Ethereum: What BIP32 derivation path does Electrum use for Multisig?
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Ethereum: What bip32 derivation route is used electrum for Multisig?
When it comes to configuring a multisig wallet in Ethereum, users often need to create multiple firms to ensure that all required participants have agreed the transaction. One way to achieve this is through the use of BIP32 derivation routes.
BIP32 and Multisig
BIP32 (Bitcoin Internet Protocol Version 3) is a standardized method to represent the public key of Bitcoin in a hierarchical deterministic wallet format (HD). In a multisig wallet, multiple firms are required to demonstrate the property of the funds before they can be transferred.
To implement this, Electrum, a popular open -source ethhereum wallet, uses BIP32 derivation routes to create a decentralized and private wallet for multisig transactions.
What BIP32 derivation route uses electrum?
The electrum implementation of the BIP32 derivation routes implies the creation of a hierarchical structure that represents the public keys of each participant. This structure is typically represented as a Merkle tree or a similar data structure.
In particular, Electrum uses a combination of the derivation route m/0/m/0
(also known as” multisig “or” seal “) and the derivation routem/0/k
to create the multisig wallet . This is how it works:
- The derivation route
represents the public key of a single participant, with a hierarchical structure that includes multiple firms (for example, 1, 2 and 3).
- The derivation route
represents the private password corresponding to the signature of each participant.
- Electrum combines these two routes using a Merkle tree or other data structure, allowing efficient verification of firms.
Why Electrum use BIP32 derivation routes **
Electrum uses BIP32 derivation routes for multisig wallets because they provide several benefits:
- Decentralization : BIP32 allows each participant to create their own private key and sign independent transactions.
- Private property
: Each participant has complete control over their funds, with the ability to transfer or freeze them as necessary.
- Efficient verification : The use of electrum Merkle trees ensures that all firms are verified correctly, reducing the risk of manipulation or commitment.
In summary, Electrum uses a combination of derivation routes m/0/m/0
bip32 to create a decentralized and private multisig wallet for Ethereum. This implementation provides several benefits, including decentralization, private property and efficient verification of firms. Through the use of BIP32 and Merkle trees, the multisig electrum wallet is suitable for use in a wide range of applications, from decentralized finance (defi) to cryptocurrency trade.