Solana: Module ‘”@solana/spl-token”‘ has no exported member ‘createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction’

Error: Module ‘@solana/spl-token’ has no exported member ‘createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction’

When working with Solana, it’s essential to understand the module structure and ensure that all necessary functions are declared as exports. In this article, we’ll explore why @solana/spl-token might not be exporting a specific function called createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction.


Solana: Module '

In your import statement, you’re using the following code:

import {




Notice that both TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID и ASSOCIATED_TOKEN PROGRAM ID are imported as TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID. This might seem correct at first glance, but in Solana development environment, these two properties should be exported from the @solana/spl-token module.

The Solution

To fix this issue, you need to add a specific property to the export section of the @solana/spl-token module. Specifically, you need to ensure that createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction is declared as an export.

Here’s what you can modify:

// @solana/spl-token module (as exported)


/ ... other exports ... /



In this modified code, CREATE_ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_ACCOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS is declared as an export with the correct property name and type.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure you have a working @solana/spl-token module by checking your project’s src/spl directory.

  • Verify that all necessary functions are exported from the @solana/spl-token module. If not, you may need to add additional imports or modify the @solana/spl-token module to match your specific requirements.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error and successfully use the createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction function in your TransactionService.ts file.

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