스피룰리나 플라텐시스의 다당류가 운동 피로 완화에 미치는 메커니즘

여성을 위한 스피룰리나 분말의 장점

Spirulina has strong anti-radiation effect and hematopoietic recovery ability

Based on the current technical environment, in the medical, chemical and other fields, the application of radiation is more and more extensive, and the probability of individuals being affected by radiation in the environment is also increasing. Sprinters’ body functions need to be kept in a healthy and stable state. Under the influence of radiation, body functions may be damaged, and they should resist the infringement by ingesting an appropriate amount of anti-radiation substances. Spirulina polysaccharide itself has strong resistance to various ionizing radiation and ultraviolet rays. Studies have shown that spirulina polysaccharide can significantly reduce the nuclear cell rate before and after Co-Y irradiation of faba root tip cells, and has certain commonality with DNA repair function.

It can reduce the number of chromosome aberrations and increase the number of chromosome Bridges and rings. At the same time, through the endonuclease test, it was found that polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis can play a certain protective role against the damage caused by radiation and delay the saturation of DNA damage repair reaction. Some scholars found in mouse experiments that by injecting spirulina polysaccharides, the proliferation rate of hematopoietic tissue cells and pluripotent stem cells in mice was significantly increased, the recovery of hematopoietic ability of irradiated mice was accelerated, and the number of bone marrow cells was also significantly increased.

Therefore, polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis has a positive promoting effect on relieving the fatigue of sprinters, and can help sprinters who have experienced excessive intensity exercise quickly recover their physical fitness, so as to maintain a good state of exercise.

Speed up the body’s sugar metabolism and remove lactic acid buildup in the body

Excessive accumulation of free radicals in the body is one of the main causes of exercise fatigue. After the lipid peroxy reaction with unsaturated fatty acids in the body, the normal antioxidant protection system of the body is damaged to a certain extent, and the activity of glutathione peroxidase and other substances is decreased, the skin’s resilience is weakened, and the incidence of muscle fatigue is therefore increased.

Polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis can correct the disorder of glucose metabolism, reduce the content of malondialdehyde in body, reduce the production of lipid peroxide in brain, and increase the activity of superoxide dismutase in plasma.

At the same time, spirulina polysaccharides also help to remove excessive lactic acid accumulation in the body, so as to achieve the effect of relieving fatigue. From the perspective of the elimination principle of lactic acid, it is mainly through the catalytic action of lactic acid deoxyase in the body to reduce the blood lactic acid level after exercise, reduce the formation of serum urea nitrogen, improve the glycogen and muscle glycogen reserve capacity, and thus achieve the purpose of improving exercise endurance and extending exercise time. For sprinters, the maintenance of athletic ability and state is very important. Using the anti-fatigue effect of Spirulina platensis polysaccharide can not only effectively prolong the exhaustion time, but also help to quickly restore the original state after exhaustion, and resist the damage caused by free radicals to muscle cell membrane.

Speed up the body’s sugar metabolism and remove lactic acid buildup in the body

For sprinters, adding polysaccharide of spirulina platensis can lower blood sugar and blood lipids and enhance the antioxidant capacity of the body, which has a positive effect on alleviating exercise fatigue. The results of relevant studies showed that after the injection of spirulina algina polysaccharide in experimental mice, the hyperglycemia of diabetic mice was significantly alleviated, and it could effectively counteract the effect of liver glycogenolysis stimulated by adrenaline and inhibit the absorption of glucose in the intestine of mice.

At the same time, polysaccharide from spirulina platensis can significantly reduce the hyperglycemia symptoms of alloxouracil diabetic mice, and increase their antioxidant levels. Sprinters need to strictly control blood sugar and blood lipid levels. According to the analysis of experimental results, polysaccharide from Spirulina algina can be improved. It can also significantly reduce the hyperglycemia symptoms of alloxouracil diabetic mice and increase their antioxidant levels. Sprinters need to strictly control blood sugar and blood lipid levels. According to the analysis of experimental results, polysaccharide from Spirulina algina can improve the body’s absorption of sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and thus reduce the absorption rate of glucose in muscle and adipose tissue. At the same time, polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis can also regulate the composition of serum fat, reduce the expression of sterol regulatory element binding protein in liver tissue, and promote the synthesis of damaged liver mitochondria, so as to effectively increase the rate of cell regeneration in the body and play a role in anti-fatigue.

Improve immune function and exercise stability

Polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis can effectively improve the body immune function and exercise stability of sprinters, so as to effectively promote sprinters to maintain a more active exercise state, so as to better recover physical fitness and reduce fatigue.

On the one hand, polysaccharide from spirulina platensis can obviously promote the formation of serum hemolysin, improve the inhibition of cyclophosphamide on the formation of serum hemolysin, and thus enhance the immune function of the body. On the other hand, polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis has a positive effect on lymphocyte transformation, can promote the proliferation and transformation of lymphocyte induced by canavalin, improve lymphocyte activity, and have non-specific immune and cellular immune functions.

Sprinters are prone to the invasion of various types of bacteria in the training process, and the body function may be damaged. By ingesting an appropriate amount of polysaccharide from Spirulina algae, the immune function can be strengthened, the athletes can resist the adverse environmental effects, and the stability of athletic ability can be maintained, so as to effectively combat body fatigue. In addition, for some sprinters, due to their poor eating habits, work and rest habits, or long-term intake of high peroxide-value cooking oil, the oxidative pressure balance of the body is broken, which may cause liver tissue damage and other phenomena. Spirulina polysaccharide can effectively reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress and enhance the body’s antioxidant capacity. Meanwhile, the rich unsaturated fatty acids in spirulina are conducive to fat metabolism, and can form cholesterol esters that are easy to flow and transport in the human body with cholesterol in food, reduce the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular endometrium, and help to promote the sprinters to maintain good performance during sports training Good state, to achieve the purpose of relieving exercise fatigue.

In summary, the high concentration of spirulina polysaccharide in spirulina can be used as an important dietary supplement source for the human body. For sprinters, the function of spirulina polysaccharide is particularly obvious in combating sports fatigue. Combined with the analysis of the mechanism of human fatigue, timely and appropriate intake of spirulina polysaccharides is helpful for sprinters to maintain sports endurance and competitive ability. In the future development of sports food, spirulina can be further increased The availability of polysaccharide, which is added to dairy products, sports snacks and other foods, provides sprinters with multiple intake channels, so as to help athletes relieve fatigue.

Content source: Li Dongdong. Effect of polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis on relieving exercise fatigue of sprinters [J]. Food Research and Development,2023,44(01):235-236. (in Chinese)

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