Espirulina en polvo proveedores Espirulina en polvo fabricantes Espirulina en polvo muestra gratis fábrica

Spirulina (scientific name: Spirulina) is a type of prokaryote, composed of single-cell or multi-cell filaments, 200-500 μm long, 5-10 μm wide, cylindrical, in a loose or tight regular spiral shape It is curved and shaped like a clock spring, hence its name. It has the effects of reducing the toxic and side effects of tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy, improving immune function, and lowering blood lipids.

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Spirulina powder Introduction

Spirulina is another name for the lower prokaryotic unicellular and multicellular organism “Arthrospira”. There are two types of artificially cultivated Spirulina platensis (S.platensis) and Spirulina maxima (S.maxima). An alkaline body of water (with a pH of approximately
9.5(9-11)) naturally occurring planktonic photosynthetic cyanobacterial algae. Ranking first among the four major algae species: Spirulina, Haematococcus pluvialis, Chlorella, and Euglena.

Spirulina Powder-made by instantaneous high temperature spray drying process from wild or human cultivated spirulina platensis or spirulina maxima. Spirulina contains an unusually high amount of protein, between 50% and 70% by dry weight. It is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids & essential fatty acids, the variety of Vitamins, and also a good source of Minerals. Because this easily digestible nutrients, pure spirulina powder is preferred as No.1 natural plant source protein food supplement.

Nombre del producto Espirulina en polvo
Nº CAS 724424-92-4
Nombre latino Spirulina platensis
Apariencia polvo verde
Spirulina Powder food grade,Spirulina Powder feed grade
Pakage 1kg/saco, 25kg/bidón
Almacenamiento Proteger de la humedad y evitar el almacenamiento ligero y hermético.
Método de ensayo NIR

Spirulina powder Specifications

Spirulina Powder food grade

Spirulina Powder feed grade


Beneficios de Espirulina en polvo

Spirulina Powder reduce cholesterol

Lowering cholesterol can effectively prevent the onset of heart disease and stroke. The Y-linolenic acid in spirulina can reduce the cholesterol contained in the human body, thereby effectively reducing high blood pressure, preventing heart disease and reducing cholesterol.


Spirulina Powder regulate blood sugar

Spirulina contains spirulina polysaccharide, magnesium, chromium and other hypoglycemic substances, which can regulate blood sugar metabolism through various ways (such as promoting insulin secretion, slowing down sugar absorption, promoting material metabolism, antioxidant, etc.).


Spirulina Powder strengthen immune system

Spirulina has immune-enhancing effects because both phycosan and phycocyanin in spirulina can enhance the proliferation activity of bone marrow cells, promote the growth of immune organs such as the thymus and spleen, and promote the biosynthesis of serum proteins.


Spirulina Powder protect intestines and stomach

Most patients with stomach problems suffer from hyperacidity, which leads to gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases. Spirulina is an alkaline food. Spirulina contains high levels of plant-based protein and rich chlorophyll, β-carotene, etc. These nutrients It is extremely effective in neutralizing gastric acid and repairing, regenerating and normal secreting functions of gastrointestinal mucosa. It is especially suitable for gastrointestinal patients. By improving the intestinal environment, it also has auxiliary treatment significance for patients with diabetes. Spirulina can improve emergency response capabilities, and has certain preventive and protective effects on diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, and kidney damage.

The mechanism of action of anti-mutation and anti-tumor drugs is related to the repair of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The algae polysaccharide, β-carotene, and phycocyanin in Spirulina all have this effect. Therefore, Spirulina has shown good results in anti-tumor and anti-tumor aspects. play an important role.


Spirulina Powder prevent hyperlipidemia

Spirulina contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, of which linoleic acid and linolenic acid account for 45% of the total fatty acids. They are important components of the phospholipids in the mitochondria of the cell membrane and can prevent the accumulation of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver and blood vessels. , to avoid damaging the normal physiological functions of the cardiovascular system.


Spirulina Powder antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-fatigue

Free radicals are one of the root causes of aging and disease in the human body. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) can catalyze the disproportionation reaction to remove free radicals. Spirulina can reduce oxygen free radical damage caused by exercise, protect cell membrane structure, and has anti-exercise fatigue effects.


Spirulina polysaccharide can resist radiation

The anti-radiation mechanism of Spirulina is related to the following factors: (1) Spirulina contains a large amount of phycocyanin and algae polysaccharide, rich in protein and multiple vitamins (vitamin C and vitamin E, etc.), β-carotene and trace elements (Se, zinc, iron, etc.) and other biologically active ingredients can increase the body’s immune function and relieve and reduce the inhibitory effect of radiation on the immune system. (2) Spirulina has a strong antioxidant effect, which can enhance the body’s antioxidant enzyme activity and capture free radicals, thereby reducing DNA damage caused by the formation of free radicals triggered by radiation. (3) Spirulina is rich in iron, vitamin B12 and chlorophyll, which promotes hematopoietic function and alleviates the suppression of bone marrow hematopoietic function by radiation.


Spirulina Powder Improve iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a very common phenomenon, and spirulina is extremely rich in iron and chlorophyll. These nutrients can effectively improve the anemia condition of the human body. Spirulina is rich in active iron, vitamin B12 and chlorophyll, which are raw materials and coenzymes for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Moreover, the phycocyanin and algae polysaccharide in spirulina can enhance the ratio of polychromatic erythrocytes to orthochromatic erythrocytes in mouse bone marrow. , therefore Spirulina can promote hemoglobin synthesis and bone marrow hematopoietic function in many aspects, and play an anti-anemia role.

Specification of Spirulina powder

Análisis Especificaciones Métodos
Pruebas de principios activos
Proteínas ≥55.00% GB 5009.5
Ficocianina ≥5.00% SN/T1113
Betacaroteno ≥0.02% GB 5009,83
Pruebas físicas
Apariencia Polvo fino de color verde azulado a verde oscuro Visual
Olor y sabor Olor a algas y sabor característico Organoléptico
Impurezas Sin impurezas extrañas visibles Visual
Tamaño de las partículas 98% pasar 80mesh Ch.P 2020 IV
Agua ≤7.00% GB 5009.3
Contenido de ceniza ≤7.00% GB 5009.4
Pruebas químicas
Metales pesados ≤20.00ppm GB/T 5009.11
Arsénico ≤0,50ppm GB/T 5009.11
Plomo ≤2.00ppm GB/T 5009.12
Cadmio ≤0,20ppm GB/T 5009.15
Mercurio ≤0,05ppm GB/T 5009.17
Pruebas microbiológicas
Recuento total de bacterias ≤100.000 ufc/g GB/T 4789.2
Levaduras y mohos ≤1.000 ufc/g GB/T 4789.15
Coliformes ≤90MPN/100g GB/T 4789.3
Salmonella Negativo GB/T 4789.4
Staphylococcus aureus Negativo GB/T 4789.10
Shigella Negativo GB/T 4789.5


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