

Iron deficiency? Try スピルリナパウダー

Iron is an important element in the production of hemoglobin, which helps red blood cells carry oxygen in your body, so if iron is deficient it can lead to anemia

You get tired easily

Susceptibility is the most common manifestation of iron deficiency, and it is also the least noticeable. Women are often used to feeling tired in the fast pace of life and see it as a part of life. However, the lack of iron can hinder the supply of oxygen, so that the body does not get enough energy. If your tiredness is accompanied by weakness, impatience, or lack of concentration, then you need to find a solution to your iron deficiency.

Excessive menstruation

One of the biggest threats to iron deficiency in women is menorrhagia. Heavy blood loss and lack of effective replenishment during your period can lead to a significant loss of iron, so if you need to change your tampon every two hours, see your gynecologist.

You look pale

Hemoglobin makes your skin look rosy. Pay attention to your lips, gums, and lower eyelids. If the color is obviously abnormal, an iron deficiency may already be occurring.

Shortness of breath

Low levels of oxygen in the blood can cause a feeling of hypoxia. If you notice shortness of breath after normal exercise, such as climbing stairs and exercising moderately, there’s a good chance you have an iron deficiency.

Increased heartbeat

Heart overload can cause arrhythmias, heart murmurs, enlargement and even heart failure, as well as symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. So when heart problems occur, keeping an eye on iron levels in the body is one way to keep them from getting worse.

Restless leg syndrome

About 15% of people with restless leg syndrome have iron deficiency. Medical science shows that the lower the level of iron in the body, the more serious the condition.

Head pain

Although oxygen is preferentially supplied to the brain in the case of iron deficiency, even this does not meet the normal standard of imagined oxygen supply. As a result, the arteries in the brain swell, causing headaches.

Desire for dirt and ice

People with pica show signs of iron deficiency, such as chalk, dirt, or paper. Fortunately, most women opt for ice.

Unprovoked anxiety

Even if you don’t have a stressful life, an iron deficiency can make you anxious. The lack of oxygen causes the sympathetic nervous system in the body to work fast and your heart rate to increase, even though you are relaxed.

Hair loss

When your body senses an iron deficiency, it prioritizes supplying vital organs and tissues over your hair. This physiological behavior of abandoning the car to protect the handsome directly leads to hair loss, and even drops more than 100 roots a day.


Nutritionists point out that although meat (including poultry and fish) contains two to three times as much hemoglobin iron as plants, a balanced mix of nutrients can also allow vegetarians to get enough iron. For example, iron-rich leafy greens, whole grains, and beans are a good combination with vitamin C-rich peppers, berries, and broccoli.

Decreased thyroid function

Iron deficiency affects your thyroid function and lowers your metabolism, which can lead to problems such as lack of energy, weight gain, or lower body temperature.


Although folic acid causes prenatal stress, the baby also needs iron, and they consume iron from the mother. What’s more, most pregnant women lose a lot of blood during childbirth, which causes iron to be lost as well. So if you’re pregnant with multiple babies, have pregnancies too close together, or vomit a lot, get some iron.

Celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease

Coeliac disease or inflammatory bowel disease can seriously affect iron absorption, in which case it doesn’t matter if you make sure you get enough iron in your diet.

If the following 14 signs have begun to appear, go to the hospital as soon as possible to do a ferritin test! At the same time, adding spirulina is also a good choice


It is an important element in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and iron is also a necessary substance to promote vitamin B metabolism. Although the content of iron in nature is very rich, but human absorbable iron deficiency is common.

The mineral content of spirulina is quite high, especially rich in absorbable iron. It is the highest absorbable iron in all foods, 20 times that of general foods, and is combined with chlorophyll and vitamin B12 in spirulina to prevent anemia.