Spirulina: a treasure house of many important vitamins

Die Wirkung von Spirulina

Spirulina – a treasure house of many important vitamins

Vitamin, some people call it the vitality of human life. Dutch scientist Christian Eijkman first discovered this substance that can prevent and cure beriberi in 1906, and in 1911, C. Funke et al. suggested the name Vitamine, the Chinese first translated as “vitamin”, that is, Vital(energetic) amine(amine). Modern biochemical analysis has proved that it is a class of water-soluble small molecule organic compounds, which are an important coenzyme in human life activities.

The role of vitamins in the human body

Modern medicine confirms that vitamins are important life substances indispensable for maintaining and regulating the normal metabolism of the human body. If people lack vitamins in their food, it will cause disorders of human metabolism and physiological functions.

Vitamin A: Maintain the healthy growth of skin, bones, teeth and hair, promote the development of good eyesight and reproductive function.

Vitamin B: promotes metabolism in the body and converts sugar, fat, protein, etc. into heat. It can help maintain the function of the heart and nervous system, maintain the health of the digestive system and skin, participate in energy metabolism, and enhance physical strength.

Vitamin C: Participates in the formation of antibodies and collagen in the human body, and also participates in the REDOX effect of the human body, which plays an important role in enhancing immunity.

Vitamin D: Promote the growth and development of bones and teeth, maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

Each of these vitamins has its own role in the human body. When the body is deficient in a certain vitamin, a series of corresponding symptoms appear. For example, vitamin B deficiency may lead to keratitis, cheilitis, and mouth ulcers; Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy; Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets. Therefore, we need to ensure that we are getting enough vitamins through diet or supplements.

Vitamin content in Spirulina

The wonderful thing about spirulina is that it concentrates a variety of important vitamins that are most needed for human physiological activities. It contains both water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin and folate, and also contains fat-soluble vitamin A(a precursor of beta-carotene) and vitamin E. According to the different characteristics of its coenzymes, vitamins mainly play a catalytic role in the body’s biochemical reactions.

In spirulina alga, the natural content of Vitamin B1 is 5000 micrograms per 100 grams of dried alga. This level is already 100% of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and China’s recommended daily dose (RDA) for adults.

Vitamin B12 is involved in the manufacture of bone marrow red blood cells, to prevent pernicious anemia, to prevent the destruction of brain nerves is a vital element with important physiological functions. Sphenospira is by far the richest natural vitamin B12 of all plant resources in the world. In each kilogram of spirulina dried algae, the average content reaches 5 mg, and the vitamin B12 of spirulina, after being absorbed by the body, its effective utilization rate is as high as 20%, which is greatly superior to the vitamin B12 of all other resources.

Reference source: Wen Yonghuang, Miujian People, “Saying Spirulina – Exquisite original ecological food for Human Beings”

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