Extracto de arroz negro Antocianinas proveedoresExtracto de arroz negro Antocianinas fabricantes Extracto de arroz negro Antocianinas muestra gratis de fábrica

“Compendium of Materia Medica” records: Black rice has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, strengthening the spleen and warming the liver, improving eyesight and activating blood circulation. It is used as medicine and has excellent effects on dizziness, anemia, white hair, eye diseases, etc. Folks call it “fairy rice”, “blood-tonifying rice”, “medicinal rice” and “longevity rice”. Using modern technology to extract and concentrate the anthocyanins from black rice, the effect of black rice on nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the body is fully exerted.

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What are Anthocyanins

Anthocyanins, also called anthocyanins, are flavonoids and are a type of water-soluble natural pigments widely present in plants. They are widely found in black rice, blueberries, black wolfberry and other plants. They are a kind of flavonoids with certain nutritional and pharmacological properties. The pure natural plant pigments can resist various related diseases caused by free radicals in the human body.

Nombre del producto Extracto de arroz negro antocianinas
Nº CAS 7542-45-2
Nombre latino Oryza sativa
Apariencia Purple red
Especificaciones 25%
Pakage 1kg/saco, 25kg/bidón
Almacenamiento Proteger de la humedad y evitar el almacenamiento ligero y hermético.
Método de ensayo HPLC

Advantages of Black Rice Anthocyanins

Raw material advantages: Black rice is produced in the “Golden Rice Belt of the World”, with a growth period of 140 days, a long planting and maturity period, and 2,629 hours of sunshine per year, making black rice precious and rare, hence the name “Black Pearl of Rice.” As a food crop, black rice is easy to promote and grow, has low price, good variety, high content and is safer.

Ingredient advantages: Among the common structures of anthocyanins, cyanidin has the strongest antioxidant properties. The cyanidin content in black rice anthocyanins is as high as 90.56%, the cyanidin content in purple sweet potato anthocyanins is 17.47%, and the cyanidin content in blueberry anthocyanins is only 12.27%. Therefore, black rice anthocyanins have stronger physiological activity and higher bioavailability.

Cultural advantages: “Compendium of Materia Medica” records: Black rice has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, strengthening the spleen and warming the liver, improving eyesight and activating blood circulation. It is used as medicine and has excellent effects on dizziness, anemia, white hair, eye diseases, etc. Folks call it “fairy rice”, “blood-tonifying rice”, “medicinal rice” and “longevity rice”. Using modern technology to extract and concentrate the anthocyanins from black rice, the effect of black rice on nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the body is fully exerted.


Characteristics of Anthocyanins

Fast and comprehensive: It can be detected in the blood 20 minutes after consumption, and remains in the human body for up to 27 hours. It can be 100% absorbed by the human body to quickly and comprehensively remove excess free radicals from the human body.(The so-called free radical refers to an outer layer with an unpaired atom, molecule or group. It has strong oxidizing properties and will attack cells and tissues, causing chain oxidation reactions.The occurrence and outcome of many diseases can be “blamed” on free radicals. Especially non-viral and non-bacterial diseases and degenerative diseases.)

Strong drug enhancement: Anthocyanins have been added to drugs as auxiliaries for many new special effects drugs. When patients take them during medication, they can enhance the efficacy of other drugs.

Strong safety: Research shows that anthocyanins are non-toxic, non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic, non-teratogenic, and non-allergenic. No direct or indirect toxicity has been seen, so anthocyanins are safe. of.

Remarkable effect: Anthocyanins are the only antioxidants discovered by scientists so far that can enter the nerve center through the blood-brain barrier, and certain effects can be seen 24 hours after consumption.


Mechanism of diseases directly caused by free radicals

Premature aging: Free radicals attack proteins and destroy enzymes in the body.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Free radicals destroy fat and cause lipid peroxidation, leading to atherosclerosis.

Cataracts: Free radicals cause damage to lens tissue.

Anemia: Free radicals attack hemoglobin, causing it to precipitate and bind to the membrane, causing the fragility of red blood cells to increase.

Diabetes: Free radicals promote the production of alloxan and attack the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin, inducing diabetes.

Low immunity: Free radicals oxidize ribose, destroy the polysaccharide structure on the cell membrane, and affect the immune function of cells.

Alzheimer’s disease: Free radicals damage brain cells and nervous system, causing cerebral cortex atrophy.

Arthritis: Free radicals destroy carbohydrates and degrade hyaluronic acid in the body.


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