


コエンザイムQ10 was discovered in 1957,

In 1958, the father of coenzyme Q10 research, Dr. Caruforucas of the University of Texas, identified its chemical structure, and thus won the highest honor of the American Chemical Society – the Priestley Award.

It was not until 1978 that Dr. Mitchell, a biochemist at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, discovered the exact effect of Coenzyme Q10, for which he won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

At present, Coenzyme Q10 has been widely used in medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular system diseases, but also widely used in nutritional supplements, food, cosmetic additives and preventive medicine fields.

何なのか? coenzyme q10?

Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone. Chemically speaking, it is a kind of vitamin that can be dissolved in fat, mainly in the mitochondria, and the content of coenzyme Q10 in the heart is the highest in the human body. Our human intake of protein, fat and sugar after a series of chemical reactions in the mitochondria, will produce energy ATP storage, and coenzyme Q10 in this process plays an irreplaceable role, it can be said that without coenzyme Q10, the three nutrients can not be metabolized. Now, a large number of studies have found that the coenzyme Q10 in patients with heart disease and liver disease is significantly lower than that of normal people, which indicates that supplementing coenzyme Q10 can indeed play a certain role in health care.

コエンザイムQ10 content in the body? coenzyme q10 benefits

Dr. Mitchell also found that the total amount of coQ10 in the human body is only 500 to 1500mg. [1]

It is mainly distributed in the heart, liver and kidney, reaching a peak at about 20 years old, and then decreasing with the increase of age. The reduction in concentration was particularly pronounced in the heart.

A 50-year-old has 50 percent less coQ10 in his heart muscle than a 20-year-old,

By age 70, the decrease was 57 percent.

Experts called the successful extraction of coenzyme Q10: “Found a young heart, the golden key to human longevity, and the coordinate system for the future development direction of life medicine.”

A surprising discovery made by life scientists: what is coenzyme q10 used for

When the content of coenzyme Q10 in the human body drops by 25%, many serious health problems begin to emerge, especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as pharyngitis, reduced immunity, periodontitis, fatigue, obesity and so on;

What is more frightening is that when coenzyme Q10 drops by 75%, it will be life-threatening!

However, as you get older, or are affected by some specific diseases, relying on your own synthesis and daily diet may not be enough to compensate for physiological or pathological coQ10 deficiency.

In this case, proper use of nutritional supplements can help maintain adequate levels in the body.

Self-determination of loss of internal コエンザイムQ10

1. Heart palpitations; 2. Tachycardia; 3. Bradycardia; 4. Enlarged heart; 5. Heart failure; 6. Angina pectoris, coronary heart disease; 7. Edema; 8. Forgetting things, poor memory; 9. Insomnia and dreams; 10. Tongue erosion; 11. Facial wrinkles; 12. Gingival receding, teeth loose and unstable; 13. Dark red fingers; 14. Drowsiness and fatigue; 15. Red cheeks; 16. Chest tightness, shortness of breath; 17. Immune deficiency, frequent colds; 18. Dizziness and headache; 19. High blood pressure; 20. Hyperlipemia; 21. High blood sugar; 22. Physical weakness.

More than 2 of the above options indicate that your body is losing coQ10 and you need to supplement it appropriately. More than 5 items, indicating that your body is accelerating the loss of coenzyme Q10, more than 7 items, your body is seriously lost coenzyme Q10, it is recommended that you quickly go for a comprehensive physical examination, and supplement coenzyme Q10 as soon as possible.

How to supplement coenzyme Q10 more appropriate?

First, it can be reasonably supplemented by consuming foods rich in coenzyme q10 supplement,

We can choose the right コエンザイムQ10 supplements for our health needs more simply and efficiently.

Overall, coQ10 supplementation in humans is safe and tolerable. Supplementation doses up to 3,000 mg/ day in multiple short-term trials have also not observed any serious adverse effects [3].

China’s catalogue of health food raw materials recommends that the daily dosage range of コエンザイムQ10 is 30-50mg, which is used as the market access norm, and it is not equivalent to exceeding the dose will cause harm.

At the same time, considering the comprehensive effects such as absorption and availability, it is also crucial to choose the appropriate supplement form. For example, coenzyme Q10 is highly lipophilic, the presence of lipid mediators can increase its absorption rate, and considering the resulting additional oil intake, it is better to choose a healthy oil medium (olive oil)!

[1]Saini R. Coenzyme Q10: The essential nutrient. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2011 Jul; 3(3): 466-7.

[2]Kalén A, Appelkvist EL, Dallner G. Age-related changes in the lipid compositions of rat and human tissues. Lipids. 1989 Jul; 24(7): 579-84.

[3]Díaz-Casado ME, Quiles JL, Barriocanal-Casado E, González-García P, Battino M, López LC, Varela-López A. The Paradox of Coenzyme Q10 in Aging. Nutrients. 2019 Sep 14; 11(9): 2221.

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