Cómo utilizar los distintos suplementos

Extracto de raíz de cúrcuma Curcumina

In addition to the more common fish oil, coenzima Q10, luteína, vitamins, and now there are PQQ, cúrcuma, neuraminyl, probiotics, South African eggplant, these health products have become our daily supplement of nutrients.

But for many people do not understand the characteristics of these products, find that this also has to be made up, that also has to be made up, just see everyone eat so they also follow the trend to buy, and some even because they will not use and have counterproductive symptoms on the body.

Today I will give you a detailed explanation of the various functions of these products.

Fish oil

Three characteristics of fish oil: Y inhibition; Reduce three high, glucose and lipid metabolism; Improved mood.

EPA and DHA reduce the body’s Y disease through multiple pathways, one is to indirectly hinder the production of Y disease, and the other is to transform into a medium to inhibit Y disease.

②Omega-3 fatty acids have a good effect on reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, improving arterioid sclerosis, strengthening insulin resistance, blood sugar metabolism, etc. It has good benefits for elderly diabetic patients, polycystic ovary patients, and obese people.

③ The improvement of psychological emotions such as depression and bidirectional is also a popular research direction in recent years. Its mechanism of action is that EPA can relieve brain inflammation, restore the normal level of serotonin mechanism, maintain normal brain development, and reduce oxidative stress response. However, the antidepressant effect of Omega-3 may be related to the chemical structure, proportion and dosage of Omega-3.

When you eat fish oil, it is because the purity of fish oil is not enough. It is equivalent to OMG3 intake is not much, other fat fill a lot, acne muscle is of course easy to burst acne, so for acne muscle people, the purity must be selected (can also be used with VB6).

Coenzima Q10

Coenzyme Q10 was first discovered in 1957 by Fredrick L. Crane and colleagues at the Enzymology Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1958, its chemical structure was confirmed by Karl Folkers and his colleagues at Merck. Karl Folkers and Gian Paolo Littarru (1972) theorized that human heart disease is often accompanied by a lack of coQ10 concentration.

Three features of Coenzyme Q10: antioxidant, prevention of light damage, brightening skin.

① Antioxidant: Promote the production of elastic fibers and collagen (type IV and VII collagen), resist photoaging externally and inhibit photodamage internally.

② Anti-light damage: can prevent the degradation of collagen in the skin after UVB damage.

Whitening: Reduce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), p53/POMC and α-MSH, and further inhibit the synthesis of tyrosinase.

About the choice of coenzyme 10 choose “oxidation type” or “reduced prototype”. But in fact, the form that the body needs to absorb coQ10 depends on the form that different parts and tissues need to do.

No matter what form of coenzyme Q10 is taken into the body, it is not something we can control, and it will transform itself according to the needs of the body.

In addition, coenzyme Q10 is oil soluble after all, so it is better to choose the type of “capsule > tablet”; At the same time, CoQ10 can also act as an antioxidant, so it is best taken with breakfast.


Lutein is one of the important components of the macular area of the human retina, which plays a very important role in light damage, light radiation, photooxidation, etc., but our human body can not synthesize lutein, so additional supplements are needed.

But lutein does not cure myopia, nor can it stabilize vision, its biggest role is to resist blue and ultraviolet radiation. As we age, we consume more lutein, and a decrease in density often leads to an increased frequency of blurred or dry vision. Older people may also be at risk for age-related macular degeneration.

More suitable for people: ① often dry eyes fatigue eyes dry love tears; ② People with high vision; ③ People who use their eyes excessively and face computers every day.


The main principle of probiotics is that after entering the intestine, harmful bacteria will rob nutrients, crowding out harmful bacteria to inhibit their growth; Stimulate the human intestinal immune system to secrete immune factors and regulate the environmental balance of intestinal flora; Help strengthen the production or vitamin, strengthen metabolism.

Therefore, probiotics are not suitable for everyone to eat, and are most suitable for people who regulate the stomach and intestines to take them together with others:

① poor defecation, distension, weak digestion, weak gastrointestinal function;

② Poor body resistance, seasonal discomfort, weak resistance;

(3) Long-term drinking, long-term intake of high-calorie food such as frying;

④ lactose intolerance;

⑤ Stay up late for a long time, instead of liver tablets.


