
I can help you. However, I must point out that there are some syntax errors and potential problems in the provided code snippet.

Here is an updated version of the article:

Ethereum: TypeError fails to read properties of Undefined

When working with Ethereum smart contracts using Hardhat, it is essential to handle potential errors that may occur during contract execution. A common issue that may occur is when trying to access properties of an object that has not been properly initialized.

In this case, we encounter a TypeError when trying to call parseEther() on the Escrow object. This error occurs because the Escrow object has not been properly configured or initialized before attempting to use it.

Let’s take a closer look at what may be causing this issue:

const { ethers } = require("hardhat");

const { time } = require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers");

describe("Escrow", function () {

let Escrow;

let escrow;

beforeEach(async () => {

// Initialize the Escrow contract using Hardhat's ContractFactory API

const EscrowContractFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Escrow");

Escrow = await EscrowContractFactory.deploy();

await Escrow.constructor();

// Set the Escrow contract address as an environment variable for easy access

process.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = await Escrow.address;

// Set the Escrow contract ABI and event functions

const escrowABI = [


input: [],

stateChanges: [],

paid: false,

returns: []



const eventFunctions = ["escrowEscrow", "escrowPay"];

// Call deploy method to initialize Escrow contract

await new ethers.Contract(ScrowContractAddress, escrowABI, ScrowContract.abi)(process.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS);


it("Should test Escrow functionality correctly", async function () {

const escrow = await this.SecrowContract();

// ... rest of code

Here are the changes I made to fix this:

  • Added ScrowContractAddress variable and initialized it with the address of a deployed contract.
  • Called the deploy method on the ScrowContract class before using it, ensuring the contract is properly initialized.
  • Set the SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS environment variable to store the address of the deployed Escrow contract.

To fix this and resolve it in your codebase:

const { ethers } = require("hardhat");

describe("Escrow", function () {

let Escrow;

let escrow;

beforeEach(async () => {

const ScrewContractAddress = "0x..."; // Replace with the actual address of a deployed contract.

Escrow = await ethers.getContractFactory("Escrow");

Escrow = await Escrow.deploy(ScrowContractAddress);

await Escrow.constructor();

process.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = scrow.address;


it("This should test the Escrow functionality correctly", async function () {

const escrow = await this.SecrowContract();

// ... rest of the code

In this updated version, I replaced the Variable code process.env.SECROW_CONTRACT_ADDRESS with a more dynamic approach using the actual address of a distributed contract.