Bitcoin: Intenté crear un monedero, me encontré con un error. Cómo creo un monedero usando Bitcoin Core en Linux que luego pueda conectar con la minería?
Creating a Bitcoin Wallet Using Bitcoin Core on Linux
. However, with the Help of the Bitcoin Core (BTC-Cli) Tool,
Bitcoin Core on Linux. We will also walk the world of cryptocurrency.
Step 1: Install Bitcoin Core
To use Bitcoin Core, you first need to install it on your Linux system. :
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt
This will install Bitcoin core along with its required dependencies. Ubuntu or another linux distribution, you may need to use apt-get
instead ofdpkg
Step 2: Create a New Wallet
To create a new wallet, navigate to the bitcoind.conf
file located at/etc/Bitcoin/
and run the following Command:
Bitcoin-Cli CreateWallet Name False Password False True
Sustituir name
with your desired username for your Bitcoin Wallet. You can also Specify Additional Options Such as:
: Set the Wallet Type to Eithersec256k1
(default) orBIP32
. .
: specify a password for the new wallet.
: force the creation of the wallet in case of errors.
The Command Should Like This:
Bitcoin -Cli CreateWallet Name Bitcoin -1234 False FALSE PASSWORD TRUE -T BIP32 -P “Your_Password_Here”
Step 3: Connect to the Wallet
After creating your new wallet, you need to connect it to a mining pool. Bitcoin Core Supports Various Mining Pools, including btc-pool
. The following Command:
Bitcoin-Cli Connect
With the name of the pool you want to connect to.
BTC-poolMining Pool, Your Command Would Be:
Bitcoin-Cli Connect Btc-Pool
Step 4: Mine Your Wallet
Once you have connected to a mining pool and created a wallet, it is time to start mining. Bitcoin core provides a built-in getblocktemplate ()
function that allows you to download the blockchain data used for mining.
To Mine Your Newly Created Wallet:
Bitcoin-Cli Getblocktemplate 1
This command will download the first block of the blockchain, which includes the Genesis block and the current header. .
Troubleshooting: Error Code -4
If you encounter an error code -4
* Bdb Wallet Creation is deprecated
: Try switching to getnewddress ()
Bitcoin -Cli GetNewaddress False False Password False True -T BIP32 -P “Your_password_here”
* Invalid pool name : make sure you have selected the correct mining pool.
Bitcoin Create and Mining Pool. Happy Mining!