
Cancer is a disease of human cells. Our body is made up of countless cells. The body automatically reproduces new cells, allowing us to grow, replace old cells, or repair cells damaged by injury. This mechanism is controlled by certain genes. But if the genes that control the mechanism are damaged, cancer can develop.
Normally, cells divide and reproduce in an orderly manner. But once it gets out of control, it will continue to multiply and accumulate into masses in the body, becoming “tumors.” In addition to dividing out of control, cancer cells can also locally invade surrounding normal tissues and even metastasize to other parts of the body via the body’s circulatory system or lymphatic system. Most cancers can be treated or even cured depending on their type, location and stage of progression. Once a diagnosis is made, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
Researchers conducted a series of cell and animal experiments on red wine’s effects on blood cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer (prostate cancer) to explore the cancer-preventing effects of resveratrol. Animal studies at that time showed that レスベラトロール can inhibit the three stages of tumor formation: initiation, promotion and development.
The role of immune function. Resveratrol can inhibit the activation of NF kappa B, which is a protein produced by the human immune system when it is attacked and is related to the growth and metastasis of cancer cells.
A press release issued by the National Cancer Institute (NCI, an affiliate of the National Institutes of Health) on November 27, 2002 stated that red wine is rich in phytonutrients, especially resveratrol. Polyphenolic compounds such as resveratrol and catechin have antioxidant and anti-cancer activities and may be of great significance in the prevention of certain cancers in humans.
Red wine contains more polyphenols than white wine. This is because during the brewing process of white wine, the grape skins must be picked out immediately after the juice is squeezed, so white wine contains less polyphenols.
レスベラトロール and cancer
Research has confirmed that resveratrol can effectively inhibit the self-renewal ability of cancer cells, and it also has significant effects when combined with radioactive therapy!
Scientists around the world have conducted a series of experiments on the tumor-preventive effects of resveratrol, and the non-human experiments so far have shown fruitful results. In experiments, resveratrol was injected into the molecule and was confirmed to have positive effects on breast cancer, skin cancer, gastric cancer, rectal cancer, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and leukemia. The best results were seen in cases where the tumors were in direct contact with resveratrol. For example, tumors of the skin, esophagus and digestive tract were reduced in number and volume.
It can be said that resveratrol can play a blocking role at all stages of tumor development, whether it is the initiation, promotion, or progression stages. Cell experiments have found that resveratrol can produce pharmacological effects on subcellular systems, regulating NF-kB transcription factors, inhibiting cytochrome P450 and isoenzyme CYP1A1. In addition, it was also found that resveratrol can inhibit the spread of human pancreatic cancer cell lines and has antioxidant and anti-angiogenic properties. Although angiogenesis plays a positive role in human growth and wound healing, it can also promote excessive angiogenesis when tumors form, causing cancer cells to spread. We also discussed the disadvantages of vascular proliferation in the section on Alzheimer’s disease.
Learn about resveratrol and its anti-cancer benefits
Resveratrol is a member of the polyphenol family and has antioxidant activity. Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, a natural plant-based antibiotic. As plants fight disease, they produce antitoxic substances that protect them from fungi, environmental stress, bacterial infections, or ultraviolet radiation. Red wine, grapes, raspberries, and peanuts all contain large amounts of resveratrol.
Animal experiments show that resveratrol has an inhibitory effect at different stages of tumor development; it also has an inhibitory effect on the growth of various cancer cells cultured in test tubes. In addition, resveratrol also has anti-inflammatory and regulatory polyphenol compounds with antioxidant activity, which can protect cells from free radical attack and oxidation. Free radicals can damage important components of cells, including proteins, cell membranes and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Cell damage is closely related to the formation of cancer.
Research shows that the polyphenolic antioxidants in red wine may inhibit some cancers.
レスベラトロール-has anti-cancer potential
Don’t spit out grape skins when eating grapes! Research from National Taiwan University found that grape skins and grape seeds are rich in resveratrol, which can inhibit angiogenesis. If people drink 1 cup of 100CC grape juice a day, they are expected to reduce the chance of various cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
The Department of Surgery, Department of Gynecology, and Toxicology of National Taiwan University jointly published a study on “Resveratrol Inhibits Angiogenesis” in the “Taiwan Medical Association” today, confirming that grapes have the potential to prevent cancer, but only if the public must chew all the grape skins and grape seeds. Swallow it into your stomach.
Lin Ming-chan, chief physician at the Department of Surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, said that resveratrol is commonly found in grapes and citrus fruits, with grape skins and grape seeds containing the most. National Taiwan University used human umbilical cord blood endothelial cells and extracted resveratrol as materials. Research.
The researchers placed umbilical cord blood endothelial cells and resveratrol in the culture dishes of the experimental group, and only placed umbilical cord blood endothelial cells in the control group. Then, they injected vascular endothelial growth factor-inducing hormone into the two culture dishes at the same time. Observe after hours. The results showed that the experimental group (resveratrol concentration 1uM) can inhibit vascular endothelial cell proliferation by 50% compared to the control group without resveratrol. If the resveratrol concentration is increased to 5uM, the inhibitory effect is as high as 90%. %, proving that resveratrol indeed has the effect of inhibiting the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells.
