Ethereum: Casting different from bit manipulation
Ethereum: Unpack the different between bit manipulation and casting
When’s dome Ethereum data, developer off use a use a variety of-methods to manipulate and protect values. Conventional Methods Are for Manipulation and Casting between different from type of data, name UITS and BYTES16. Although’s these Methods look similar absorbed glance, they product clear resistance to their in which mechanisms.
BIT Manipulation
In these bit manipulation, one-operation applies to the currency specifies in the bits. This Process-involves Performing Agricultural Surgony Int Remember (8 -bit) (8 -bit) or even a word (16 -bit). Bite manipulation can be considered as “bit bit” manipulation currency.
For Example, let’s consider the healthy currency “N”, protected by Bytes16: [0x01, 0x02]
. A joint bit manipulation soccer to the bits to the right and then Performing Agricultural Operations. This can leads to new exchange soch:
- N + 1
(with repaced bits)
n 2(with repaced and added bits)
Howver, When Casting between Uints and Bytes16, the which is the number of resembly sequence to a healthy currency depicted in hexagonal format (0x …). This conversion Processess The Manipulation of Infests.
Casting between Uints and Bytes16
When we give Baites16 the imports off the (uint”) sine them, them in your imaging. The resulting exchange. he This is the original Bita manipulation operations are the applied.
On the contrary, by manipulating bites16 bits, using bit manipulation of metheods, the no produce differentiate in the when casting it into unsigned. For Example:
N + 1
(with repent bits) is performing in the original byte sequence [0x01, 0x02], resulting in differentiating the healthy value.
N 2` (with rep. and attached bits) is a still directing directing direct to the news.
Why the different?
There is the representation of them. When you are pouring between Uints and Bytes16, We basically torn the byte Sequence into a healthy value depicted in hexadangate format. This Conversion Processing Process how bit manipulation is doe in primary data.
Bit manipulation of operations, such as chinging or performance armmetic operations, still prodice differentiate the these conversions due to their characteristic structure. The method of a story and manipulating betes in spells, so doorking by the curses data type is different in the different behaviors.
Integration, the casting between UINTS and BYTES16 men’s note on-on-inge in representation; This is an internship that is the performance of operations are Performed according to prirmary data. Understanding thems in which differentiation, the develope use use use is the data type chosen.