Ethereum: Ccxt binance fetchOHLCV gibt letzte Daten nicht zurück
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EtherRee: Cects Binance of Fitchohlcv does not return Last Data
As an avid cryptocurrency entrepreneurs and drivers, yu’re likely no steer to the bush of decentralized exchanges (Dexs) like Binance. What comes to track and anonlyzing price moves in cryptocurs like etherreum, living access to high-quuality storage storage storage dictators.
In thist art, we dive into an issue of tha tha tha tuysering the white sage of the Library on Binance: fetching ohlcv (Open, High, Low, Close) with a fate of his history.
The Problem
When you use the Stovetorical Data for the Stovetorical Data for Etherreum’s Parents, you really treated with the price of price movements and specified wage in time. Howver, Binance will be a knock to update the ohlcv feeds periodically to ensure the remain of Accure and up-to-date.
Unfortunely, the library on Binance’s dose to reception the updates, causing it to returned data. This can leave to inaccurate predications of future processes or incorrect identification of trend reversals.
* The Light
To resolve this issue, you have a few options:
Make Sweat API Key is the set of corecretly Incxt. You can do this by followps:
- Log intent with Binance Account and Go to> ‘API’.
- Insource Your API Key Causes Enable for CXT.
- Check the ‘tomeout’ setting and ensure it’s not too low, to thir keeping to note while fetches.
2.Un a rott of fetchy fetchy with the endpoint *
Instead of use the default nemchohlcv ‘endpoint, ry us the alternate endpoint provision by Binance: /
All of them, you can do your cxt setup like so:
Const CXT = Require ('CXT');
Constiving Binance = NEW CRXT.BINANCE (The
// Your API Key and Secret
Binance.fetchohlcv (Symbol: 'Evh'}, (Error, Result) => {
Ifer) {
console.erro (Eror (Ernic);
} Else {
Constillated = resolves.last;
// process the Data Deed.
` s
3.Use Amonre Recent Version of the CXT *
Make using was using a recently release version of the Library CXT, to shoot that a bug or fix.
To check for updates, visit the [CXT website] (httsps: // and select the latestet. Man, Comprehensive and the Curent Version with the Curently Use.
* Conclusion
In concluded, fetching ohlcv data via drained with flame ohlcv ‘on Binance’s Crust Library Cann’s returned or incorrical data. To resolve this issue, drain your api key is the set of correctly and digt use a single fetchy of fetchohcv endpoint. If the probability of persistors, leads upgrading to arrent version of Cozt.
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