How to take ginseng powder Ginsenosides

extracto de ginseng casero

Pulverize and take

ginseng powder is ground into fine powder for use and taken as needed.

The key of this method is to make ginseng powder from the original branch. Ginseng can be stewed and soft before cutting into thin slices, then dried and processed into powder. Ginseng should be ground as fine as possible, screened and sealed in porcelain bottles for storage.

The use of ginseng to supplement or prevent disease is mostly combined with other drugs, such as Shenling powder of Jingyue Shu, that is, people participate in the equal use of jujube kernel and white poria.

At this time, it is advisable to ground ginseng single flavor powder, and other drugs are made into powder, and then mix all the powder, sift the powder, grind and sift the coarse powder again, and finally bottle for use.

There are many ways to eat ginseng powder, which can be roughly divided into two categories.

One is to use boiled water, rice drink soup or medicine juice to mix and eat, such as “Shengji total record” treatment of heat irritability, fatigue and fatigue of the summer powder, with ginseng powder, white noodles each equal, take 6 grams each time, with boiled water to adjust the kimono.

The other is to take the powder with boiled water, rice drink soup or medicine juice to send, such as “miracle prescription” treatment of vomiting and diarrhea disease of tiaozhongsan, with ginseng 6 grams, white poria 6 grams, 20 cloves, roasted licorice 15 grams, fried white art 7.5 grams, Perilla 7.5 grams.

Ginseng and other drugs were processed into powder, combined and sieved, and stored for use. Take another 10 grams of papaya each time, add water and fry the juice, and send down 6 grams of powder. To reconcile ginseng powder or take ginseng powder, it is more common to use boiled water, rice soup, but also useful ginger jujube soup, papaya soup.

Rice drink soup helps the function of stomach qi, spleen and stomach weakness can be used. Ginger jujube soup can manage qi and in, stomach discomfort can be used, generally take 3 pieces of ginger, jujube 5, add water to boil the juice, this juice instead of water to serve. Papaya soup can be and remove dampness, the treatment of vomiting and diarrhea can be used, generally take 10 grams of papaya, add water to take juice, this juice instead of water to take.

Under normal circumstances, it can be taken with plain water or delivered. Now the processed ginseng powder can also be packed in capsules, which is easy to preserve the medicinal property and easy to take. Hollow capsules are generally available in pharmacies.

Make a cake

Ginseng cake is mostly used as an ingredient with other medicines, and then combined with flour or rice flour to make cakes.

Before making cake, ginseng should be processed into very fine powder, sifted with a sieve and reserved. Other medicines can be processed into powder, sieved after use, you can also add water to take juice, water and into the mixing powder time.

When making cakes, put flour or rice flour in a bowl, add ginseng powder, medicine powder or medicine juice, add water to moderate, stir together to make a cake powder that is shaped into chunks by hand and will spread when loosened, steam it in a steamer.

When putting cake flour in the steamer, a layer of wet gauze should be spread first. After pouring cake flour, it should not be heavy. When steaming, use high fire.

Ginseng as a cake, can be used as a staple food, can also be used as a snack. Once made, can be eaten for many days.

Ginseng jelly cake

Raw materials: ginseng 30 grams, white poria 120 grams, white art, lotus meat, white yam, Gautama seed 90 grams each, rice 5000 grams.

Preparation: The ginseng, white poria, white art, lotus meat, Huai yam, aishi respectively processed into fine powder, rice grinding into powder, after sifting. Put all kinds of powder in the basin, mix well with water, and add appropriate amount of sugar to make cake powder. Put the mixed cake flour into the cage, gently press it, cut it into small pieces with a knife, and steam it over high heat.

Usage: Eat 100~150 grams each time, once a day.

This cake recipe has the effect of beneficial qi tonifying spleen, tonifying kidney and astringent essence. Regular food is helpful to prevent and cure fatigue, spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath, lazy speech, dizziness and forgetfulness, diet reduction, thin loose stool, spermatogenesis, slippery sperm and other diseases caused by deficiency of spleen and kidney. It is good for mental workers to keep healthy, the elderly to prolong their life and promote the growth and development of children.


Cook for stuffing

Fresh and dried ginseng can be used as filling.

