Ethereum: Número de versión inusual en bloques

An unusual number of versions in Ethereum blocks: closer aspect

In recent weeks I have been noticeing an unusual trend among some blocks of Ethereum. In particular, I have noticed that many blocks contain versions that do not follow the traditional 0x10000000 or 0x20000000 format. In this article, we will deepen what is behind this unexpected development and explore its implications in the Ethereum block chain.

What is the number of a block version?

Before we plunge into the unusual numbers of the version, we quickly review how blocks are structured in Ethereum. The block consists of several fields:

  • “Time mark”: The moment in which the block was created.

  • Hash: hash previous block (that is,” main hash “).

3 Merkle root: Merkle tree containing references to transactions within the block.

  • Transactions’: a list of all the block transactions, including couples of sender shipper and any other relevant detail.

Unusual Number of versions

Now, let’s examine a specific example mentioned: 0x3fffe000 instead of 0x20000000. After a more closely examined examination, I noticed that this value seemed to be a hexadecimal account of the Ethereum address.

What does that mean?

In Ethereum, the addresses are generally presented in a specific format:

0x ... `

Whererepresents a series of hexagonal digits (usually up to 42 characters). However, some addresses have longer hexadecimal chains that may include multiple lines or even a separate block of data.

When I examined this unusual address (3FFFE000), I discovered that it was actually an Ethereum address in its extended form. Prefix0x` indicates a hexadecimal display of direction.

Is this a mistake?

Although this may seem interesting and complex development, the answer is elsewhere. In Ethereum 2.0 (also known as serenity), the ‘transaction group’ has suffered significant changes to improve scalability and usability. One of these changes is the introduction of “block numbers” that is not based on traditional brand or hash values.

In other words, block numbers in Ethereum 2.0 will be generated by a combination of factor, including the number of transactions within the block and the time mark specific to each network instance (that is, each Ethereum mainnet node). This means that blocks with versions such as 3FFFE000 are not necessarily anomalies or errors.


Ethereum: Número de versión inusual en bloques

Although at first glance it may seem unusual, the presence of hexadecimal addresses expanded in certain Ethereum blocks is actually a deliberate design option. As part of the current development and improvement of the Ethereum block chain, this unique feature is introduced to improve its functionality and usability.

In short, although the 0x3fffe000 might be an interesting anomaly, it is simply a consequence of the evolution of the Ethereum network, instead of an error or problem with the block itself.