Pentingnya bubuk spirulina untuk kesehatan anak-anak

Bubuk spirulina

Children and adolescents are in the stage of rapid growth, must continue to take in a variety of essential nutrients to the outside world, repair old tissues, the proliferation of new tissues, especially as the body’s “building materials” protein as the composition of physiological regulatory substances of various vitamins and as the composition of body tissues and maintain normal physiological functions of the essential inorganic salts and trace elements. These are the material basis of the child’s growth and development, to ensure that the process of assimilation exceeds the process of alienation, so that full development can be achieved.

Spirulina contains relatively comprehensive nutrients suitable for children’s growth and development, and spirulina cell membrane is thin, no cellulose, so it is easy to digest and absorb, suitable for children’s digestive organs are not very perfect, digestion and absorption is not as good as adults. In the overall nutrition of children, spirulina has the following characteristics.

Kandungan protein dari spirulina is as high as 70%, the amino acid content is relatively high, and the 8 (or 9) essential amino acids are complete. Its composition is very close to the 8 essential amino acid composition standards formulated by the Protein Advisory Group of the World Health Organization and the World Food and Agriculture Organization for preschool children’s food in 1985, and it can be called a high-quality natural food with high protein. Just the material basis for children to grow up.

Kedua, kandungan nutrisi yang lebih menonjol dari spirulina adalah karoten, yang mencapai 400mg/100g bubuk kering. Karoten yang terkandung dalam wortel, menurut provinsi yang ditentukan dari 1,35 (Beijing) - 3,70 (Tongsu) mg/100g antara (Tabel komposisi makanan edisi 1977). Karoten disebut sebagai sumber vitamin A, yang dapat diubah menjadi vitamin A di dalam tubuh, dan hati adalah tempat utama untuk menyimpan vitamin A, dan jumlah vitamin A yang disimpan di hati selama masa kanak-kanak sangat rendah, serendah sepersepuluh dari yang setara dengan orang dewasa. Kebutuhan vitamin A sebanding dengan pertumbuhan, ada bukti bahwa bayi dan anak kecil rentan terhadap kelompok usia defisiensi, dan vitamin A, seperti kebanyakan vitamin, tidak dapat disintesis dalam tubuh manusia, harus diperoleh dari makanan, oleh karena itu, anak-anak perlu secara teratur menjadi kaya vitamin A atau makanan karoten, Spirulina powder is suitable for providing regular carotene as a supplement to children’s food.

Karoten can promote the growth and bone development of young children, and its mechanism may be to promote protein biosynthesis and bone cell differentiation. In the case of vitamin A deficiency, the body cannot absorb the bone that has been formed in the bones in the past, resulting in thickening of the bones, the reduction of the bone cavity, the excessive proliferation and thickening of the skull, which will interfere with other cranial nerves, and the thickening of the vertebrae, which will make the nerve pore of the spine smaller, thereby pressuring the spinal nerves. The effect of vitamin A deficiency on bone growth is mainly manifested in the outward proliferation of bone in the bone rather than normal growth, which interferes with neighboring organs, especially nerve tissue. Hages believes that normal bone growth requires A very good balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. These problems occur when this balance is disrupted or when there is too much osteogenic activity, so vitamin A or carotene is very helpful in children’s rapidly growing bones.

Kekurangan vitamin A paling sering terjadi pada anak-anak berusia 2-5 tahun. Meskipun dapat terjadi pada orang dewasa dan anak-anak, sebenarnya sulit untuk memodelkan defisiensi pada hewan dewasa. Anak-anak yang kekurangan gizi terkadang sulit untuk mendeteksi kekurangannya karena kebutuhan vitamin A relatif berkurang akibat pertumbuhan yang lebih lambat, dalam hal ini perlu untuk memberikan nutrisi secara penuh. Komposisi nutrisi dari spirulina sesuai dengan persyaratannya.

