뽕나무 잎 추출물 엽록소 공급 업체 뽕나무 잎 추출물 엽록소 제조업체 뽕나무 잎 추출물 엽록소 공장 무료 샘플

Mulberry Leaf Extract Chlorophyll is a substance found in green plants. It is rich in a variety of natural minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins and other essential nutrients for the body.
Structurally similar to hemoglobin (Heme) chlorophyll Hemoglobin stimulates the construction of the protein globin which is a component of red blood cells.As a free radical scavenger, it acts indirectly on mutagens or active groups that prevent changes caused by mutagens.

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뽕나무 잎 추출물 클로로필

Chlorophyll is a substance found in green plants. It is rich in a variety of natural minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins and other essential nutrients for the body.
Structurally similar to hemoglobin (Heme) chlorophyll Hemoglobin stimulates the construction of the protein globin which is a component of red blood cells.
As a free radical scavenger, it acts indirectly on mutagens or active groups that prevent changes caused by mutagens.

제품 이름 뽕나무 잎 추출물 클로로필
CAS 번호 11006-34-1
라틴어 이름 folium Mori
모양 녹색 분말
사양 95%
패키지 1kg/가방, 25kg/드럼
스토리지 습기를 차단하고 빛이 닿지 않는 밀폐된 곳에 보관하세요.
테스트 방법 HPLC /ELSD

Mulberry Leaf Extract Chlorophyll  Benefits

Green blood

Chlorophyll is known as “green blood” and can increase the quality and quantity of red blood cells in the human body.
The reason is that the molecular structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of heme in the human body. The only difference is the atom in the center. The chlorophyll has a magnesium ion and the heme has an iron ion. The formation of biconcave disc-shaped red blood cells that carry oxygen requires the participation of heme. Supplementing heme can help avoid anemia and increase oxygen content in the body.Therefore, by consuming foods rich in chlorophyll and iron, the “magnesium” in the center of the chlorophyll atom will be replaced by “iron”, making it easier for chlorophyll to be converted into hemoglobin in the body than other nutrients, and at the same time increasing the oxygen carrying capacity.

Internal scavenger

Chlorophyll can bind to and eliminate toxic heavy metals such as mercury from the body, helping the body fight bacteria and inhibit the formation of new bacteria. There are also literatures mentioning that chlorophyll can help the intestines maintain the function of the digestive tract, change the bacterial ecology, and smooth defecation.

Domestic medical research shows that chlorophyll can neutralize toxins accumulated in the body such as preservatives, additives and flavors contained in various junk foods, remove toxins from pesticides and drug residues, and can combine with radioactive substances to It is excreted from the body and plays a role in purifying the blood.

Cancer prevention assistant

Chlorophyll can bind to carcinogenic molecules, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced due to incomplete combustion of dyes, heterocyclic amines contained in grilled foods, and aflatoxins produced in moldy foods. Chlorophyll can combine with these carcinogens to form substances that are not easily absorbed by the human body and are excreted with the feces.Therefore, it can play a certain preventive role in cancer.


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>>>  우리의 목표는 고객에게 집중하고, 프로세스 전반에 걸쳐 걱정 없는 서비스를 제공하며, 더 나은 성과와 성공을 달성할 수 있도록 돕는 것입니다.

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