Ethereum: safely delete the blockchain from .bitcoin directory

Deleting the Ethereum Blockchain Directory: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are facing space issues with your Bitcoin wallet or need to clean up your system, deleting the Ethereum blockchain directory is a good option. In this article, we will explain how to safely delete the Ethereum blockchain from the .bitcoin directory and how to prevent it from recurring.

Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Directory Structure

Before we dive into deleting the directory, let’s take a look at the Ethereum blockchain directory structure:












Deleting the Blockchain Directory

To safely delete the Ethereum blockchain directory, follow these steps:

  • Back up your Bitcoin wallet

    : Before proceeding, make sure you have a backup of your Bitcoin wallet data. This will ensure that if something goes wrong during the deletion process, you can restore the data.

  • Identify the files you want to delete: You will need to identify the following files:
  • ./blocks/ (directory containing block data)
  • ./transactions/ (directory containing transaction data)
  • Используйте find command to find files: Use the find command to find files in the specified directories. For example, to find all .bin files in ./blocks/:


find ./blocks/ -type f -name “*.bin”

This will give you a list of file paths that have .bin extensions.

  • Delete files: Once you have the file paths, use the rm command to delete each file individually. Be careful when deleting files, as incorrect deletion can result in data loss or corruption:


rm ./blocks/./block0.bin

rm ./blocks/./block1.bin


  • Verify that the directory is empty: After deleting all files, run “ls” to verify that the directory is truly empty:


ls ./blocks/

ls ./transactions/

If you see any remaining files or directories, proceed with caution and delete them.

Preventing Reappearance

To prevent the Ethereum blockchain directory from appearing on your system:

  • Use a secure delete method: When deleting files, use a secure delete method, such as "dd" (delete) with the "-x" option to overwrite the disk:


dd bs=4096 count=-1 if=/dev/null of=./blocks/ blocks.bin conv=notrunc

  • Clear the system cache: By clearing the system cache, you can prevent other programs or processes from recreating the Ethereum blockchain directory.
  • Set permissions to 000

    Ethereum: safely delete the blockchain from .bitcoin directory

    : Set the file permissions to 000 to ensure that no other users or programs have access to the deleted files.

By following these steps and using secure delete methods, you should be able to safely delete the Ethereum blockchain directory from your .bitcoin directory.