When fresh ginseng is used as filling, wash it first, cut it into small pieces, chop it into mud, mix it into meat, add salt, MSG and other seasonings, and eat it as filling dumplings, wontons or tangyuan; It can also be filled with oil tofu, bean curd wrapper fired and eaten.

Dried ginseng should be processed into powder first, or stewed with water and mashed into mud, and then eaten with meat or other food packages.

Special reminder: When ginseng is eaten as filling, pay attention to it as instant food.

Ginseng dumplings

Ingredients: Ginseng 10 grams, white poria, Huai yam 50 grams each, bean paste, sugar, cooked lard amount, glutinous rice flour 250 grams.

Production: Soak ginseng, white poria, Huai yam with a small amount of water for 2 hours, stew over water, pound into mud, add sugar, cooked lard, mix into filling, embed in the pre-mixed glutinous rice flour, make dumplings.

Usage: Put proper amount of tangyuan into boiling water and cook until ready to eat.

Ginseng Tangyuan has strong tonifying power and is often eaten, which helps to tonify Qi and strengthen spleen, increase appetite, make people energetic, healthy and long life.

Make soup

Soup is a kind of dish with thick soup, mostly meat, eggs, tofu and so on as the main raw materials. Ginseng soup has ginseng lotus meat soup, ginseng bird’s nest soup, etc., are quite valuable supplements.

Ginseng for soup Take fresh ginseng wash, cut into thin slices or mince. If dried ginseng is used, it should be thoroughly soaked with water, chopped into fine powder, so that it is easy to boil. When braising water should be put a little more, boil into a thick soup to eat. It is also advisable to add ginseng powder when other foods will be cooked.

If the formula of ginseng soup contains Chinese medicine that is not suitable for direct consumption, you can first put the Chinese medicine in the casserole, add water to boil the juice, and then combine ginseng soup. According to the taste of the user, ginseng soup can be added sugar or salt to taste.

Macrobiotic powder

Raw materials: ginseng, white poria 150 grams each, lotus seed, Gorgon euryorgon seed, coix seed 240 grams each, white yam 1500 grams, glutinous rice 500 grams, white sugar amount.

Production: Processing everything into fine powder, sifting reserve use.

Usage: 30~ 50g each time, put it in a cup, pour it into boiling water, adjust it into a paste, add appropriate amount of white sugar to taste, and eat it once a day.

This recipe comes from the book “string Ya external compilation”, has the function of tonifying spleen and kidney, intelligence and prolonging, suitable for spleen and kidney deficiency symptoms for diet reduction, thin loose stool, mental fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath lazy talk, spermatospermia, memory decline to eat.

Make porridge and eat

Porridge has the characteristics of nourishing the spleen and stomach and easy digestion. Ginseng porridge can play its role in tonifying qi and strengthening the spleen, especially suitable for weak spleen and stomach function after illness, or engaged in mental work and poor digestive function.

Ginseng cooking congee, you can first fry the human ginseng juice, when the porridge will be into the transfer, a little cooking after eating; Ginseng can also be processed into a very fine powder, mixed into the porridge to eat. There is also a way to add more water first, boil ginseng until it is cooked, put the cleaned rice into it, and cook it as porridge.

Where there are other drugs in the formula in addition to ginseng, this method is used, that is, first put ginseng and other drugs in the casserole, add water to cook for 1 hour, discard the residue, and put into the cleaned rice porridge.

“Food medicine heart Jian” introduced a prescription to treat children with cold stomach deficiency, symptoms of vomiting, thin loose stool, panic and restless. 1 g of ginseng, 10 g of white poria, 6 g of wheat asparagine, 30 g of glutinous rice. First put ginseng and other medicine in the pot, add water to boil the juice, and then add the medicine juice into the cleaned glutinous rice, cook for porridge.

Another example is the “life pro endowment book” introduced a cure for nausea, vomiting acid water ginseng porridge. First take 3 grams of ginseng, 15 grams of ginger, add water to get juice, then add 30 grams of corn, boil for gruel, eat when hungry.

When cooking porridge, rice is difficult to cook, you can cook it at a time according to the amount of 2 or 3 days, and then eat it separately.

Make tea and drink

For tea drinkers, ginseng tea is a convenient and practical way to eat ginseng.

Tea take more ginseng, can be cut short or the original root into, can also be used ginseng flakes. Do not use the original ginseng to soak, because the whole or segment of ginseng is often difficult to soak through, which is not conducive to the full utilization of its nutrients. Ginseng leaves can also be made into tea.

