Table of nutritional elements of spirulina powder

Die Wirkung von Spirulina

What is spirulina

Spirulina (scientific name :Spirulina), belongs to cyanophyta, cyanophyta, vibratidae, Spirulina, is an ancient lower prokaryotic single-cell or multicellular aquatic plant, body length 200-500μm, width 5-10μm. Shaped like clockwork, spiral blue-green, so also known as blue-green algae. It is native to alkaline lakes in tropical regions of Mexico and Chad in central Africa and has long been eaten by local people.

Spirulina is suitable for high temperature alkaline environment. More than 35 species have been found, growing in both fresh and salt water, while only 2 species are used in production in the world, Spirulina blunt and Spirulina giant.

Spirulina is one of the large-scale industrial production of microalgae, is a rare algae organism with a life history of 3.5 billion years, and is also a natural food. Spirulina is the most nutritious and comprehensive organism in nature. It is rich in high-quality protein, gamma-linolenic acid fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins, and a variety of trace elements such as iron, iodine, selenium, zinc and so on.

Spirulina benefits(what is spirulina good for)

Spirulina-Pulver Rich in protein

Mit einem Wert von 60-70% ist es nährstoffreicher als das allgemeine Konzept von Lebensmitteln und um ein Vielfaches höher als Sojabohnen, Rindfleisch, Eier usw.

Spirulina-Pulver Rich beta carotene

15-mal so viel wie Karotten und 40- bis 60-mal so viel wie Spinat.

Spirulina-Pulver Rich vitamins

Enthält die Vitamine B1, B2, B5, B6, B11, B12, C, E, B-Vitamine sind sehr vielfältig, und jedes hat eine besondere physiologische Funktion, ein Mangel an einem von ihnen kann zu Krankheiten führen.

Spirulina-Pulver Contains a variety of human body must trace elements

Reich an Kalzium, Magnesium, Natrium, Kalium, Phosphor, Jod, Selen, Eisen, Kupfer, Zink usw., können sie die Widerstandskraft und Immunität des Körpers stärken und eine Vielzahl von Krankheiten verhindern.

Spirulina-Pulver Contains chlorophyll A

Es hat eine einzigartige hämatopoetische Reinblutfunktion.

Spirulina-Pulver Reich an Gamma-Linolensäure

Förderung der Kalziumaufnahme, Verbesserung der Immunität, Vorbeugung von Stoffwechselstörungen und Vorbeugung der Alterung.

Spirulina-Pulver Reich an Polysacchariden

Polysaccharid hat die Funktion der Anti-Strahlung, und durch die Stärkung der körpereigenen Immunität, indirekt hemmen die Proliferation von Krebszellen, erhöhen die Aktivität von SOD im Plasma, reduzieren die Produktion von Lipidperoxid, und haben die Wirkung von Anti-Aging.

Benefits of spirulina Practical effects of spirulina

1, improve the body’s immunity. Spirulina is rich in plant protein, a variety of amino acids, trace elements, vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances, which can promote the hematopoietic function of bone marrow cells, enhance the proliferation of bone marrow cells, promote the biosynthesis of serum protein, and thus improve the immunity of the human body.

2. Get nutrition quickly. Spirulina contains three times more B12 than liver, which can regulate the whole nervous system of the human body, adapt to the fast pace of modern life, resist fatigue, maintain vigorous energy and improve work efficiency.

3. Improve malnutrition among children. Spirulina is rich in amino acids and vitamins that are lacking in general food, and it is an all-natural vitamin and trace element supplement source for primary school students, which can effectively prevent iron deficiency, zinc deficiency and calcium deficiency in children’s growth period.

4. High chlorophyll content of spirulina, rich in vegetable protein, plus B1, B2 pantothenic acid and zinc, can promote the production of natural insulin; Spirulina contains a high amount of potassium (1.59%), which can and pyruvate, prevent propionate poisoning, thereby preventing or alleviating the occurrence and development of diabetes.

5 Spirulina contains a lot of magnesium, which can help B6 absorption, and is rich in soluble cellulose, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and treat hemorrhoids and habitual constipation.

6 The high protein, low fat and low sugar of spirulina can adjust the endocrine disorder of the human body to achieve and maintain a healthy body shape.

Long-term consumption of spirulina, your cardiovascular, liver, kidney, anemia, rheumatism and other chronic diseases as well as weight loss, beauty, skin care will play an unexpected therapeutic effect, without any side effects, its digestion and absorption rate of more than 86%, especially like breast milk, safe, natural, balanced nutrition.

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