코엔자임 Q10 공급 업체 코엔자임 Q10 제조업체 코엔자임 Q10 공장 무료 샘플

Coenzyme Q10 has dual roles as an additive in medicines and health care products, and has become very popular in recent years.In the promotion of health products, Coenzyme Q10 has many functions such as heart protection, blood pressure and lipid lowering, anti-aging, anti-cancer, and improving human immunity.

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Description of  Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is ubiquitous in animals and most bacteria and belongs to the coenzyme family.

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble antioxidant that can activate human cells and cell energy nutrients. It has the functions of improving human immunity, enhancing antioxidants, delaying aging and enhancing human vitality. It is widely used in medicine for cardiovascular system diseases. Domestic It is widely used in nutritional supplements and food additives.

Organs with high energy demands in the body, such as the heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas, also have relatively high concentrations and contents of Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is most distributed in mitochondria (45%-50%) and least in the cytoplasm (5%-10%).

제품 이름 코엔자임 Q10
CAS 번호. 303-98-0
모양 Yellow to orange powder
사양 98%
패키지 1kg/가방, 25kg/드럼
스토리지 습기를 차단하고 빛이 닿지 않는 밀폐된 곳에 보관하세요.
테스트 방법 HPLC

다음과 같은 이점이 있습니다. 코엔자임 Q10

Coenzyme Q10 – activates cellular energy

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential substance in the energy metabolism of human cells and participates in the conversion process of cellular energy. Good Coenzyme Q10 levels in the body are the key to full energy, sufficient physical strength, and a flexible mind.


Coenzyme Q10——delays aging and protects cardiovascular system

The outstanding contribution of Coenzyme Q10 is to protect the heart and delay aging.

The content of Coenzyme Q10 is very high in myocardial cells. The heart beats 24 hours a day and delivers blood to the whole body, which requires a large amount of energy supply. Research has found that Coenzyme Q10 can protect heart health and is a veritable “source of heart vitality.”

In addition, just as power generation in a power plant produces “black smoke”, harmful waste products—free radicals—are also produced during the energy metabolism of the human body. Free radicals can cause aging of skin and blood vessels, leading to problems such as atherosclerosis, and Coenzyme Q10 can eliminate free radicals in the body.


Coenzyme Q10 – a good helper for immunity

The level of immunity is closely related to cellular energy and the body’s antioxidant capacity. Coenzyme Q10 has good antioxidant capacity, can rejuvenate cell energy, and enhance immunity.


Specification (TDS) of Coenzyme Q10 USP43

분석 항목 사양 방법
신원 확인
A. IR IR spectrum is concordant with spectrum of Coenzyme Q10 RS.
B. Chemical reaction A blue color appears.
신체 테스트
모양 Yellow to orange powder 시각적
≤0.20% USP43
점화 시 잔류물 ≤0.10% USP43
활성 성분 테스트
Coenzyme Q10 (HPLC) 98.00%-101.00% USP43
Total impurities ≤1.50% USP43
Single impurity ≤0.50% USP43
Coenzymes Q7,Q8,Q9, Q11 & related ≤1.00% USP43
Z2 isomer & related impurities ≤1.00% USP43
화학 테스트
중금속 ≤10.00ppm USP43
Pb ≤1.00ppm USP43
As ≤3.00ppm USP43
Cd ≤1.00ppm USP43
Hg ≤3.00ppm USP43
Residue of Ethanol ≤1,000ppm USP43
Residue of Ethyl Acetate ≤100ppm USP43
Residue of N-Hexane ≤20.00ppm USP43
미생물학적 테스트
총 박테리아 수 ≤1,000cfu/g USP43
효모 및 곰팡이 ≤100cfu/g USP43
E. 대장균 1g의 네거티브 USP43
살모넬라 10g의 네거티브 USP43
황색포도상구균 1g의 네거티브 USP43



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