Транексамовая кислота производитель Транексамовая кислота поставщик Транексамовая кислота завод бесплатный образец

The whitening mechanism of Tranexamic acid is that it can directly penetrate the stratum corneum, inhibit the activity of melanocytes, and prevent melanin accumulation. In addition, Tranexamic acid can also stimulate the immune system in the body, promote the production of white blood cells, and improve human immunity. In clinical practice, Tranexamic acid can be used as an auxiliary drug for the treatment of melasma, freckles and other diseases.

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Tranexamic acid Introduction

Tranexamic acid (also known as tranexamic acid) is a synthetic amino acid, soluble in water, belongs to the protease inhibitor. Other names include hemostasis, hemostatic cyclic acid, thrombin acid, etc., which belong to the category of fibrinolytic inhibition. By reversibly blocking the lysine binding site on the fibrinogen molecule, the plasminogen cannot be converted into fibrinolytic enzyme, thus effectively inhibiting fibrinolysis. It can directly hinder the activation of melanocytes, improve the active state of the active factor group of dark spots, prevent and improve skin pigmentation.



Tranexamic acid principle of action

By inhibiting the activity of rosinase, the synthesis and precipitation of melanin were reduced. Melanin is the pigment in the skin, and tyrosinase is an important enzyme in the synthesis of melanin. By inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, Tranexamic acid can reduce the production of melanin, thereby reducing skin pigmentation and stain formation. At the same time, Tranexamic acid can also promote cell renewal, enhance skin barrier function, improve the skin’s moisturizing ability and self-repair ability, so as to achieve whitening, fading spots, brightening skin tone, enhancing skin elasticity and gloss.


Tranexamic acid advantages

Good stability: Chuanming acid has high stability, acid and alkali resistance, and is not easily affected by temperature environment. No need for carrier protection, not affected by the transmission system damage, no stimulation characteristics.

Easy absorption by the skin system: Tranexamic acid can directly hinder the activation of melanocytes and improve the active state of melanin. Its mild, non-irritating nature is particularly suitable for lightening spots, whitening and balancing the overall skin color. In addition to spot fading, Tranexamic acid can also improve the transparency of the overall skin tone and the dullness of local skin patches, so that the skin has a “white inside the red” whitening effect.

Fade dark spots, yellow freckles, acne marks, etc. : Tranexamic acid has an excellent effect on inhibiting melanin formation, preventing dark spots, freckles, and liver spots.

Safety: no irritation to the skin, Tranexamic acid is a whitening ingredient that has been patented on the maintenance products. Many years of clinical studies have proved that Tranexamic acid can quickly whiten and fade spots, leaving skin with a perfect skin quality of white, soft, bright and translucent.


The skin care effect of Tranexamic acid

Whitening spots

The whitening mechanism of Tranexamic acid is that it can directly penetrate the stratum corneum, inhibit the activity of melanocytes, and prevent melanin accumulation. In addition, Tranexamic acid can also stimulate the immune system in the body, promote the production of white blood cells, and improve human immunity. In clinical practice, Tranexamic acid can be used as an auxiliary drug for the treatment of melasma, freckles and other diseases.


Tranexamic acid has antioxidant properties that can mop up free radicals and slow down skin aging. Free radicals are one of the main causes of skin aging, and transom acid can bind to free radicals, making them inactive, thereby slowing down the skin aging process.

Moisturizing effect

Tranexamic acid also has a moisturizing effect, which increases the moisture content of the skin and makes the skin softer and smoother. At the same time, moisturizing can also promote the absorption of other nutrients in the skin, improving the overall health of the skin.

Repair damaged skin

Tranexamic acid can promote the regeneration and repair of skin cells, and has a good repair effect on damaged skin. For skin damage caused by ultraviolet light, environmental pollution and other factors, Tranexamic acid can accelerate the skin repair process and restore the skin to health.


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