes, composed of single cells or multi-cell filaments, body length 200-500μm, width 5-10μm, cylindrical, loose or tight regular spiral bending, shaped like clockwork, so named. It has the effect of alleviating the toxic and side effects of cancer radiotherapy and chemotherapy, improving immune function and reducing blood lipids. Suitable for: cardiovascular disease patients

spirulina powder Benefits:

① Spirulina can reduce the amount of cholesterol contained in the human body, reduce the symptoms of hypertension (heart disease), and reduce the incidence of disease;

② Gamma-linolenic acid in spirulina can reduce blood cholesterol concentration, reduce blood lipids, blood pressure, reduce blood viscosity, maintain vascular elasticity, thereby preventing arteriosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.

Warm reminder: Especially now winter is the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular season, taking spiral tablets can achieve better protection.

Suitable for: teenagers

Teenagers are in the puberty period, more schoolwork, more exercise. Therefore, it can be used to supplement spirulina tablets to improve recessive malnutrition, stunting, and even vision loss caused by large nutrient consumption and unreasonable dietary nutrition.

3. Suitable for: partial food children

Taking benefits: Spirulina is rich in minerals and trace elements, which can gradually correct the bad habits of children’s partial diet and effectively prevent nutritional anemia.

4. Suitable for: white-collar workers


Modern fast pace of life, social interaction, unbalanced diet, many white-collar workers always feel tired and sleepy, resistance decline, spirulina can quickly supplement the human body needs nutrients, anti-fatigue, anti-hypoxia, often take more can improve human immunity, make people energetic.

5. Suitable for: people who lose weight

Taking benefits: weight loss people are prone to nutritional imbalance, insufficient protein intake will lead to skin relaxation, spirulina nutrient rich, appropriate supplement can reduce calorie intake, in order to achieve weight loss purposes.

6. Applicable to all women

“Women are happy for their own appearance”, taking spirulina can prevent rough skin, soft skin, remove color spots, adjust autonomic nerve disorders, acne, melasma, and maintain skin physiological elasticity and youthful color.

7. Applicable group: pregnant and lactating women

Taking benefits: Spirulina is rich in iron and easy to absorb, which can provide rich nutrition for pregnant and lactating women and increase the amount of milk for lactating women to ensure the good development of fetuses or infants.

8. Suitable for: middle-aged and elderly people


① A variety of antioxidant substances (such as vitamin E, beta-carotene, γ-linolenic acid and superoxide dismutase) contained in spirulina can remove free radicals and delay cell aging.

② Spirulina is rich in iron, calcium and other elements, which can be easily absorbed, and can help prevent and treat common lumbar and leg pain, osteoporosis, anemia, hypertension and arteriosclerosis in the elderly.

9. Suitable for: diabetic patients

Taking benefits: Spirulina has the effect of alleviating diabetes, contains rich vegetable protein, contains nutrients (such as vitamin B1 can improve sugar metabolism, vitamin B6, magnesium and gamma-linolenic acid), help promote the recovery of insulin secretion, blood sugar value decline.

Expanding knowledge – The efficacy of Spirulina

Liver protection

Spirulina has a good effect of protecting liver and detoxifying, repairing liver tissue damage, and can effectively prevent fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Kidney protection

Many heavy metals and drugs remaining in food will be toxic to the kidneys, and a large amount of chlorophyll in spirulina can purify the blood, accelerate the excretion of mercury and drugs and other metabolic wastes, and play a role in protecting the kidneys.

Improve intestinal health

Patients with stomach problems generally have too much stomach acid, resulting in gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. Spirulina is rich in nutrients, can promote the repair and regeneration of digestive tract epithelial cells, and promote its normal secretion function. Spirulina can enhance intestinal peristalsis and effectively relieve or eliminate habitual constipation.

Adjuvant treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Spirulina can improve human immunity, and the gamma-linolenic acid it contains can assist in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Boost metabolism

Spirulina contains abundant phycocyanin, active polysaccharide, peroxide dismutase and other active substances, which can improve human immunity and promote metabolism.


Spirulina is rich in iron and chlorophyll, which can help treat anemia.

Enhance one’s vision

Accelerate wound healing, shorten recovery time, for insomnia, emotional depression has curative effect.

Note: Spirulina knowledge popularization, can not replace drug treatment.

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