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Arbutin, also known as arbutin, chemical formula C12H16O7, is a component extracted from the azalea plant arbutin leaves, which can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the body, prevent the production of melanin, thereby reducing skin pigmentation, removing color spots and freckles, and has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, mainly used in cosmetics.

α Arbutin is mainly used to bind to tyrosinase of melanocytes in the skin and inhibit tyrosinase activity. It’s a popular whitening agent in Japan and other asian countries.   It mainly use in cream,essence,facial mask for whiten skin and frechles removal. And the ability of α-arbutin to inhibit this enzyme ( whitening effect) is 10 to 15 times than of β-arbutin.


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Arbutin is also divided into three types: beta-arbutin, alpha-arbutin and deoxyarbutin. These three effects on the skin can be very different.

Deoxyarbutin has the best inhibitory effect on tyrosinase activity, and its anti-melanin effect is 10 times that of hydroquinone, 150 times that of kojic acid, 350 times that of β-arbutin, and 38.5 times that of α-arbutin.

Alpha Arbutin Introduction

α Arbutin, White crystal powder, easily soluble in water,methanol,ethanol,propylene glycol, glycerin without precipitates. Alpha Arbutin also known as 4-Hydroxyphenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside, is mainly used to bind to tyrosinase of melanocytes in the skin and inhibit tyrosinase activity. It’s a popular whitening agent in Japan and other asian countries.   It mainly use in cream,essence,facial mask for whiten skin and frechles removal. And the ability of α-arbutin to inhibit this enzyme ( whitening effect) is 10 to 15 times than of β-arbutin.

Nombre del producto Alfa Arbutina
Nº CAS 84380-01-8
Nombre latino Vacciniumvitis-idaeaL.
Apariencia Polvo blanco
Especificaciones 99.5%
Pakage 1kg/saco, 25kg/bidón
Almacenamiento Proteger de la humedad y evitar el almacenamiento ligero y hermético.
Método de ensayo HPLC


*Hydroquinone detection value ≤1.00ppm in line with the European standard has not been detected

Why choose us Reason 1

*Color stability is excellent, will not be due to long time to yellow.

Why choose us Reason 2


alpha arbutin


Alpha Arbutin Video

The whitening Mechanism of Alpha Arbutin

The content and distribution of melanin are the main factors that determine the depth of skin color. Melanin is produced in melanocytes in the basal layer of the skin epidermis. It is finally formed from tyrosine under the action of tyrosinase through a series of complex biochemical reactions. It is transferred from the basal layer to the outer layer of the epidermis from the inside out through synapses. Color the skin.

Tyrosinase has tyrosine hydroxylase activity (catalyzing tyrosine to produce dopa) and dopa oxidase activity (catalyzing dopa to produce dopaquinone). In the process of melanin formation, it serves as the main rate-limiting enzyme. Its activity determines the amount of melanin formed.

Arbutin is a tyrosinase inhibitor that can effectively inhibit tyrosinase activity without affecting cell proliferation concentration. It competes for the binding of dopa through its direct binding to tyrosinase. site, blocks the synthesis of dopa and dopaquinone, thereby interfering with melanocytes and inhibiting the production of melanin. At the same time, it also has the function of diluting formed melanin, accelerating the decomposition and excretion of melanin, reducing skin pigmentation, and removing spots and freckles.


Mainly Specifications of Alpha Arbutin

Alpha Arbutin crystal powder 98% HPLC
Alpha Arbutin crystal 99.5% HPLC


Benefits of Alpha Arbutin

α Arbutin acts as a whitening agent to reduce melanin in the skin.
α Arbutin can tighten pores and skin,it can also promote cell growth and help skin wounds heal.
α Arbutin also regard as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients.



Especificación (TDS) de α-Arbutin

Análisis Especificaciones Métodos
Pruebas de principios activos
α-Arbutina ≥99.5% HPLC
Hidroquinona ≤1,00ppm HPLC
Pruebas físicas
Apariencia Polvo de cristal blanco Visual
Tamaño de las partículas 90% pasar 60mesh Ch.P 2020 IV
Punto de fusión 202.0~210.0 ±0.5 ℃ Ch.P 2020 IV
Rotación óptica específica +174.0˚~+186.0˚ Ch.P 2020 IV
Valor pH (solución 1%) 5.0~7.0 Ch.P 2020 IV
Contenido en agua ≤0.5% GB 5009.3
Cenizas totales ≤0.5% GB 5009.4
Pruebas químicas
Metales pesados ≤50.00ppm GB 5009.11
Arsénico ≤3.00ppm GB 5009.11
Plomo ≤5.00ppm GB 5009.12
Cadmio ≤2.00ppm GB 5009.15
Mercurio ≤1,00ppm GB 5009.17
Pruebas microbiológicas
Recuento total de bacterias ≤300cfu/g GB 4789.2
Levaduras y mohos ≤10cfu/g GB 4789.15
Coliformes ≤90MPN/100g GB 4789.3
Salmonella Negativo GB 4789.4
Staphylococcus aureus Negativo GB 4789.10
Shigella Negativo GB 4789.5


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    arbutinaAlpha arbutin