Acer Truncatum экстракт нервной кислоты поставщиков Acer Truncatum экстракт нервной кислоты производителей Acer Truncatum экстракт нервной кислоты завод свободный образец

Acer Truncatum Extract Nervonic acid is recognized by scientists from various countries as the world’s first and only dual-effect miraculous substance that can repair and unblock damaged nerve pathways in the brain – nerve fibers, and promote the regeneration of nerve cells.

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Description of Acer Truncatum Extract Nervous Acid

Acer Truncatum Extract Nervonic acid is recognized by scientists from various countries as the world’s first and only dual-effect miraculous substance that can repair and unblock damaged nerve pathways in the brain – nerve fibers, and promote the regeneration of nerve cells.

The English name of nervonic acid: Nervonic Acid, the scientific name is Cis-15-Tatracosanic Acid, and its alias: Salacholaic Acid, is a monounsaturated fatty acid. Because it was discovered early in the nervous tissue of mammals, it was named nervonic acid.

Название продукта Экстракт Acer Truncatum Нервоновая кислота
CAS No 506-37-6
Латинское название Acer truncatum Bunge
Внешний вид белый порошок
Технические характеристики 98%
Pakage 1 кг/мешок, 25 кг/барабан
Хранение Влагонепроницаемая крыша и избегайте светлого, закрытого хранения.
Метод испытания ВЭЖХ

Benefits of Acer Truncatum Extract Nervous Acid

Acer Truncatum Extract Nervonic acid can significantly reduce blood lipids, reduce blood viscosity, inhibit platelet cohesion, and increase high-density lipoprotein. Nervonic acid is a core natural component of nerve fibers and nerve cells in the brain. The lack of nervonic acid will cause brain diseases such as stroke sequelae, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, brain atrophy, memory loss, insomnia and forgetfulness.

Acer Truncatum Extract Nervous acid can completely penetrate the blood-brain barrier, directly act on nerve fibers to repair and unblock; regenerate damaged and shed protective sheaths, dissolve necrotic tissue blocking channels, induce the self-growth and division of nerve fibers; make nerve cells The generated information and external information can be smoothly transmitted through nerve fibers; to achieve unobstructed instructions, activate damaged, diseased and dormant nerve cells, reshape the neural network; restore the patient’s language, memory, feeling, limbs, etc. Partial or full function to achieve complete recovery from encephalopathy.


The effect of Acer Truncatum Extract Nervonic acid

Promote Brain Development and Improve Memory

Acer Truncatum Extract Nervonic acid is an essential nutrient for brain development and maintenance of function. It plays a great role in increasing the activity of cranial nerves and preventing the aging of cranial nerves. Brain nerve cells play a very important role in information transmission and information processing. Nervonic acid is one of the important components of the brain nerve cell membrane. By ingesting a small amount of nervonic acid every day, the function of the brain cell membrane is enhanced and the information in the brain is enhanced. Connection, transmission and processing, enhancing the body’s memory function and promoting recovery from brain fatigue.

Задержка старения

Human aging often begins with the aging of the brain, which will cause the decline of other functions. After the elderly consume nervonic acid, the white matter of the brain is replenished in time, which improves the vitality of brain cells and helps enhance the human body’s vitality. In order to achieve the purpose of delaying aging of the human body.

Lower Blood Sugar and Lipids

As a long-chain fatty acid, nervonic acid works synergistically by promoting the normal metabolism of ∞-3 series and ∞-6 series of essential fatty acids in the human body. It can quickly reduce low-density lipoprotein in the blood, increase high-density lipoprotein, reduce total cholesterol content in the serum, reduce blood viscosity, and inhibit platelet aggregation; it can promote the secretion of insulin by beta cells in the pancreatic islets and prevent diabetes; research shows that nervonic acid can Improve blood microcirculation, have obvious effects on hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and other diseases.

In addition, according to the latest research, since nervonic acid is the only substance that can repair myelin sheaths, many effects that cannot be achieved by drugs can be compensated and repaired by nervonic acid, such as insomnia, forgetfulness, etc. , problems such as difficulty concentrating, are often related to the shedding of nerve myelin, and nervonic acid can repair it.


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