Spirulina baik untuk perut
Spirulina and Stomach
Spirulina is a weak alkaline natural nutrient, which can neutralize stomach acid and nourish stomach nutrition. Its rich chlorophyll, phycocyanin, B-carotene, Y-linolenic acid and other substances have the effect of anti-mucosal tissue inflammation, repair cell damage and restore normal secretion function. In the human body, Y-linolenic acid can be converted into prostaglandin E, and the high protein in spirulina, especially the high amount of cystine (a type of amino acid) helps to increase the efficacy of stomach ulcers. Spirulina in the intestine can promote the double growth of lactobacillus bifidus, can inhibit the reproduction of various pathogenic bacteria in the intestine.
Develop good living habits
Eat small meals, eat only seven full meals. Eat well in the morning, eat full at noon, and eat less at night. Avoid overeating. such
Change your eating habits
Eat regular meals sitting down rather than standing or squatting. Do not eat spicy, fried, smoked food such as barbecue, do not eat too acid, too cold and other stimulating food, do not drink alcohol, drink less tea, coffee and so on. Eat more vegetables and crude fiber foods such as celery, mushroom and so on.
Active diet
Mutton and other warm food have stomach effect suitable for stomach cold disease; Garlic disinfection can help eliminate inflammation, it is recommended to eat more; In addition, wolfberry, tremella, red dates, walnuts can be snacks or dishes.
Massage health care
After meals, before going to bed, you can rub hot hands to the navel as the center clockwise ring mo 64 times. Finish rubbing warm hands massage lower abdomen.
Calm down
The occurrence and development of gastric diseases are closely related to people’s emotions and mentality. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to mental health, maintain mental happiness and emotional stability, and avoid the stimulation of bad emotions such as tension, anxiety and anger.
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