The amount of tea made with ginseng should not be much each time, 1-3 grams can be increased, and ginseng leaves can be increased to 10 grams. Once a day.

When making tea, put ginseng root or ginseng slices into a teacup, first pour a small amount of warm or cold water, soak the ginseng, cover and place for half an hour, then pour into boiling water, cover tightly, and drink 10 minutes later. Add boiled water to drink, chew the ginseng residue when the taste is weak.

Some people dislike the taste of ginseng residue, and discard it after drinking tea, which is not conducive to the full utilization of ginseng. Some people repeatedly brew a few pieces of ginseng, even ten days and half a month, is not advisable.

Ginseng can be brewed and drunk with other medicines or food, such as ginseng chrysanthemum tea. Put 1.5 grams of raw sundried ginseng and 6 grams of white chrysanthemum into a teacup, soak in appropriate amount of warm water for half an hour, then pour in boiling water until full, cover tightly, and drink for 10 minutes.

The drink has the function of invigorating qi and invigorating spleen, clearing liver and brightening eyes, where god fatigue, dizzy eyes, shortness of breath lazy, palpitation restless, upset sleep poor, or sometimes hot, you can often drink this tea.

Special reminder: to improve the taste of ginseng tea, you can add sugar.

Physical or disease syndrome is hot, want to nourish Yin clear fire, generally with American ginseng, white sugar ginseng, can be flavored with rock sugar. Constitution or disease is cold, want to warm up, generally with red ginseng, can be flavored with brown sugar. Under normal circumstances, raw sun-cured ginseng can be used.

Drink in soup

Ginseng decoction is the most common way to eat ginseng, especially in the emergency, with unique ginseng decoction, has always been paid attention to by doctors.

The ancient Chinese medicine book “Baiyi Formula” recorded the breaking of the syndrome and killing of the Dan, that is, with 30 grams of good ginseng, decocted with water to take the juice, the treatment of qi deficiency, Yang qi outburst caused by pale, indifferent, weak pulse diseases, various bleeding diseases, after the ulcer ulcer, qi and blood deficiency caused by cold fever, thirst, irritability and restless diseases. Ginseng decoction, tonic strength, can replenish the vitality, save exhaustion, play a role in saving, so it is called “take life”.

Ginseng for home health care can be decocted and taken in small doses, or with other drugs and food. For example, take ginseng flakes, soak them in water, fry them over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, drink soup, chew ginseng.

When ginseng and other drugs are used together, they can be decocted together, or the juice can be decocted separately, then mixed into the medicine juice, and then taken after stirring.

Sijunzi decoction

Ingredients: Ginseng 3 g, white rhizoma 6 g, white poria 9 g, grilled licorice 3 g.

Preparation: Put ginseng and other drugs in a casserole pot, add water and fry twice, and then mix the juice of the two times.

Usage: Divided into 2 times, drink on an empty stomach.

This prescription is helpful for the treatment of qi deficiency and weak body, the symptoms are not want to eat, look 晄 white, less qi lazy, weak limbs, loose stool.

Medicated liquor

Fresh or dried ginseng can be used to soak wine.

Take the original ginseng or ginseng tablet, put it in the bottle, pour 2000 ml of good white wine (or ginseng immersion as the degree), cover the seal, always move, wait for half a month after ginseng medicine precipitation, you can drink.

If ginseng is used with other medicines, it can be cut into thin slices and soaked together with other medicines.

Special reminder: the ginseng soaked in wine should be dried, and the wine should be a good white wine, otherwise it is easy to deteriorate.

Drinking ginseng wine, 2 times a day is appropriate, each time should not drink more, generally 10~50 ml, drink before eating. When drinking, dry mouth, bitter mouth, constipation should be suspended.

Psychotropic liquor

Ingredients: ginseng, raw rehmannia, wolfberry 15 grams each, Epimedium, Tribulus terranus, female cloves 9 grams each, agarwood, 3 grams each, litchi seed 7, white wine 2000~3000 ml.

Preparation: Put the medicine in a clean gauze bag except white wine, tie up the bag, put it into white wine, sealed and soaked for 45 days.

Usage: Take 50ml twice a day.

