About Jasmine tea powder

Jasmine tea powder

Jasmine tea powder food value

 Jasmine flowers can be used to make scented tea, which has an elegant aroma and ranks first among the camellia flowers.

 Jasmine tea has the reputation of “in Chinese flower tea, you can smell the smell of spring”. It is a tea variety made from specially crafted tea or refined green tea base and jasmine flowers. In the tea classification, jasmine tea still belongs to green tea. Jasmine tea is processed on the basis of green tea, especially high-grade jasmine. During the processing process, the endoplasm of high-grade jasmine undergoes certain physical and chemical effects, such as the decomposition of polyphenols and tea tannins in tea leaves under water-wet conditions, making them insoluble. The protein in water is degraded into amino acids, which can reduce the astringency of drinking green tea and change its function. Its taste is fresh, rich and mellow, and it is easier to drink. This is one of the reasons why people in the north like to drink jasmine tea. The health care properties of various types of tea are similar, but each has its own characteristics. In addition to certain properties of green tea, jasmine tea also has many health care effects that green tea does not have. Jasmine tea can “remove cold evil and help depression” and is the top quality tea in spring. According to the research on the health-care effects of tea in traditional Chinese medicine and modern pharmacology in my country, tea is bitter, sweet, and cool in nature, which affects the human heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and the Five Classics. The bitterness of tea can purge, remove dryness and dampness, and reduce fire; the sweetness can nourish and soothe; the coolness can clear away heat, purge fire and relieve the symptoms. Tea contains numerous compounds that are beneficial to human health. Such as catechins, vitamin C, caffeine, flavanols, tea polyphenols, etc. Jasmine tea also contains a large amount of aromatic oils, geraniol, orange pepper alcohol, clove esters and more than 20 kinds of compounds. Based on the unique adsorption properties of tea leaves and the fragrance characteristics of jasmine flowers, jasmine tea is processed and scented through a series of technological processes. It not only maintains the rich and refreshing natural tea flavor of green tea, but also is full of the fresh aroma of jasmine flowers. Therefore, it is a popular choice in my country and even the world. The best modern natural health drink.  “Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine” records that jasmine has the effect of “regulating qi, relieving depression, removing impurities and harmonizing the middle”, and has good anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects on dysentery, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis and sores. Regular consumption of jasmine has the functions of clearing the liver and improving eyesight, producing body fluids and quenching thirst, dispelling phlegm and treating dysentery, laxative and laxative, dispelling wind and relieving the surface, treating fistulas, strengthening teeth, replenishing energy, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart, preventing caries and radiation damage, and resisting radiation damage. It has anti-cancer and anti-aging effects, making people live longer and healthier physically and mentally.

Jasmine tea powder medicinal value

 The leaves, flowers and roots of jasmine can be used as Chinese herbal medicine, and its leaves can relieve pain; the flowers can clear away heat and relieve external symptoms, and can treat colds, fever, abdominal pain, sores, red and swollen eyes; the roots can relieve pain, treat bruises, and dehydration. Taking it can cure insomnia.

 Jasmine oil can be extracted from jasmine flowers. The main components of the oil are benzyl alcohol and its esters, jasmine, linalool, and linalool benzoate. The roots contain alkaloids and sterols. Animal experiments show that jasmine root alcohol infusion can significantly reduce the spontaneous activity of mice; it can prolong the sleep time of mice caused by cyclobarbital; and it can reduce the ability of mice to move passively. Therefore, jasmine root can be considered to have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Jasmine flowers, leaves and roots can be used medicinally. Generally, the roots are dug after autumn, sliced ​​and dried in the sun for later use; the flowers are collected in summer and autumn and dried in the sun for later use. It has pungent, sweet, cooling, heat-clearing, relieving, and diuretic effects.

 Functions and Indications: Regulating Qi and harmonizing Zhong, relieving depression and eliminating impurities. It is mainly used to treat dizziness, headache, constipation, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis, dysentery due to sores, abdominal pain, red and swollen eyes, sores, swollen and poisonous sores and other diseases.

 Selected literature from “Food and Materia Medica”: “Mainly warms the spleen and stomach, and invigorates the chest and septa.” “Properties and Uses of Medicine”: “It is specially used to treat filth and dysentery. It is suitable for people with deficiency.” “Compendium of Materia Medica Renewed”: “Relieve clear seat fire and remove it.” Cold accumulation, cures sores and eliminates gangrene.” “Suixiju Diet Spectrum”: “Harmonizes the middle and lower Qi, removes filth and turbidity. Treats diarrhea and abdominal pain.” “New Ginseng in Decoction Pieces”: calms the liver and relieves depression, regulates Qi and relieves pain.

