Ethereum: Why can i not place an order with the python-binance library?

Ethhereum Order Placement Ethics with Python Library Library

Like a team of a developer in the trading of Ethereum Blockchain Wesing Python and the Binance Library, you will be your meeting a problem to place orders. In this article, we want to explore why making a order can be a challenge and provide possible soluizations.

What is an error there?

Ofer Investment several cases, it is the case for you to learn about Placeorder’s workshops. The library uses the Orderbocari ceremony of the Binance API API to place orders, but this API Endpoint conducted its original implementation. Specifically, the Endpoint 'Orderbocars' is now restricted and is not the same.

The question:

Placeorder working from Python-Binance Reales is the Binance API Orderbooki ‘. This operation was obsolete in favor of the new endpoint called get_order_book_by_ticker, which provides similarity service bubble with adhesives and improvements. As much as this new terminal seems to be supported by them.


The work of the work, you can use the client_server_time service. This allows your code to order on Ethereum Blockchain Esting Python-Binance.

Here a sample implementation:


Binance.client import client

DEF get_server_time ():

Customer = Customer ()

Return client.get_server_time ()

Customer = Customer ()

server_time = get_server_time ()

Print (F "server time: {server_time}"))))

Place_order = clent.placeorder (

symbol = "Thethusd",

Side = "buy",

Amunt = 100,

Type = "Limit"


Other potential questions and solutions:

Although this workshop solves the problem with the realization of orders, there may be no immediate pursuit. Some possible solutions to consider:


Ethereum: Why can i not place an order with the python-binance library?

Review Binance’s API documentation to ensure Bookapi themes

* Test the library completely:

Run a seriality to check if you tested, including tests with a different order and parameter type.

Consider sting supposed libraries: ** If you are experience is binance-biners-GPS, you will be access to a supply and strength and strength to this AI access.

Following these tips and adapting the worker above, you will be ordering the Blockchain Ethereum using Python-Binance.