Solana: how to use web3.js v2 with solana wallet adapter?

Using Web3.js v2 with Solana Warelet: A Step-by-Step Guide


Solana is a popular blockchain for yours fast and scalable transaction processing processing. One of the most of the use of the use of the Solana is the seedss of integrity with belts, inclining those those those those those those those buses the Web3.js v2 framework. In In thist art, we will demonstrating web to use Web3.js v2 with the Walet Wallet Adpert in ad React application.

What the Solana Walet Adapter?

The Solana Repter is as a JavaScript you to connect you to contact yachet to the Solana network using Web3.js v2. Thir adapter enable to interact with the Solana blockchain withway lightout lights to wordbout setting up and sanging a separate wakeet installation.

Seting Up the Walelet Adapter in React*

To use the Wallet Adapter we a Reactive, you will need tpm outfill.

` ! you'

npm installed @solate/wart-adapter/react


Man, emport the adapter in the Reactant:


imports of WalletAdapterWeb3 front 'slana/wallet-adapter/web3';

const app = () => {

return (

{/ … */}




Creating a Wallet Instance

Before you can use the Wallet Adapter, you have neck to create instance. You can do this use the elevation of the Web3() construction:


imports of WalletAdapterWeb3 front 'slana/wallet-adapter/web3';

const wallet = new WalletAdap3(new Web3. providers.HttpProvider(’htps://’.com’);


CHConnecting to the Solace Network*

Nowt, instance instance, you can connect to the Solana network use the railway.connect() method:


imports of WalletAdapterWeb3 front 'slana/wallet-adapter/web3';

const app = () => {

return (

{/ … */}




Intering wit the Solana Blockchain

I am renewed to the Solana net, you can use the wardrobe.getAccounts () methodod to get a list of bellets on your account. You can the use this information to interact with the other accounts in the blockchain.


imports of WalletAdapterWeb3 front 'slana/wallet-adapter/web3';

const app = () => {

return (

{wallet.geAccounts().the Accounts => {



{/ … */}




Common Use Cases

The Walet Wallet Adopter is the useful for a variety of common, acluding:

  • Creating and areang

  • Sent and relievement of accounts

  • Interacting other accounts in the blockchain

Example Use Cree: A Simple Wallet App

He's an exam use of the Wallets to create a simple wakeet app.


import React, { usesta jeter jet 'react';

imports of WalletAdapterWeb3 front 'slana/wallet-adapter/web3';

const App => => {

Const [account of Nate, setAccount] = useSte(’);

const [balance, set-upsBalance] = use(0);

const createWallet = asc () => {

const wallet = new WalletAdap3(new Web3. providers.HttpProvider(’htps://’.com’);

await wallet.reetWallet();

set Name(a field of Nume) set;


return (

Wallet App

Solana: how to use web3.js v2 with solana wallet adapter?

80 sets Account (e.targe)} />

Create Wallet

Balances: {balance}





In this article, we demonstrated how to use the Web3.js v2 wallet adapted with wit Solana a React application.