Its Chinese name is pyrroloquinoline quinone, English abbreviation PQQ, some scholars published a research paper in Nature, suggesting that PQQ be included in B vitamins, but in fact it is a coenzyme.

PQQ is a bioactive molecule that exists as a coenzyme in human cells. Coenzymes are components of enzymes that are necessary for many physiological activities, and together with enzymes they play a key biocatalytic role. Many important enzymes in the human body need this accessory to combine into an active whole.

PQQ is a powerful antioxidant capable of scavenging free radicals in the body, more than 50 times higher than vitamin c, which is effective in protecting cells from oxidative damage. Oxidative damage is one of the common causes of many diseases, and the antioxidant effect of PQQ helps to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

PQQ can also promote the energy metabolism of cells, enhance the body’s energy level, and improve the body’s ability to resist fatigue.

Studies have also found that PQQ has a protective effect on the nervous system, helps improve memory and cognitive function, and has potential benefits in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to being effective in the elderly, there is now evidence that it is equally effective in younger and healthier people.

In addition, PQQ may also play a positive regulatory role in cardiovascular health, the immune system and anti-inflammation. Although PQQ research is still in its preliminary stages, there is a lot of experimental data showing its potential to promote health.

Since last year, the anti-aging upstart “PQQ”, the full name of “pyrroloquinoline quinone”, a water-soluble coenzyme substance, the most well-known effect is ① antioxidant, ② activate mitochondria.

Coq10 is also an antioxidant, what is the difference between it and PQQ?

In general, antioxidant systems are made up of oxidoreductases (e.g., superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic antioxidants (e.g., VC).

Coenzyme Q10 belongs to the auxiliary “enzyme” substance, and its way of operation is to produce energy through continuous reduction and oxidation reactions. PQQ is very special, not only is a coenzyme of oxidoreductase, but also can promote the enzyme to play a role.

In addition, the most powerful point of PQQ is that it not only participates in the REDOX reaction in the body, but also plays a role in neuroprotection, which can not only promote the repair and regeneration of mitochondria, but also stimulate the growth of neurons, protect nerves, improve cognitive function and so on.

So for some candidates, the elderly have the ability to improve attention and memory and improve human brain health.

For those who are always mentally ill during the day, especially the “Brain Fog” (” brain fog “generally refers to” memory loss “, “concentration loss”, “mental impairment”, “brain loss”). The crowd can try to replenish some PQQ. But the PQQ price will be relatively high, there is not much budget to supplement the same as coenzyme Q10.


Curcumin, which we often see in skin care products, mainly boosts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In terms of dietary supplements, the effect is similar.

Therefore, for the oil pox muscle, you can regularly take some curcumin to improve Y disease, acne suppression and anti-acne; For regular drinkers, curcumin can relieve alcohol-induced digestive stomach damage and liver damage.

But curcumin is also contraindicated: pregnant women, gallbladder disease patients should avoid taking turmeric; Cholesterol, high blood pressure patients during medication, try to reduce turmeric intake.

How to eat supplements together?

1) For workers, the more basic three-piece set is [fish oil + Coenzyme Q10+ vitamin]. If you often work in front of the computer, you can also prepare a bottle of [lutein +VA] to protect your eyes and improve the problem of dry eyes.

2) The immunity is relatively low, the season is easy to catch a cold, often physical discomfort, you can try [probiotics +VD].

3) Students/otaku/workers who like to eat takeout, invert work and rest every day, and love to stay up late, often feel stressed, prone to anxiety, easy mouth ulcers, and dark yellow and rough skin, can try [probiotics +VB], or [fish oil + South African eggplant].

4) If it is to buy for the family elders, have cardiovascular disease, to properly supplement [fish oil/coenzyme Q10/], while for some elderly people with osteoporosis, you can also appropriately supplement [VD+ calcium]. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people who often smoke and drink and do not exercise, calcium supplements are very important!

5) For people with oil pox, in addition to high-quality [fish oil], some [curcumin], [VB] and [zinc] can also be appropriately supplemented. Desert skin with a particularly dry face can also be supplemented with some ceramide capsules in autumn and winter.

6) If there is a need for exams/exams, you can add some [PQQ, Coenzyme Q10]

Supplements are human nutrition assistance products, which are alternative products in the irregular diet and work schedule of modern people, the best way to take is of course healthy work and work + regular exercise + balanced diet.


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