Lin Mingcan said that the medical community has known that the occurrence and metastasis of coronary artery disease, breast cancer, gastric cancer, intestinal cancer, liver cancer and other diseases are related to angiogenesis. If the growth of vascular endothelial growth factor can be inhibited early, it will be possible to fundamentally change the situation. , preventing various cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
This National Taiwan University study on the anti-cancer potential of grapes has attracted international attention due to its rigorous process and obvious results. It has been published in the well-known medical journal “Journal of Molecular Science”, and foreign medical societies have invited researchers to give lectures abroad.
British research finds that red wine extract can fight cancer
British researchers recently discovered that the antioxidant resveratrol extracted from red wine can help fight inflammation in the body.
According to Xinhua News Agency, researchers from the University of Glasgow in the UK reported in the “Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology” published on the 2nd that they divided experimental mice into two groups, and first injected resveratrol into one group, and then injected Two groups of mice were injected with strong inflammatory agents at the same time. Results: Mice that were not injected with resveratrol showed severe symptoms of sepsis, while mice that were injected with resveratrol beforehand were fine. Research has found that resveratrol inhibits two major proteins that trigger inflammation.
Resveratrol, which is found in grape skins, is more abundant in red wine than in white wine, the researchers said.
Alirio Melendez of the National University of Singapore, who participated in the study, said that severe inflammatory diseases such as sepsis are difficult to cure. Many people die from such diseases around the world every day, and inflammation causes serious damage to patients’ organs. affecting their lives. Their findings could be used to develop new drugs to treat such diseases.
Resveratrol has many benefits for the human body. Previous studies have shown that resveratrol can be used to prevent blood clots and fight cancer.
Resveratrol can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy
Many of you may already know that resveratrol, an amazing antioxidant found in many foods including grape skins, can reduce the risk of heart disease and extend life. Unlike antioxidants that are naturally present in plants, resveratrol is only produced when plants need to fight bacterial or fungal attack. In other words, resveratrol is a natural antibiotic synthesized by plants in order to survive.
This means that the more bacteria attack the plant, the more resveratrol it produces. Therefore, when grapes are sprayed with too many pesticides (grapes are usually one of the most sprayed crops), the resveratrol content will decrease. In other words, conventionally grown grapes contain relatively little resveratrol; conversely, wild grapes will be rich in resveratrol (because that’s how they survive in the wild).
This alone is good reason to buy organic grapes and wine, as resveratrol may also help maintain normal “planned cell death,” a process that encourages cancer cells to self-destruct and helps prevent cancer. grow. Research has also confirmed that resveratrol can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy, weaken the power of influenza and HIV, resist the effects of high-fat diet, and increase physical endurance. Most amazingly, resveratrol supplements appear to extend lifespan in animal experiments.
Resveratrol and diabetes
The effects of resveratrol on blood sugar adjustment and auxiliary treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes can be summarized in three main mechanisms:
1.Acts like insulin in the human body
2.Stimulates the pancreas to secrete high-quality insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes
3.Improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes

Resveratrol and fatty liver
Resveratrol – treats fatty liver and inhibits the invasion and metastasis of liver cancer cells. Liver cancer refers to malignant tumors that occur in the liver, including primary liver cancer and metastatic liver cancer. Scientists are looking for various ways to treat fatty liver and have found that a component in red wine can protect the liver and can even be used to treat fatty liver, which is often accompanied by long-term drinking. You may have heard that red wine, grapes, berries, peanuts, etc. contain antioxidants; resveratrol was previously thought to have health benefits against cancer and heart disease.
It may seem counterintuitive that a major component of red wine protects the liver from damage, but it’s one of the key findings. Research led by Joanne M. Ajmo, MD, of the South Florida Health Sciences Center, looked at the effects of resveratrol on alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. The researchers found that mice fed alcohol with resveratrol had less fat in their livers and broke down fat faster than mice fed alcohol but not given resveratrol.
レスベラトロール and eyes
Research finds: Resveratrol has a good effect on blindness
Previous research has found that red wine and grapes contain the phenolic compound resveratrol, which can effectively reduce arterial inflammation. Recently, an article published in the July issue of the “American Journal of Pathology” stated that resveratrol can reduce the symptoms of vasodilation in the eyes, thereby reducing the risk of blindness.
A study by University of Washington researchers and pharmacologists Jersey Ophthalmology, RW Johnson Medical School discovered new effects of resveratrol. Injecting large doses of resveratrol into mice can help prevent the regeneration of new blood vessels in the mouse retinas. Healthy people usually maintain balanced angiogenesis, but when revascularization gets out of control, some symptoms of cancer occur, and diabetes causes blindness and macular degeneration.
