История порошка спирулины


Спирулина is an ancient photosynthetic organism on the earth, belongs to cyanobacteria, is cyan green, observed under the microscope shape spiral, so the name spirulina. Spirulina has been on the earth for 3.5 billion years and is a living fossil.

Discovery and research of спирулина powder

In 1940, a French doctor in the Sahara Desert of Africa on the shores of Lake Chad, found that some primitive tribe people generally longevity, health and strong, the reason for these tribes have eaten these algae since ancient times, so he took the lead in the spirulina into the laboratory, and immediately caused great concern of the world’s researchers. After entering the 1960s, the research intensified, and people began to develop and use this magical thing.

Although спирулина is not a drug, the experimental results of medical authorities and scientists in many countries have proved that spirulina has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the following diseases without any side effects, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stomach disease, liver disease, kidney disease, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, cancer and AIDS. Spirulina can also enhance vision, treat constipation, maintain teeth, skin and hair, accelerate wound healing, in addition to insomnia, schizophrenia, etc., also has a certain effect.

The magical effect of spirulina has been widely valued by all walks of life, and it was soon called “the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, UNESCO, and the World Health Organization” and “the best health care product for human beings in the 21st century”. In the early 1980s, the US Space Agency listed spirulina as space food for astronauts. Athletes in many countries use it to supplement excessive energy consumption, and people in some developed countries use it to supplement daily nutrition and prevent and treat various diseases. At present, more and more people are enjoying this super nutrient.

Magical spirulina on the growth environment is also harsh requirements, it can only live in tropical alkaline lakes, thousands of lakes on the earth, but only three suitable for its growth: Mexico’s Take Coco Lake, Africa’s Lake Chad, China’s Yunnan Province Chenghai Lake.

Nutritional value of спирулина

A large number of research data show that spirulina has a high nutritional value, India’s Central Food Research Institute report that the nutritional value of a gram of spirulina is equivalent to a kilogram of various vegetables and fruits nutritional value of the sum. It is the most complete, comprehensive and balanced food in the known food.

Spirulina is the king of protein, in every 100 grams of spirulina, the protein content is 55 grams – 70 grams, 10 times that of rice, 18 times that of milk, and does not contain cholesterol. Proteins are the components of all cells, which participate in the formation of the human body, regulate various physiological activities, transport gas, and complete a series of important physiological functions such as growth, reproduction, heredity, and defense. Amino acids are the basic units of protein molecules, spirulina is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids, of which 8 kinds of essential amino acids are available, and the content is higher than the standard stipulated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, such as leucine, per 100 grams of protein, the content of spirulina is 8.6 grams, while the standard stipulated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is 4.8 grams.

Vitamin is a nutrient necessary to maintain the normal life activities of the body and is a biologically active substance. When the body lacks vitamin, metabolic disorders may occur, affecting the normal physiological function of the human being, reducing the labor ability, reducing the resistance, and even causing disease. Spirulina is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, E, etc. The vitamin B12 content of spirulina contains 0.1mg – 0.25mg per 100 grams, which is 3 times the B12 content in pig liver. Vitamin B12 promotes cell development and maturation. Increase hemoglobin, improve pernicious anemia.

Спирулина contains beta-carotene, which is 20 times the content of fresh carrots, and is the crown of all foods. Carrots can be converted into vitamin A under certain conditions, which has the effect of improving the body’s immunity, protecting cells and preventing cancer.

Spirulina contains a unique phycocyanin, each 100 grams of spirulina content of 3.5-7 grams, phycocyanin can improve human immunity, enhance resistance to disease, prevention and treatment of cancer.

Spirulina contains rich unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids can promote fat metabolism, reduce blood lipids, regulate heart disease, hypertension, obesity and so on. The unsaturated fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid contained in spirulina is essential to the human body and cannot be synthesized by itself, and its content is 0.8-1.3g gamma-linolenic acid per 100 grams of spirulina, which is the highest content in all foods.

Spirulina contains a variety of minerals that are beneficial to the human body, of which iron and calcium are especially rich. Minerals are essential for maintaining normal physiological functions of the human body. Each 100 grams of spirulina contains 50 mg – 100 mg of iron, which is 12 times that of general food, and 100 mg – 400 mg of calcium, which is twice that of milk powder. Iron and calcium can effectively prevent iron deficiency anemia and rickets.

Спирулина contains extremely small amounts of trace elements. Although the content of trace elements in the human body is small, it participates in the specific activation of the enzyme system, participates in the role of hormones and vitamins, and also affects the metabolism of nucleic acids, and the lack or excessive of certain trace elements will affect health and cause disease. Spirulina is rich in chlorophyll, its content is 0.8-2 grams of chlorophyll per 100 grams of spirulina. Chlorophyll is the substance of plant photosynthesis and respiration, and its function is composed of substances containing magnesium, magnesium can promote human growth and development, hematopoietic, participate in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, maintain the normal reaction of muscles and nerves, and it is the activator of many metabolic enzymes in the body. Chlorophyll can also neutralize and eliminate toxins from the body, promote digestion, eliminate inflammation, and enhance resistance to disease.

Spirulina contains abundant polysaccharides and active enzymes such as superoxide dismutase. Enzymes are biocatalysts, which are necessary substances for the metabolism of organisms. The lack of them or their inhibition will cause metabolic disorders, leading to the occurrence of diseases. The biological active enzymes contained in spirulina can effectively prevent and cure hepatitis, diabetes, digestive tract ulcers and so on. The polysaccharide contained in spirulina is also different from the general plant food, which can quickly provide energy for the body without increasing the burden of the pancreas.

After the rich nutrients of spirulina are absorbed by the human body, it can enhance the body metabolism, restore the physiological functions of tissues and organs, enhance life vitality, improve immunity, regulate the balance of the body, and achieve the purpose of preventing and controlling diseases. Spirulina can improve malnutrition, help the healthy development of the human body, strengthen memory, eliminate foreign toxins, reduce blood lipids, soften blood vessels, strengthen viscera function, anti-aging.

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