Pemasok Asam Kojic Pemasok Asam Kojic Produsen Asam Kojic Sampel gratis pabrik Asam Kojic

Kojic acid is a colorless prismatic crystal that can inhibit tyrosinase activity in the process of melanin production and has a significant whitening effect without inhibiting other enzymes. It is now used in daily products such as whitening, sunscreen cosmetics, solvents, and toothpastes. Widely used in chemical industry.


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Asam Kojic Deskripsi

Kojic acid, also known as kojic acid, its chemical name is 5-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4H-pyran-4-one, chemistry The structural formula is as shown belowAsam Kojic

Kojic acid is a colorless prismatic crystal that can inhibit tyrosinase activity in the process of melanin production and has a significant whitening effect without inhibiting other enzymes. It is now used in daily products such as whitening, sunscreen cosmetics, solvents, and toothpastes. Widely used in chemical industry.

Nama Produk Asam kojic
CAS No. 501-30-4
Penampilan Bubuk putih
Spesifikasi ≥ 99.0%
Pakage 1kg/tas, 25kg/drum
Penyimpanan Atap yang lembap dan hindari penyimpanan yang terang dan tertutup rapat.
Metode pengujian HPLC

The Efficacy of Kojic Acid


Kojic acid has a good inhibitory effect on most bacteria and some yeasts. Unlike sodium benzoate, which only has an antibacterial effect under acidic conditions, pH has no major impact on the antibacterial effect of kojic acid. Compared with sodium benzoate at the same concentration, the antibacterial ability of kojic acid is significantly stronger than that of sodium benzoate.

In addition, kojic acid has good thermal stability and still has a good antibacterial effect after heat treatment. It is not irritating to the human body and can inhibit the formation of carcinogens from nitrite. It is safe and harmless in food processing.



Kojic acid has a strong antioxidant effect. Kojic acid treatment can effectively reduce the loss of water during fresh-cut storage and delay the decline in TA, VC and chlorophyll content, so that it only needs to be added a little to have a good effect. It has a fresh-keeping effect and is an ideal substance for keeping flowers, fruits and vegetables fresh.


Application in Color-Producing Foods

The strong antioxidant properties of kojic acid can play a role in color protection. It can react sensitively with the iron in myoglobin and can partially replace the color-producing effect of sodium nitrite. It can also selectively combine with distillates in wood to inhibit the formation of carcinogens.

Hozova.B pointed out in the article that adding it to bacon can not only keep the color of the meat from fading, but also prevent the growth of microorganisms!


Inhibit Enzymatic Browning Reaction

Kojic acid can inhibit the enzymatic browning reaction caused by polyphenol oxidase, and plays a significant role in color protection of fruits, vegetables, and crustacean products. Can replace traditional polyphenol oxidase inhibitors such as sodium sulfite.


Cosmetics Industry

Tyrosinase inhibitors can treat common pigmented skin diseases such as freckles, chloasma, and age spots. Kojic acid and its derivatives mainly inhibit melanin synthesis by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, thereby exerting a whitening effect.The specific performance is as follows:


In human skin, tyrosine undergoes complex oxidation and polymerization with oxygen free radicals under the catalysis of tyrosinase, and finally synthesizes melanin. Kojic acid has the function of inhibiting the activity of the melanin-generating enzyme tyrosinase, and has a significant whitening effect without inhibiting other enzymes. It has good freckle removal and whitening effects. It is a commonly used cosmetic raw material and is widely used in lotions. , facial mask, lotion, skin cream, etc.


In addition to its whitening effect, kojic acid also has free radical scavenging and antioxidant effects. It can help tighten the skin, promote protein aggregation, and help skin tighten.


Pharmaceutical Industry

Kojic acid not only has antibacterial activity and can be used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, but it also has anti-cancer effects. It is a natural compound that can act as a safer antifungal chemical sensitizer, reducing the antifungal dose levels necessary for effective fungal control, selectively inhibiting fungal pathogens while reducing side effects in conjunction with antifungal treatment .

Kojic acid derivatives can also be widely used in medicine. For example, some kojic acid derivatives can effectively inhibit the activity of human neutrophil elastase (HNE) and are thus used in the treatment of chronic and acute inflammatory lung diseases. .



Kojic acid can be used as a pesticide, chelating agent and activator of pesticides, and is widely used in the production of agricultural pesticides. Moreover, it also inhibits phenol oxidase in diamondback moth. It can chelate with Cu2+, the active center of insect phenol oxidase, to inhibit its activity, thereby causing the death of diamondback moth.

At the same time, kojic acid can inhibit the growth and development of certain insects, such as cotton bollworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, house flies and fruit strings, etc., and can also induce sterility in the larvae of certain insects such as Lycoris genus.

In addition, kojic acid can also be used as a growth promoter for crops, which can significantly increase the production of grains and vegetables. It can be formulated into a low concentration and sprayed on the leaves, or it can be mixed with compound fertilizer and applied together.


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