 The petals of jasmine flowers can be used to make jasmine tea, which has a fragrant smell. Jasmine likes to bloom at night and has a rich and charming aroma. Drinking it frequently can calm your mood, eliminate nervousness, and remove bad breath. It also has the effects of preventing and treating abdominal pain, chronic gastritis, refreshing, laxative, beautifying, adjusting hormone secretion, and improving eyesight.

 Grinding jasmine into powder to make a facial mask has the functions of detoxifying, removing acne, calming and nourishing the skin. It is recommended to mix it with honeysuckle and wild chrysanthemum to make a facial mask. It can also be mixed with other beauty mask powders to calm, whiten and hydrate.

 Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Lai Li flower has a pungent, sweet and warm nature, and has the effects of regulating qi, relieving depression, removing impurities, and harmonizing. Because the aroma can relieve stale qi, it can treat diarrhea, abdominal pain, sores and other diseases. The method is to take 2-3 grams of dry product, decoct it and take it orally or make tea. After decoction and filtering, it can be used as an eye sinking agent to treat dermatitis and keratitis. Its vegetable oil infusion ear drops can treat otitis media.

 The distillate of jasmine flower is jasmine flower dew, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and regulating qi. According to the “Compendium Supplement”, it can also “relieve all the stale qi in the chest.”

 Jasmine leaves can clear away heat and relieve external symptoms, and are often used to treat exogenous fever, abdominal distension, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Jasmine tea

 Jasmine tea made from jasmine flowers is a unique tea in China. There are two sentences in Ye Tinggui’s poem about jasmine tea in the Song Dynasty: “The dew washes the whole body white, and the submerged water smokes it into the fragrance of changing bones.” Its processing process is complicated, and it is made from two raw materials: tea and flowers. Exhale the fragrance through the flowers and absorb the fragrance from the tea base, exhaling and inhaling, so that it has both the fragrant and elegant floral fragrance and the mellow and sweet tea flavor. The tea attracts the floral fragrance, complementing each other and having a unique charm.

 Effects of jasmine tea

 Many people have drank jasmine tea, but not many people know the efficacy and functions of jasmine tea. The functions of jasmine tea are to clear the liver and improve eyesight, produce body fluids and quench thirst, eliminate phlegm and treat dysentery, promote laxatives and facilitate water circulation, expel wind and relieve the symptoms. Jasmine tea can also help lose weight. The side effect of jasmine tea is tea drunkenness. People who are easily agitated or sensitive, have poor sleep conditions and are weak are better to drink less or no tea at night.

 The effects of jasmine tea include clearing the liver and improving eyesight, producing body fluids and quenching thirst, eliminating phlegm and treating dysentery, laxative and laxative, dispelling wind and relieving the appearance of blood, etc. Jasmine tea is suitable for a wide range of people and is the best scented tea. It has the reputation of “in Chinese scented tea, you can smell the smell of spring”.

 Jasmine tea is a scented tea made from refined tea base and jasmine flowers. It has a floral tea fragrance, and the tea flowers and colors complement each other. Therefore, the efficacy and function of jasmine tea must be discussed from the two aspects of the efficacy of tea and the efficacy of jasmine. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects of tea, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, producing body fluids and quenching thirst, lowering blood lipids, enhancing immunity, protecting kidney function, resisting radiation and inhibiting cancer cells, jasmine tea also has the detoxification effect of jasmine itself.

 The functions of jasmine tea

 Jasmine tea contains more than 20 compounds such as volatile oily substances, jasmine, linalool, and linalool benzoate. Gargling with it can not only remove greasiness, but also strengthen teeth and prevent bad breath.

 Jasmine tea also has the effect of beauty and weight loss. The combination of jasmine flowers and pink roses has a significant slimming effect.

 Jasmine tea also has the effects of jasmine tea: promoting qi and relieving pain, relieving depression and dispersing stagnation. It is also effective in treating chronic gastric diseases and menstrual disorders.

 Jasmine tea also has the effect of relaxing nerves, relieving depression, uplifting the spirit, eliminating tension, and helping to maintain a stable mood.

 Jasmine tea can treat swelling and pain in red eyes and tears in the wind. Use an appropriate amount of jasmine decoction in water to fumigate and wash, or take it with honeysuckle and chrysanthemum in decoction.

 Jasmine tea has antibacterial and bacteriostatic effects, and has a bactericidal effect on dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and bacilli. It has an inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria. It can be used internally and externally to treat inflammatory diseases such as red eyes, sores, and skin ulcers.

 Jasmine tea can rejuvenate muscles and bones to relieve pain. Crush the jasmine root, fry it with wine, and wrap it on the affected area. The effect will be obvious after repeated use.

 To treat insomnia with jasmine tea, use 1.5 grams of jasmine root, grind it with water and take it.

 Jasmine tea can be used to treat dental caries. Grind jasmine root into powder, mix with cooked egg yolk and stuff it into the caries.

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