Ethereum: How do I configure the Bitcoin client for SSL on Windows?

Configure SSL Support in the Bitcoin Client Under Windows

. However, a potential security concerns is the use of SSL connections (secure sicke layer). In this article.

Why is SSL supported?

Before Default, Bitcoin Clients Do Not Use SSL/TLS (Transport Layer Security) Under Windows That Encrypted Data Between the Client and Server. This

Configure the SSL Support in Bitcoin -client

The SSL Support in the Bitcoin Client for Windows, follow these steps:

  • Update the Bitcoin Customer :

  • Install the “SSL” Package

    : Install the “SSLPackage with the Package Manager or the PowerShell:

* Package Manager: Open the Package Manager (e.g. poweriso or chocolate) and look for "SSL".

* PowerShell: executeinstall modules -name sslto install the" SSL "Package.


A. Open the Bitcoin Client Console (usually in your start menu or in search results).

B. Enterbitcoin.confand press the Enter key to open the configuration file.

C. Add the following line at the end of the file:sslberg = default.

D. Save the Changes.

Alternatively, You Can Configure SSL Settings Using PowerShell:

  • Open and New PowerShell Window or a New Session.


$ cart = “path \ to \ approx. CER”

$ Truststore = “path \ to \ approx. Trust”

$ Sslbeb = “default” certificatethumbprint $ Cert -Struststore $ Truststore


Review of the SSL Support

Bitcoin-Cli. Special:



  • Perform the Following Command:


Bitcoin-Cli Getbalance-Haddress =


This should establish an SSL connection to the Bitcoin Node.


Ethereum: How do I configure the Bitcoin client for SSL on Windows?

In this article we examined how the SSL support is configured in the Bitcoin client for windows. SSLPackage "and configuring SSL settings using the file Bitcoin.conf` or PowerShell, you can ensure a secure connection to the Bitcoin Network of External Systems.

The encryption (e.g. use of https) should also be implemented in order to further your bitcoin transactions.