Solana: How to construct input of rust program that is fed into solana rbpf?
Constructing a Rust Program for Solana RBPF (Reserve-Based Proof-of-Function)
In this article, we’ll walk through the process of building and deploying a Rust program that can be fed into Solana’s Reserve-Based Proof-of-Function (RBPF) to create a decentralized application.
Getting Started
To begin, install the necessary dependencies for Solana and Rust. Run the following command in your terminal:
cargo new solana_hello --lib
This will create a new Rust library project called solana_hello
. You can then build and run it with:
カーゴビルド --リリース
カーゴ・ラン -- リリース
Building a Hello World Program
file defines our program as a simple function that prints “Hello, World!” to the Solana blockchain. Let’s add some error handling and logging for fun.
anchor_lang::prelude::* を使います;
pub mod hello {
super::* を使用する;
pub fn hello() -> 結果<(), AnchorError> {
let _ = ask!(get_state_query::state as Result)アカウント情報")?
In this code, we’ve added a simple hello
function that retrieves the current account information using the get_state_query
function. We’re also returning a result from this function to indicate whether the operation was successful.
Deploying to Solana
To deploy our program to Solana, we’ll use the Anchor CLI. Run the following command:
アンカー・ノード・ビルド --リリース --出力パス/to/デプロイ
This will create a deployment package at path/to/deploy
. We can then upload this package to a Solana node using the anchor
Adding an Input for RBPF
To use our program in Solana’s RBPF, we need to add an input parameter. In this case, we’ll define a new input type called hello_input
Add the following code to the
anchor_lang::prelude::* を使います;
pub mod hello {
super::* を使用する;
pub fn hello(input: hello_input::HelloInput) -> 結果<(), AnchorError> {
let _ = ask!(get_state_query::state as Result)アカウント情報")?
について hello_input
type represents a single input parameter. In this case, we’re expecting a HelloInput
struct with a single field called name
Creating an RBPF Contract
To create an RBPF contract that uses our program as the function to call, we’ll define a new contract using Anchor’s contract
anchor_lang::prelude::* を使います;
pub mod hello {
super::* を使用する;
pub fn hello(input: hello_input::HelloInput) -> 結果<(), AnchorError> {
let _ = ask!(get_state_query::state as Result)アカウント情報")?
contract MyRBPFContract {
use contract::prelude::*;
use hello::*;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let account_id = get_account().await?;
let input = hello_input::HelloInput {
name: b"World".to_vec(),
let result = MyRBPFContract::invoke(input, &[]);
In this code, we’ve defined a new contract called MyRBPFContract
. The main
function creates an account and initializes the input parameter using our hello_input
Building and Running
To build and run the RBPF contract, run the following commands:
カーゴビルド --リリース
アンカー・ノード・ビルド --リリース --出力パス/to/デプロイ
This will create a new deployment package at path/to/deploy
. You can then upload this package to a Solana node using the `anchor’ command.