This wine has the functions of invigorating blood, invigorating qi and calming the mind. It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with energy, physical strength and intelligence decline.

Syrup making

Syrup, as the name suggests, is a pulp with more sugar.

The raw materials for making ginseng syrup are mostly the sugar juice preserved in the process of processing white sugar ginseng. Generally, 5000 grams of ginseng sugar juice can be obtained by producing 1000 grams of white sugar ginseng.

When making ginseng syrup, adjust the concentration and ginsenoside content of sugar juice in the process of white sugar, filter, add preservatives, pack, sterilize, and obtain.

Generally take 2 times a day, take 1 spoonful each time, dilute it with boiling water. It can enhance the vitality of the body, improve the immune function and promote the metabolism of cells.

Syrup is a viscous liquid, compared with the paste, the quality is thinner, can be taken directly, can also be mixed with boiling water to drink.

Ginseng juice is usually used to make syrup. Such as ginseng schisandra syrup, ginseng bee milk and so on.

Use ginseng decocted paste Ziduo in combination with other medicines, such as traditional paste Zifang Qiongyu paste. Generally, ginseng is processed into powder first and screened for reserve use; Concentrate the decoctions of other medicines, then stir in ginseng powder to collect the paste, cool over fire, bottle and hide. Each time you take it, take 1 or 2 spoons of the paste and start drinking with boiling water.

Special reminder: When ginseng is used as paste, it should be processed into a very fine powder, and it should be sifted and used again. With ginseng powder to collect the cream, you should pour while stirring with chopsticks until fully stirred.

It should be completely cool before bottling, the bottle should be washed and dried, and the paste should be taken with a clean spoon and spoon that does not touch water.

Ginseng schisandra syrup

Ingredients: Ginseng 30g, schisandra 45g, honey 30g.

Preparation: Put ginseng and schisandra in a pot and add water to fry for 2 times, mix the juice of the 2 times, add the honey, boil a little, wait for cool, bottle for use.

Usage: Take 2 spoons each time, 2 times a day, add boiling water to take.

This prescription is beneficial to qi Yin, calming and sedative effect, suitable for the sick body deficiency of upset, poor sleep to take.

Ginseng bee milk

Ingredients: Ginseng 10g, bee milk 100g, sugar 120g.

Preparation: First wash ginseng, cut into small pieces, put into a pot, add 500ml of water, boil and keep warm for 2 hours, stay in the heat until cool, strain and extract juice; Pour the bee milk into a pot, mix with 250ml cold water, place on the heat, add sugar, stir continuously, keep the heat until cool; Pour the ginseng juice into the beehive sugar juice, stir constantly until smooth, cool, bottle set aside.

Usage: Take 2 times a day, 2 spoons each time, can be taken with warm water.

Adhere to taking ginseng bee milk, help to beauty, and at the same time to prevent and cure senile constipation is beneficial.

Qiongjade plaster

Ingredients: Ginseng powder 24g, white poria powder 150g, raw rehmannia 1000g, honey 500g.

Preparation: First add water to raw rehmannia decoction juice, decocting 2 times, then combine 2 times decocting juice, concentrate, boil in refined honey, then add ginseng and white poria powder, stir and collect the paste.

Usage: Take 2 spoons each time, 2 times a day, with boiling water.

The cream nourishing Yin, moistening lung strength, suitable for heart and lung Yin deficiency, symptoms of palpitation restless, trance, insomnia and dreams, memory loss, dry throat dry mouth to take.

And make meatballs

Ginseng is one of the most widely used dosage forms in traditional formula.

In the past dynasties, the pills named after ginseng, or with different drugs, or different doses, or different indications, formed hundreds of ginseng pills.

Single-flavor ginseng pills are rare and are basically used together with other drugs. As little as 2 to 3 flavors, dozens of flavors, to adapt to different feeding needs.

When making, the people involved in other drugs are processed into powder, after sifting, water or honey and as pills, but also useful jujube meat and pills. After the meatballs are made, they are dried in the sun and bottled for later use.

Special reminder: When making pills, the amount of honey should be appropriate to be able to bond into pills, not too much. The balls should be as small as possible so that they can be swallowed easily. When taking it, it can be sent with warm water, and it can also be used to send a special method such as warm wine or rice soup. Generally, a production can be taken for a long time, and it is also very square to carry.

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