Эффективность и функции китайской травы Epimedium


According to legend, there was a single man in the prime of life named Wei Wu in the Changbai Mountains. His parents died early, and he lived by herding sheep for his employer. He went out early and came back late every day, driving more than 40 sheep for more than 100 miles, it was very hard and tired.

When approaching the age of knowing destiny, the master also saw his kindness and willingness to work, he betrothed the widowed maid at home to him as his wife. Naturally, Wei Wu was very happy, and he was particularly energetic when he put out the sheep.

Who knows because he has been in and out of the mountains all year round, sitting down on the trees, lying on the grass, accumulated indescribable diseases. And his wife is in the prime of life, vigorous, between the bed, Wei Wu often fall in the wind, always frustrated. After a long time, the daughter-in-law will inevitably scold a few words: you are called Wei Wu, the original is just a silver wax gun head. This Wei Wu was scolded by his daughter-in-law is also ashamed, and often sighed silently.

That day, he sat on the grass and watched the sheep graze. See the old sheep in the flock constantly chasing the ewes. I can’t help thinking, this old sheep is better than me! Looking at it, he suddenly remembered: every time after mating with the ewes for many times, the husband sheep always left the herd to eat some grass at a distance, and after coming back, he kept chasing the ewes. This time he was keen and determined to find out.

He followed the old sheep and saw it nibbling on some unknown grass among the bushes at the edge of the forest. This kind of grass leaves green, like apricot leaves, a root with three branches of nine leaves, as high as one or two feet. After eating for a while, the old sheep seemed to recover their strength and ran back alive and vigorous.

This Wei Wu is also a sophisticated person, he picked a bunch of home, let his daughter-in-law cook for him, soak in water and eat and drink, gradually he felt that this grass is very useful, the body restored the original vitality. His wife also naturally alone often go up the mountain to collect this grass for him to nourish.

One day, his daughter-in-law went home and quietly told Wei Wu that the wife of the owner often complained that the owner did not act. Wei Wu let daughter-in-law also help his wife to eat this kind of grass. Day by day, Wei Wu forgot about it.

Suddenly one day, the employer quietly called Wei Wu aside and asked, “How did you know there was such grass?” Wei Wu told his club exactly what happened. Since then, the people of the village have gradually learned about the magical effects of this grass. Because it has no name, people call it “three branches of nine-leaved grass”.

This kind of grass is now the rare medicinal plant Epimedium in the Changbai Mountains. Wei Wu’s discovery really left a very precious taste of strong herbs for later generations!

Epimedium is the root and stem of Berberaceae plant Epimedium. It is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with excellent efficacy. It is mostly harvested in summer and autumn, and it can be washed and dried after collection. The medicinal effect of this Chinese herbal medicine is very excellent, and I will take you to understand the specific effect and effect of epimedium root, and also write out its eating method to share with you.

Экстракт эпимедиума икариин

Source: Whole plant of Berberis epimedium and Epimedium Sagittarius or Epimedium heart. Also known as the fairy spirit spleen

Sex taste: Xin, sweet, warm

Gong effect tonifying kidney and strengthening Yang, dispelling wind and dehumidifying

Usage and dosage: For internal use: decoction, 10~ 15g; It can also be soaked in wine, decocted paste or into pills and powder.

Efficacy of cancer treatment: “Scrofula, carbuncular; sores in the lower part, washing, worm.” “Medical Man” said: “tonification of kidney deficiency, helping Yang. Treatment of wind paralysis of hands and feet, skin inhumanity of limbs.” Clinical commonly used to treat lung cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, leukemia, pituitary tumors: such as kidney Yang deficiency, rheumatism block patients

Treating lung cancer

30 grams each of Herba fulmedium, Xianmao, Wang Jiuhang, 120 grams of aconitum (decocting for 4 hours first), 20 grams each of psoralea and Trichosanthes Trichosanthes, 15 grams each of yellow essence, yam, cloud Poria, white art, Zedoary, Astragalus, 12 grams each of pinellia and almond. Decoction with water, 1 dose daily. Anti-tumor: The Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Cancer

Treating colorectal cancer

Epimedium, honeysuckle vine, dandelion, pulsatilla 30 grams each, fairy grass 20 grams. Take water decoction 3 times, 1 dose daily. Anti-tumor: The Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Cancer

For bladder cancer

Horny medium, cuscuta seed, Eucommia, seaweed, oyster, peach kernel, Tuckahoe, white borax, salvia miltiorrhiza 60g each, Phellodendron phellodendron 30g each, turtle shell 180g each, prunus prunus 90g each, dried blood 45g, amber (ground) 15g, green salt 10g, pig intestines 4, honey 750g. Apply 1 TBSP, 4 times a day. (” Anti-tumor: The Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Cancer “)

Treatment of leukemia

6 grams of epimedium, 7 grams of salvia miltiorrhiza, 5 grams of xanthoides, 10 grams each of honeysuckle, asparagus, scutellaria, dandelion, Fructus purpurea, Cauligretti and cuscuta. Boil 100 ml of water, 25 ml each time, twice a day. “Anti-tumor: The Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Cancer”)

Treating pituitary tumor

30 grams of epimedium, 5 grams each of Chuanxiong and grilled centipede, 15 grams each of Wolfberry, Salviae thinesbeckiae, 9 grams each of angelica, Pontiosa, grilled Polygonia, safflower, peach kernel and pinellia, 24 grams of Radix pseudostellariae. Decoction with water, 1 dose daily. (” Anti-tumor: The Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Cancer “)

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