Ekstrak Ashwaganda Withanolides pemasok Ekstrak Ashwaganda Withanolides produsen Ekstrak Ashwaganda Withanolides sampel gratis pabrik

Ashwaganda Extract Withanolides ,The chemical structure of withanolide is pentacyclic benzopyronone, which is a member of the alcohol-ketone conjugated system. It has various biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and promoting sleep.

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Ashwaganda Extract Withanolides Powder Introduction

Ashwagandha (Ashwagandha) is an evergreen shrub that grows in Asia and Africa. It belongs to the Solanaceae family. Its roots and berries have been used as traditional medicine in India for 6,000 years. It is known as the king of Ayurvedic herbs. It is also known as Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng, and winter cherry are known for their sedative, hypnotic, and stress- and anxiety-reducing properties. It is also used as a supplement to enhance physical function, increase testosterone levels, and improve reproductive health.

Ashwagandha Extract—is prepared from the dried mature root and aerial part of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Fam.Solanaceae), using methanol, alcohol, water, or mixtures ofthese solvents. It contains NLT 2.5% of withanolides,calculated on the dried basis as the sum of withanolide aglycones, calculated as withanolide A, and withanolide glycosides, calculated as withanoside IV. It may contain suitable added substances.

Nama Produk Ekstrak Ashwaganda Withanolides
CAS No 90147-43-6
Nama Latin Withania somnifera
Penampilan Brown powder
Spesifikasi Withanolides 2.50%
Pakage 1kg/tas, 25kg/drum
Penyimpanan Atap yang lembap dan hindari penyimpanan yang terang dan tertutup rapat.
Metode pengujian HPLC、LC-MS

Ashwaganda Extract Withanolides Health Benefits

Ashwagandha contains high concentrations of withanolide and other active ingredients such as choline, scopolamine, chlorogenic acid, tannins and flavonoids. Its health benefits include:

Ashwagandha, like valerian, is called the “sleeping grass”. Its extract contains triethylene glycol, which can promote people to enter the non-rapid eye movement sleep period and treat insomnia. It also has the ability to enhance gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABA A) signaling, which can improve total sleep time and sleep quality.


Anti-anxiety and relieve stress. It affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, lowering cortisol levels (one of the body’s primary stress hormones), reducing stress responses and improving depression and anxiety.

Increase the level of antioxidant enzymes, which play the role of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and resist cancer cells.

Like ginseng, it has the effect of enhancing non-specific defense capabilities and improving the body’s resistance.

By increasing hemoglobin levels, increasing maximum oxygen uptake, improving endurance and physical fitness, this has aroused the interest of athletes in ashwagandha.

It is beneficial to reproductive health and increases testosterone levels. This effect is more significant in men with infertility and low testosterone levels. It can increase sperm count and activity and improve male fertility.

Balance thyroid hormones.


Ekstrak Ashwaganda Withanolides Benefits

The chemical structure of withanolide is pentacyclic benzopyronone, which is a member of the alcohol-ketone conjugated system. It has various biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and promoting sleep.

The chemical structure of withanolide is pentacyclic benzopyranone, which is a member of the alcohol-ketone conjugated system. It has various biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and promoting sleep;

Withanolide also shows anti-inflammatory effects. It can inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators and inflammatory cells in inflammatory reactions and reduce the degree of inflammatory reactions. This makes it potentially useful in treating inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease;

Withanolide also has anti-tumor activity. It can inhibit the proliferation and migration of tumor cells and promote the apoptosis of tumor cells. This makes it potentially useful in tumor treatment.

Withanolides are also thought to have a sleep-promoting effect. Research shows that it can regulate levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain, promoting sleep. This makes it potentially effective in treating insomnia and improving sleep quality.

Specification (TDS) of Ashwagandha Extract Withanolides 2.50%

Item Analisis Spesifikasi Metode
A. HPTLC Sample solution exhibits major bands similar in position & color to RS solution.
B. HPLC Waktu retensi sampel sesuai dengan standar dalam uji kemurnian HPLC.
Tes Bahan Aktif
Withanolides (HPLC) ≥2.50 % USP43
Tes Fisik
Penampilan Yellow brown powder Visual
Bau & rasa Karakteristik Organoleptik
Ukuran partikel 98% pass 80 mesh USP43
Kepadatan massal 0.35~0.55g/mL USP43
Kerugian karena pengeringan ≤6.00% USP43
Acid insoluble ash ≤5.00% USP43
Uji Kimia
Logam Berat ≤10.00ppm USP43
Pb ≤3.00ppm USP43
As<Arsenic> ≤3.00ppm USP43
Cd (Kadmium) ≤1.00ppm USP43
Hg<Total mercury> ≤0.10ppm USP43
Solvent Residues <Methanol> ≤3000ppm USP43<467>
Residu pestisida USP43 USP43
Tes Mikrobiologi
Jumlah Bakteri Total ≤10.000cfu/g USP43
Ragi dan Jamur ≤1.000cfu/g USP43
E. Coli Negatif dalam 1g USP43
Salmonella Negatif dalam 10g USP43


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