Síndrome climatérico Deficiencia nutricional

El NMN puede mejorar el organismo y retrasar el envejecimiento

Climacteric syndrome

Menopausal syndrome refers to a series of mental and physical manifestations caused by the reduction of sex hormone content in women before and after menopause, such as autonomic nervous dysfunction, reproductive system atrophy, etc., and may also appear a series of physiological and psychological changes, such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Female climacteric syndrome is more common in women aged 46~50 years, in recent years, there is an earlier onset age and an increasing incidence trend.

Clinical manifestations are varied and can generally be divided into:

① Sexual aging: After the woman is 50 years old, there is a decline or partial suspension of sex hormone secretion, lack of sexual desire, sexual boredom, sexual physiological damage, and sexual function atrophy. In most women, fertility and hormonal cyclical changes naturally cease, the vaginal mucosa atrophies, its lubricating ability weakens, resulting in dyspareunia (painful intercourse), the elasticity of the vaginal folds and vaginal walls disappear, and the breast atrophies and droughs.

② Cardiovascular symptoms: flushing, hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, headache, dizziness, and even increased blood pressure, angina pectoris;

③ psychonneurological symptoms: anxiety, depression, excitable – hand and foot or even whole body muscle tremor, insomnia, irritability, inattention, forgetfulness, etc.;

(4) Menstrual changes and reproductive system changes: menstrual disorders, vulva and vaginal atrophy, prone to senile vaginitis, uterine and vaginal prolapse;

⑤ Others: osteoporosis, joint and muscle pain, bladder, urinary tract symptoms.

Now the question to think about is, if people in their 30s have this kind of performance, what should they call it? How about people in their 20s who aren’t married? At what age, in their teens, do these symptoms occur? In these populations such cases also have, but the number is smaller, are called menopause syndrome, obviously this name is unreasonable.

So menopausal syndrome is caused by a lack of ovarian function? Obviously not. Inadequate ovarian function is, at best, a trigger for menopausal syndrome.

When we see the children after a variety of nutrient deficiency, emotional instability, easy to lose temper, insomnia and night sweats, and so on, we will realize that the menopause syndrome is not better to change the name of “nutrient deficiency syndrome.”

Why is the incidence of menopausal syndrome much higher in women than in men? This is related to the levels experienced by women throughout their lives, and there are several levels to pass in women’s lives, which require a lot of nutrients:

Women are more sensitive

The first is that women are often sensitive, small, heavy, and emotionally poor, which will consume a lot of nutrients in your body, and the way women and men release their emotions is different, in fact, this is not caused by gender, but by the social environment.

Menstrual blood contains a lot of nutrients

The second is monthly menstruation, although some people say that menstruation takes away bad substances in the female body, so that women are not easy to age, but an unavoidable problem is that monthly menstruation will lose a lot of nutrients in the female body, because the outflow of menstrual blood and the removal of endometrium are a large number of nutrients. The shed endometrium was originally used for pregnancy, and it is a place where the total loss is raised, and we can think about it, whether such a place should be great? It is very soft and thick, water and various nutrients are sufficient, which contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals, and as a result, because there is no pregnancy, it is wasted, it falls off, if the nutritional loss during menstruation is not consciously supplemented, it will lead to long-term chronic malnutrition in women.

Get pregnant, give birth to a baby

The third level is pregnancy and childbirth, before pregnancy, during pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal, women need a lot of nutrient support, because the child is composed of nutrients. However, very few people actively and consciously supplement nutrients, and when the child extracts nutrients from the mother, it will cause serious nutritional deficiencies in pregnant women or women in childbirth.

Lactation also consumes a lot of nutrients

The fourth level is breastfeeding. We all know that milk is rich in nutrition, and for children, human milk is more nutritious than milk, because this is the mother’s milk produced by sacrificing her body’s nutrients, so it also needs good nutritional support during breast milk.

Ovarian decline and menopause

The fifth, is the decline of ovarian function and menopause, in this period, the body will have a large adjustment because of the endocrine and other multi-system dysfunction, in order to adapt to the function of some organs decline to the body, and this adjustment is the need for macronutrients to support.

In people who are not deficient in nutrients, ovarian function can continue into their fifties and even sixties. This is related to the nutritional status of people throughout their lives.

The treatment of mental illness caused by the lack of nutrients also needs the support of nutrients, and at the same time, it also needs to give patients a positive and happy environment, because people are the products of the environment. Bringing a depressed person into a happy and relaxed environment can be of great benefit to his treatment.

Smart use of nutrients, smooth through menopause

Optimal nutrition programs often help to alleviate menopausal symptoms. Supplements of vitamin C, vitamin E, and bioflavonoids can help reduce hot flashes. Adequate essential fatty acids, adequate amounts of vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium are very important for women’s health.

Nutrient supplement

Multivitamins and minerals

Vitamina C


Vitamin E

Calcium and magnesium

Omega-3 fatty acids
