Spirulina powder efficacy complete book

Влияние спирулины

Порошок спирулины , scientific name Spirulinaplatensis, is a blue filamentous substance that can only be observed under a microscope as filamentous spiral microalgae composed of many single cells. With the continuous development of modern medicine, the health care effect of spirulina is more and more well-known. So what are the effects of spirulina? Let’s take a look:

What nutrients does spirulina powder have?

Protein content is about 60%, while soy is 40%, milk powder is 13-22%, and lean meat is 16-22%.

Spirulina is rich in beta-carotene (vitamin A, which is 15 times more abundant than carrots, is the highest found in natural foods to date).

The content of tocopherol (vitamin E) is the highest in plants.

(Vitamin B12) is found in the highest levels in plants.

Phycocyanin (used to fight cancer) is the highest in plants at 17%.

SOD (superoxide dismutase) content reached 20,000 to 60,000 units.

Почему белок, содержащийся в спирулина высококачественный протеин?

High-quality protein is easy to be absorbed by the human body, and the absorption rate of spirulina is more than 85%.

The protein content in spirulina is high, up to 70%.

Белки состоят из различных аминокислот. Спирулина содержит 18 аминокислот. Среди них 8 аминокислот, которые необходимы человеческому организму, но не могут быть синтезированы самостоятельно (лизин, метионин, треонин, лейцин, изоаминокислота, валин, фенилаланин), в изобилии содержатся в спирулине.

The proportion of various amino acids in spirulina protein is very close to the proportion needed by the human body, and the utilization rate is high. Various enzymes and organs of the human body are very demanding on the proportion of various amino acids. If a certain amino acid is deficient. Other amino acids are not able to play their role and are lost. It is like a wooden barrel, which is composed of many wooden slats, and if one board is short, the function of the other boards is also limited.

What are the important roles of spirulina proteins in the human body?

The human body is made up of various cells. Protein is the main part of cell tissue, and life is the form of protein existence. Proteins maintain the growth, renewal and repair of cellular tissues, allowing life to continue.

Proteins are involved in many important physiological activities of the human body. The body has many proteins for special functions. Such as enzymes, regulatory proteins (immunoglobulins), antibodies, polypeptide hormones, etc. The contraction of muscles, the transport of substances, hemoglobin in the blood, and so on are all done by proteins, and these functions of proteins cannot be replaced by sugars and fats.

Protein provides energy for the body, each gram of protein can produce 4.1 kilocalories, and 18% of the energy of adults is supplied by protein.

What is the effect of β-carotene in spirulina on human health?

Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. β-carotene can promote the absorption and utilization of iron and improve the hemoglobin index.

Promotes calcium absorption and bone development. Bone development does not simply grow and lengthen, but bone cells do not

Disdifferentiation and synthesis into new shapes. Beta-carotene can maintain the balance of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Ensure normal bone growth.

Maintain retinal cell photosensitivity, enhance vision, prevent night blindness.

Maintain the skin and eye, respiratory tract, digestive tract, urethra and reproductive system of epithelial tissue integrity, sound, defense against bacteria, virus invasion.

Stimulate lymphocyte proliferation, protect T- cells, B- cells and phagocytes, prevent cancer, anti-cancer.

Anti-oxidation, improve immunity, anti-aging. Beta-carotene can prevent the oxidation of cell membrane and fat, prevent hyperlipidemia, prevent the aging of normal cells, improve immunity, and achieve the purpose of anti-aging.

What is tocopherol and what does it do?

В 1922 году американский ученый Иван обнаружил, что плодовитость самцов мышей снижается, а самки мышей склонны к абортам, и связано это было с недостатком жирорастворимого вещества. В 1938 году швейцарский химик Карла синтезировал это вещество и назвал его токоферолом, то есть витамином Е. Токоферол может способствовать выделению половых гормонов и увеличивать подвижность и количество мужских сперматозоидов. Повышает концентрацию женского эстрогена, улучшает фертильность, предотвращает аборты. Он также может предотвратить синдром менопаузы. Витамин Е также выполняет следующие функции:

Anti-oxidation. There are countless free radicals in the body, which can destroy cells and other tissues by robbing oxygen atoms from them. Vitamin E can stop their attack, which is called antioxidant. Antioxidant is an important aspect of disease prevention and treatment. It can improve human immunity, enhance disease resistance; Moisturize skin, remove stains, whiten skin; It can make old age spots pale.

Delay aging. American and British research institutions found in 1960 that vitamin E was added to human cells in vitro culture, and the cells divided for 120-140 generations before aging and dying. Cells without vitamin E last only 60 to 70 generations. Later, many experiments have confirmed this function of vitamin E.

What are the benefits of taking spirulina natural витамин?

Витамины являются незаменимыми питательными веществами для человеческого организма и входят в состав сотен ферментов и коферментов, которые играют важную роль в регулировании и контроле обмена веществ, антиоксидантов и многочисленных физиологических функций. Натуральные витамины сформировали хороший механизм всасывания, использования, метаболизма, выведения и устранения побочных эффектов, в то время как синтетические препараты, включающие витамины, далеки от этой степени. Спирулина богата различными витаминами и витаминами, скорость их усвоения высока, они безопасны и не вызывают побочных эффектов.

What is the function of spirulina polysaccharides?

It can enhance the proliferation of bone marrow cells, promote DNA repair and synthesis, have good anti-radiation function and reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and have obvious protective effect on ionizing radiation damage. It can increase the survival rate of mice subjected to radiation test by 63%, and has obvious inhibitory effect on transplantation and cancer cells in vivo.

The polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis can improve the non-specific cellular immune function of the body, and promote the humoral immune function of the body, and improve the ability of low-resistance bacteria and virus invasion.

It can promote the growth of immune organs such as thymus and spleen gland, promote the synthesis of immune serum protein, and eliminate the inhibitory effect of immunosuppressive agents on immune system.

spirulina powder поставщик: www.backvita.com
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