Clorhidrato de hidrostaquilina de extracto de Leonurus

Clorhidrato de hidrostaquilina de extracto de Leonurus

Hydrostachyline hydrochloride, also known as hydroxylamine chloride, is an inorganic compound.

Properties: white or brown powder

Source: Leonurus japonicus Houtt. Fresh or dried ground parts.

CAS Number: 4136-37-2

Molecular formula: C7H13NO2 ·HCl

Molecular weight: 179.64

Detection method: HPLC


More than 50℃ melting into liquid, decomposition point 235℃, rotation -40.25°(c=4, water). Soluble in water and alcohol, dilute acid, insoluble in ether, chloroform. High temperature resistance, acid and alkali, stable property, easy moisture absorption.

Pharmacological effect

This product has the function of activating blood and regulating menstruation, diuretic detumescence and contraction of uterus. It can improve the nutritional blood flow of coronary artery and myocardium, reduce the amount of cardiomyocyte necrosis, reduce blood viscosity, reduce vascular resistance, improve microcirculation, slow down heart rate, reduce cardiac output and anti-platelet aggregation, etc. (It is expected to become a good therapeutic drug for cardiovascular system diseases). It can also improve and increase the blood flow of the kidney, so that the glomeruli and renal tubules can be repaired and the function of restoring kidney function. It can cause rhythmic contraction of uterus and excite uterus, and can inhibit the occurrence of breast cancer and myoadenosis of uterus. It can remove phlegm, relieve cough and relax bronchial smooth muscle. It can also slow down the contraction frequency of the frog heart, and reduce the bleeding rate and bleeding time for dogs and rabbits.

Pharmacological action

Stachydrine hydrochloride can improve the nutritional blood flow of coronary arteries and myocardium, reduce the amount of cardiomyocyte necrosis, reduce vascular resistance, improve microcirculation, slow down heart rate, reduce cardiac output, etc. (It is expected to become a good therapeutic drug for cardiovascular diseases). It can inhibit the occurrence of breast cancer and myoadenosis; It can remove phlegm, relieve cough and relax bronchial smooth muscle. It can also slow down the contraction frequency of the frog heart, reduce the bleeding rate and bleeding time in dogs and rabbits, and stimulate the uterus.

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