β- 카로틴 공급 업체 β- 카로틴 제조업체 β- 카로틴 공장 무료 샘플

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant with detoxification effect. It is an indispensable nutrient for maintaining human health.

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β-Carotene Description

Beta-carotene is one of the carotenoids and an orange-yellow fat-soluble compound. It is the most ubiquitous and stable natural pigment in nature. Many natural foods, such as green vegetables, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, papaya, mango, etc., are rich in β-carotene.

제품 이름 β-카로틴
CAS 번호 7235-40-7
라틴어 이름 Blakeseleatrispora
모양 Red purple to dark red crystalline powder
사양  ≥93%
패키지 1kg/가방, 25kg/드럼
스토리지 Moisture-roof and avoid light, sealed storage
테스트 방법 HPLC

β-Carotene Benefits

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant with detoxification effect. It is an indispensable nutrient for maintaining human health. It has significant functions in anti-cancer, preventing cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and antioxidants, and further prevents aging and aging-related diseases. of various degenerative diseases.

Beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A after entering the human body, and there will be no accumulation of vitamin A poisoning due to excessive intake. In addition, it also has a good effect in promoting the fertility and growth of animals.

Natural β-carotene is known as the essence of nature. It is found in carrots and can be converted into vitamin A after being ingested into the human digestive system. It is currently the safest product to supplement vitamin A. If a person simply supplements chemically synthesized vitamin A, it is easy to cause poisoning. Natural carrots are not only non-toxic, but also have the effect of scavenging free radicals and quenching singlet oxygen, resisting lipid peroxidation, and reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases.


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