Ekstrak Pohon Asap Fisetin pemasok Ekstrak Pohon Asap Fisetin produsen Ekstrak Pohon Asap Fisetin sampel gratis pabrik

Smoke Tree Extract  Fisetin (FIS, 3,3′,4′,7-tetrahydroxyflavone), also known as fisetin, is a natural flavonoid compound extracted from plants such as the Anacardiaceae plant, Fisetin. Flavins have pharmacological properties such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Smoke Tree Extract Fisetin Introduction

Fisetin (Smoke Tree Extract)- was is prepared from Cotinus coggygria Scop trunk, using suitable solvents such as water and alcoho, or mixtures of these solvents. The ratio of starting plant material to Extract is approximately 400:1. It contains NLT 98.0% of the labeled amount of Fisetin, calculated on the dried basis.

Fisetin (FIS, 3,3′,4′,7-tetrahydroxyflavone), also known as fisetin, is a natural flavonoid compound extracted from plants such as the Anacardiaceae plant, Fisetin. Flavins have pharmacological properties such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Nama Produk Ekstrak Pohon Asap Fisetin
CAS No 528-48-3
Nama Latin Cotinus coggygria Scop.var.cinerea Engl.
Penampilan yellow needle crystal powder
Spesifikasi 10%,30%,50%,80%,98%
Pakage 1kg/tas, 25kg/drum
Penyimpanan Atap yang lembap dan hindari penyimpanan yang terang dan tertutup rapat.
Metode pengujian HPLC

The function of Smoke Tree Extract Fisetin


Fisetin is a bioflavonoid antioxidant that can help maintain glutathione levels and mitochondrial function in the presence of oxidative stress. It has the potential to cross the blood-brain barrier, which may help maintain neuronal function.
Fisetin may support the body’s antioxidant arsenal through direct free radical scavenging activity and boosting glutathione levels. In vitro studies show that fisetin may support glutathione, a very active antioxidant naturally occurring in the body, by providing cysteine ​​(a building block of glutathione) to cells or enhancing glutathione synthesis. thione. Fisetin may help regulate the production of many proteins involved in protecting the body from oxidative stress and maintaining redox homeostasis (the balance between the rate of free radical production and the rate of scavenging of various antioxidants).


In recent years, the anti-tumor effect of fisetin has attracted people’s attention. Studies have shown that fisetin can exert anti-tumor effects by inducing tumor cell apoptosis, affecting tumor cell signal transduction pathways, inhibiting tumor cell proliferation, and inhibiting tumor cell migration and invasion.
Fisetin mainly induces tumor cell apoptosis through activating Caspase, downregulating BIRC8 and Bcl2L2, and inhibiting COX-2.
The natural product fisetin can inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells through multiple pathways. At the same time, fisetin has the characteristics of being widely distributed in nature, having few toxic and side effects, and acting in multiple ways. It is believed that with the continuous deepening of the research on the anti-tumor mechanism of fisetin, it is expected to be used in clinical practice more scientifically and rationally, providing a basis for Human Health Career Services.

Anti-cancer effect

The researchers compounded drug carriers with Rhus extract containing fisetin, xanthophyllin, sulfaterin and rhodinin to obtain a composition with anti-cancer activity. Activity experiments showed that Rhus extract has anti-cancer properties in humans. cells, anti-uterine cancer cells, anti-human skin cancer cells and human colon cancer cells. Its main mechanism is to induce the organ differentiation of cancer cells into normal cells by transforming cancer cell genes.
Fisetin is the most typical active compound among Rhus flavonoid compounds, which can effectively inhibit the proliferation of prostate cancer cells and induce their apoptosis. In human lung cancer cells, fisetin can reduce the production of MMPs by inhibiting MAP kinase and NF-κB pathways. It also promotes the proliferation and apoptosis of breast cancer, cervical cancer, blood cancer and other cells. Therefore fisetin is considered to be an anticancer agent with development potential.


Mainly Specifications of Fisetin

Fisetin Powder 10% HPLC
Fisetin Powder 30% HPLC
Fisetin Powder 50% HPLC
Fisetin Powder 80% HPLC
Fisetin Powder 98% HPLC


Benefits of Fisetin

Fisetin is a super antioxidant and inflammation killer, effectively inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus.
Fisetin has great anti-tumor function,prevent tumor cells entering blood and inhibit the metastasis of tumor cells.
Fisetin has powerful ability to remove senescent cells, become a strong anti-aging ingredient.


Typical Specification Sheet of Fisetin 98%

Item Analisis Spesifikasi Metode
HPTLC Sample exhibits major bands similar in position and color to standard solution.
HPLC Waktu retensi sampel sesuai dengan standar dalam uji kemurnian HPLC.
Tes Bahan Aktif
Fisetin ≥98.00% HPLC
Tes Fisik
Penampilan Light yellow fine powder Visual
Bau & rasa Karakteristik Organoleptik
Ukuran partikel 98% lulus 80mesh Ch.P 2020 IV<0982>
Air ≤5.00% GB 5009.3
Residu pada Pengapian ≤5.00% GB 5009.4
Uji Kimia
Logam Berat ≤10.00ppm GB 5009.74
Pb ≤2.00ppm GB 5009.12
As<Arsenic> ≤2.00ppm GB 5009.11
Cd (Kadmium) ≤1.00ppm GB 5009.15
Hg<Total mercury> ≤0.10ppm GB 5009.17
Solvent Residues GB 5009.262 GB 5009.262
Residu pestisida GB 23200.113 GB 23200.113
Tes Mikrobiologi
Total Bacterial Counts ≤1.000cfu/g GB 4789.2
Ragi dan Jamur ≤100cfu / g GB 4789.15
E. Coli Negatif dalam 1g GB 4789.38
Salmonella Negatif dalam 10g GB 4789.4


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