Effects of iron deficiency anemia on children’s health. In fact, iron is not only the raw material of hemoglobin synthesis, but also an indispensable component of many biochemical metabolism and cytochrome. Iron is involved in cellular respiration, oxidative phosphorylation (more than half of the enzymes involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle are iron-containing and iron-dependent enzymes), porphyrin metabolism, collagen synthesis, nucleic acid, amino acid metabolism, and mitosis. Therefore, the impact of iron deficiency on children’s health, in addition to iron deficiency anemia, also has damage to the function of the following organs:

1. Impact on the nervous system: the brain is extremely sensitive to iron deficiency, which can lead to low IQ, the baby’s lack of interest in the surrounding things, poor response, easy to provoke and do not compete in class inattention, hyperactivity, these symptoms can appear in the iron deficiency stage, do not have anemia characteristics. Some research data show that it is related to the decreased activity of iron-containing monoamine oxidase due to iron deficiency, and it can be significantly improved after iron treatment.

2. Pengaruh terhadap fungsi otot dan mukosa kulit: Eksperimen telah menunjukkan bahwa fosforilase A-gliserol (enzim yang mengandung zat besi) yang tidak normal pada mitokondria sel otot rangka adalah alasan utama penurunan fungsi otot, dan pada anak-anak dimanifestasikan sebagai berkurangnya daya tahan tubuh, kelelahan, dan mudah lelah. Isotop zat besi telah menunjukkan bahwa zat besi berhubungan dengan pembaharuan sel epitel. Pada kasus kekurangan zat besi, kuku menjadi rapuh dan rapuh, serta terdapat puncak kuku yang memanjang, menipis, rata, atau berbentuk sendok. Glositis, keratitis, dan peradangan kronis pada epitel dan jaringan ikat yang longgar di bawah faring dan persimpangan kerongkongan dapat terjadi, yang mengakibatkan disfagia.

3. Dampak pada sistem pencernaan: perubahan atrofi mukosa lambung, berkurangnya amilase, tripsin, elipsis lipase, dan berkurangnya sekresi asam lambung menyebabkan penurunan nafsu makan pada anak-anak, dan rasa yang tidak normal menyebabkan pica. IgA sekretorik menurun, fungsi penghalang pencernaan menurun, dan anak-anak rentan terhadap infeksi saluran pencernaan.

4, berdampak pada fungsi kekebalan tubuh: Diketahui bahwa granulosit segmentil (PMN) bernafas selama fagositosis, meletus untuk menghasilkan serangkaian spesies oksigen reaktif, dan memiliki fungsi membunuh patogen; Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa produksi spesies oksigen reaktif menurun selama ledakan pernapasan PMN pada pasien yang kekurangan zat besi. Perawatan zat besi dapat dengan cepat kembali normal.

Especially meaningful for children is calcium, 99% of the body’s calcium in the bones, as the most fundamental pillar of the human body. Bone growth and development in children and adolescents is very rapid, with an average increase of 0.25mm per day and an average increase in dry weight of 1.2g per day. Calcium caused by bone development in childhood remains in the first 10 years of life at less than 150mg per day, in the range of 275-500mg. Adolescent children need 2-4 times more calcium than adults, so the supply of children around 10 years old should be up or down 1000mg, so since childhood, they should supply enough calcium to adapt to their normal growth and development needs. Spirulina contains 160mg/lOOg calcium, which can partially supplement the calcium deficiency.

The content of eurylinolenic acid in spirulina is as high as 7000mg/kg. It can be seen that pregnant women eating spirulina has a positive significance for the normal development of fetal brain tissue. It has also been argued that it is better to consume them before pregnancy because these essential nutrients are stored in the body’s fat for later use as precursors for the synthesis of n-6 and n-3 long carbon chain fatty acids in the placenta and fetus to meet the needs of fetal brain development.

Spirulina is containing high quality protein, and has a very rich variety of special functional micronutrients, can be called a rare natural full nutrition food and high digestion and absorption rate, the most suitable for the comprehensive development of the fetus and children’s intellectual body, if it can be fully used, to promote children’s health, improve the physical quality of our people has immeasurable far-reaching significance.