Resveratrol and kidney stones
The kidneys are important organs for body metabolism, waste elimination, and detoxification. The blood in the whole body passes through the kidneys twenty times per hour, and the metabolic waste in the blood is filtered by the kidneys and turned into urine and excreted from the body. Kidney dysfunction can cause back pain, edema, uremia in the blood, high blood pressure, urinary tract inflammation, fatigue, insomnia, tinnitus, hair loss, blurred vision, slow reaction, depression, fear, and even insanity. Any toxins produced by drinks, food, air, and emotional stress that enter the body will pass through the kidneys. If there are too many pollutants and the burden on the kidneys is too heavy, obstruction and inflammation may occur in the short term, and in the long term, stones, functional decline, and blood loss may occur. There are various problems such as uncleanness. In the most serious cases, artificial kidney dialysis is required to remove blood contamination, otherwise it will be life-threatening.
Polyphenols such as anthocyanins and tannins in red wine have active oxygen elimination functions and can remove peroxides in the blood. The resveratrol contained in red wine has anti-cancer and anti-platelet aggregation effects, so drink a little wine in moderation. It is good for the kidneys and the body. However, you cannot drink alcohol if your liver function is not good.
German scientists found in research that drinking wine in moderation can prevent kidney stones. Medical scientists from the Institute of Medicine of the University of Munich recently pointed out: The traditional statement that drinking more drinks can prevent kidney stones is not scientific or comprehensive. The most important thing is to look at what kind of drinks you drink. Through a survey of 40,000 to 50,000 healthy people and Through clinical observation of patients, researchers have confirmed that people who regularly drink moderate amounts of wine are less likely to get kidney stones.
Researchers have found that people who drink moderate amounts of different drinks have different risks of developing kidney stones. People who drink a quarter of a liter of coffee a day have a 10% lower risk of developing kidney stones than people who do not have this habit; regular black tea drinkers It is 14% lower; and people who drink wine regularly have the least chance of getting kidney stones, and the risk of getting the disease is 36% lower than those who don’t have the habit.
レスベラトロール and arthritis and rheumatoid
The incidence rate of rheumatoid arthritis, mainly in the knee joint, is as high as 85%, which means that almost all people will suffer from joint pain in their lifetime. Research on the treatment and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis has been slow for a long time, but it has become clear that arthritis is related to excessive concentrations of certain cytokines (such as TNF-α, LT-α, etc.) in joint tissues. When you take resveratrol, you will experience pain relief, whether you have had knee arthritis for decades or just suffered from frozen shoulder a few days ago.
Why is this? This is because resveratrol can reduce the concentration of inflammatory factors TNF-α, LT-α, etc. in the serum to normal values in just a few days. Long-term use of resveratrol will lead to comprehensive recovery of damaged joints. This is related to the ability of resveratrol to inhibit abnormal synovial cell proliferation (rheumatoid arthritis) and promote cartilage cell repair. In other words, long-term use Resveratrol can comprehensively repair damaged joints.
Resveratrol and brain and cardiovascular
In addition, experiments by Cornell University have shown that because resveratrol can chelate copper ions, significantly increasing the daily nutritional supplement intake of resveratrol can reduce the levels of stress in the hypothalamus and striatum. The formation of scar tissue (plague) and counteracting nerve cell incompetence and apoptosis are all important causes of Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative symptoms. Another mechanism that buffers the development of Alzheimer’s disease is that oral resveratrol can also prevent the accumulation of beta amyloid in the brain, blocking subsequent angiogenesis, and ultimately leading to Alzheimer’s disease. the possibility of disease development.
Currently, in animal experiments, it has been found that resveratrol can achieve the following effects: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, lower glycemic index, and several cardiovascular benefits. Although scientists cannot completely explain this as resveratrol extending lifespan, they can imagine that once the threats of the above diseases can be avoided, it will definitely increase the average survival age of humans. In addition, research conducted at Ohio University found that resveratrol has a direct inhibitory effect on cardiac fibroblasts (cardiac bibroblast), and therefore may have the function of preventing cardiac fibrosis (cardiac fibrosis).
Resveratrol and hemorrhoids and varicose veins
Confirmed by medical research results from top universities in the world’s advanced countries, such as Harvard and Stanford, and certified by Taiwan’s National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Medical University, and the National Institutes of Health, resveratrol (Resveratrol) has been found to have antioxidant properties. , prevent heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, protect the liver, reduce the three highs (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia), slow down the effects of metabolic syndrome, and have estrogen-like effects, and are 60 times more anti-inflammatory than aspirin times, it has powerful detoxification mediating properties, can activate and stimulate many important genes and cells that are beneficial to the human body, and can also inhibit some tissues that are harmful to human health.
Resveratrol’s anti-cancer ability is 40 times greater than that of sulphoraphane in broccoli, and it can improve some hemorrhoids, varicose veins, etc. that cannot be improved immediately without surgery.
resveratrol manufacturer:www.backvita.com
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