The difference between honeysuckle chlorogenic acid and eucommia chlorogenic acid

The difference in use. First of all, the efficacy of the two kinds of Chinese medicine is completely different, and even some conflicts in efficacy. Honeysuckle we are the top product of clearing heat and detoxification, Wang Laoji, Liuwei Rehmannia pills are used it; Eucommia eucommia is a warm-toning drug, which has the effect of warming blood and protecting liver and diuresis, so Eucommia extract is used more in animal medicine and health products.
Although chlorogenic acid is a monomer component, due to the presence of chlorogenic acid isomers, they may not exist in the same way in the two extracts, there are 14 kinds of analogues in honeysuckle, and only 12 kinds of Eucommia, two kinds of difference.
In terms of chlorogenic acid content in raw materials, honeysuckle contains chlorogenic acid of 2-8%, 12% but very rare, eucommia chlorogenic acid content is generally :0.8-2%, in the production process contains a lot of gutcha, resulting in separation and filtration and low content products than honeysuckle water solubility poor appearance.
Identification method of honeysuckle chlorogenic acid and eucommia chlorogenic acid:
(1) Color difference: Honeysuckle chlorogenic acid products are brighter than eutylchlorogenic acid products, as far as chlorogenic acid 98% content is concerned, honeysuckle chlorogenic acid products in addition to pure white color may be a little light yellow, this is because honeysuckle raw materials in the purchase of flowers after blooming, which has lutein. The color of euplast chlorogenic acid can also be pure white, (process decolorization and crystallization of better color is white) In addition to some domestic manufacturers of product color is white, look carefully will find a little green, this is because euplast leaves contain a lot of chlorophyll.
(2) Different water solubility: both are water extract, water solubility is relatively good, but the water solubility of honeysuckle extract is better than that of Eucommia ulmoides leaf extract. After the water was dissolved, the extract of Eucommia ulmoides was vibrated and stirred, and the extract of honeysuckle did not have this phenomenon.
(3) Chromatographic identification: manufacturers can be asked to provide an hour of gradient elution assay HPLC fingerprint, in 8-10 minutes,14 minutes and 23 minutes to see whether there is a small peak in this place (the time may vary slightly according to different detection conditions), if there is, especially 8-10min and 14min, the emergence of these two peaks can be basically direct It is indeed eucommia extract.
(4) Solution stability is different: After the product is placed in water solution for a week, the extract of Eucommia ulmoides will turn dark green after a long time because it contains gutta-percha and trace chlorophyll, and even some extract products will turn green after a month. This product can basically be eucommia ulmoides extract. However, some companies with mature technology adjust the process so that the product will not change color for a long time.
At present, it is basically believed that Eucommia extract is suitable for health products, animal drugs, and honeysuckle extract is suitable for cosmetics, drugs and health products. If it is used for injection, it must be extracted from honeysuckle, otherwise it is extremely easy to have medical accidents.
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