Metamask: MetaMask not showing ERC-20 amount in Transaction – Only showing ETH gas fee

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Metamisk: Metamask does not show erc -20 sum in Operation – Show only Eth Gas Tax

As a creator creating a custom interface with react.js, you probable experimented with a variety of ways to interact with a decentralized program (Dapp). One of the Most Powerful Tools at Your Disposal is Metamk, The Official Ethereum Wallet. However, Sometimes, Even with A “Metamk”, Set and Configured Correctly, You Face Problems When Sending Chips From Your Account to An Intellectual Contract.

In this article, we will go into a common problem that arises when trying to send erc-20 tokens using the metamask: lack of display for operation in the operation. We will investigate why this can happen and give tips on how to eliminate the trial and solve the problem.

Problem: Show token Amounts with “Metamask”

When you create a new operation from your metamk account, it provides a variety of surgery information, including gas price, nonce and tokens. However, the erc-20 tokens of thesis values ​​are displayed by ETH, not the access key.

This is not uncommon, eSpeciate when working with custom chips that do not have a build -in screen mechanism. In our case, we will investigate why the metamk may not be able to show the amount of the token and how to solve the problem.

Why Don’t Metamk Show the Amount of Chips?

There are Several Reasons Why the Metamk May Not Show the Amount of Token in An Operation:



  • Operations parameters : Metamask Operations can be improperly configured, resulting in a “silent” failure.

Troubleshooting Steps

To Eliminate and Resolve This Problem, Do the Following:



  • Turn Off Silent Operations

    Metamask: MetaMask not showing ERC-20 amount in Transaction - Only showing ETH gas fee

    : Try to Turn Off the “Silent” Operations in Metamask, which can prevent Silent Failure, But Can also Affect Your Account Security.

  • make sure that are no tokens implementation problems : If you are using custom chips, check that it supports your native property.

Solving in the Problem

To Solve the Problem and Correctly Show the ERC-20 Amount:

  • Then you can achieve the access key with eth_tokyenophownerbyhash and eth_balanceof features.



While Showing the ERC-20 Quantity Can Be Difficult when interacting with metamk, it is not Insurmountable. By performance the troubleshooted steps described above and ensuring that your intellectual contract is correct, you should be able to solve the problem and show the amount of access key in your operations magazine.

By performing thesis steps, you will be able to overcome this common challenge and confidently send the optional erc-20 tokens from metamk to the front of the react.js.

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