Was wissen Sie über B-Vitamine?

Adenosin Cobalamin

Humans need a lot of nutrients to provide support for normal functioning, of which vitamins are particularly important, and B vitamins are the most critical. B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins essential for the normal function and metabolism of the human body.

What are “B vitamins”?

B vitamins are a large family, common members include: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid and so on.

1. Vitamin B1: Also known as thiamine, can play a role in relieving anxiety, tension and maintaining normal mental status, and is also involved in maintaining glucose metabolism and the normal operation of the digestive system. It can be used to treat beriberi, neuritis, indigestion and so on.

2. Vitamin B2: also known as riboflavin, has the role of promoting body metabolism, anti-oxidation, maintaining mucosal health, can assist in the treatment of keratitis, cheilitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis and so on.

3. Vitamin B3: also known as niacin, has the function of regulating human digestion, can alleviate gastrointestinal disorders and reduce diarrhea symptoms, but also has the effect of controlling blood lipids, assisting in lowering blood pressure, and can also reduce melanin formation, which can be used to treat pellagra and other diseases.

4. Vitamin B5: Also known as pantothenic acid, has the role of participating in the oxidation and decomposition of fats and carbohydrates, and can also provide nutrients for hair, improve hair thinning, yellow, dry and other problems.

5. Vitamin B6: also known as pyridoxine, it has the function of participating in oil metabolism, hemoglobin production and nerve regulation, and can be used to assist in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, dry lip, nerve disorders, etc.

6. Vitamin B9: also known as folic acid, essential for cell growth, has the effect of treating anemia and preventing neurological diseases, and plays an important role in preventing fetal neural tube malformation.

Seven. Vitamin B12: Also known as cobalamin, has nutritional nerve, increase the utilization of folate, prevent anemia and other effects, can treat megaloblastic anemia and other diseases.

The reason why B vitamins are prone to deficiency

1. The vitamin B group of grain mainly exists in the germ, often eating refined rice and adding alkaline noodles will lead to insufficient intake of vitamin B group.

2. Poor diet and lifestyle habits, such as drinking, smoking, drinking coffee, can affect vitamin absorption or increase consumption, high sugar, high fat diet needs to consume B vitamins to metabolize.

3. Eating Western medicine for a long time can reduce vitamin absorption, and vitamins are unstable in an alkaline environment and are easily destroyed.

4. Improper cooking methods, such as excessive braising, frying, frying, and boiling, will lead to a large amount of vitamin loss.

Which groups need vitamin supplements

People with high work pressure, often stay up late working and studying, irritable temper, emotional instability, gastrointestinal dysfunction, frequent mouth ulcer, long-term drug treatment, people who often take antibiotics, and people with beriberi caused by lack of vitamin B1.

How to supplement B vitamins

In daily life, for the supplement of B vitamins, in the absence of a clear lack of a certain vitamin and its symptoms, in the diet can pay more attention to diversification of food, can recommend the intake of food such as milk, eggs, coarse grains, multi-grain, animal liver, lean meat, peanuts, beans and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, in order to increase the intake of B vitamins. Prevent B vitamin deficiency. If the body does experience symptoms due to deficiency, B vitamins should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

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