Solana: `from` no debe llevar datos

Limit the Solan transaction format

Solana, a popular decentralized application platform (DAPP), allows developers to create transactions that can fulfill several functions. However, it also has specific requirements to structure these functions. Such a request is the domain of the transaction.

In this article, we are studying why the Solana PDA (data program) with data is not authorized as a field of “from” to be executed.

“Transfer:must not wear data” “error

When creating a transaction, the Solana requires that the field of “de” contains no data. This is a limit intended to ensure that only valid programming arguments can be transferred via PDA with data.

However, in some cases, the developers have circumvented this restriction. The recent example of such an attempt has been recorded on the Salana under -said.

“Program program. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 argument “Error

To program Behind the 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Book BOARD CO -FI - - - - - - -off Fom's Field Field Field Field Field Field Field LOLD LOLD LOLD ns, the transaction failed.

Why is the PDA with the data not authorized?

In order to understand why, we must examine the implementation of its transaction format. According to Solana's documentation, transactions are stored in a particular format, which includes:

  • Fieldde ‘(required)

  • Program identifier

  • Function arguments

  • All additional data

The field “ from ‘must be empty for a valid program. If it contains data, this will cause an error.

Why is this limit required?

This restriction is used for several purposes:

  • Prevent the malicious code

    : by limiting the “of” field to empty data, developers can prevent the execution of the malicious code.

  • Intregeror of the Security program: Limit guarantees that the programs are executed with valid arguments and do not endanger their integrity.



In conclusion, the Solano “de” field should not transport data is a key restriction which guarantees the security and integrity of its transaction format. Developers trying to get around this limit go at their own risk, as this will cause an error. According to these directives, developers can ensure that their programs are properly and safely on the Solana platform.

Additional advice

Solana: `from` no debe llevar datos

To avoid similar questions:

  • Always read the official documentation of the Solan’s transaction format.

  • Follow best practices when creating transactions to guarantee validity and safety.

  • Avoid trying to run invalid or malicious programs.