Wie kann man Coenzym Q10 wissenschaftlich auswählen?

Wie man Coenzym Q10 wissenschaftlich auswählt

 Als wichtiges Coenzym spielt Coenzym Q10 eine wichtige Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung der normalen physiologischen Funktionen des menschlichen Körpers, der Erhaltung der Gesundheit und der Vorbeugung und Behandlung einer Reihe von Krankheiten. Schauen wir uns Coenzym Q10 einmal genauer an.

 Coenzyme Q10 is a small molecule organic compound widely present in animal and plant cells. It can be synthesized in small amounts in the human body and can also be supplemented through diet. The main food sources of humans include meat, fat, fish, nuts, etc.

The efficacy and role of Coenzym Q10

Coenzyme Q10 can relieve fatigue and enhance vitality

 Research shows that 95% of the body’s energy production is related to Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 keeps cells in a good and healthy state. It is a natural antioxidant and cell metabolism starter produced by the cells themselves, ensuring that the body is full of energy and brain power. It is usually a favorite of athletes.

Coenzyme Q10 boosts immunity

 Because Coenzyme Q10 has powerful free radical scavenging and antioxidant functions, it can effectively enhance the human immune system and has obvious effects in improving the body’s immunity, anti-inflammation, and anti-tumor.

Coenzym Q10 protects skin and resists oxidation

 Coenzyme Q10 has excellent antioxidant and free radical scavenging functions. It can increase the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the skin and increase the moisture content of the skin, thus enhancing the vitality of keratinocytes, making the skin smooth and elastic, effectively preventing skin aging and reducing facial appearance. wrinkle. Therefore, many skin care products also contain Coenzyme Q10.

Other functions of Coenzyme Q10

 Coenzyme Q10 also has two functions in the body. One is to help nutrients be converted into energy in mitochondria, and the other is to have obvious anti-lipid peroxidation function. Therefore, Coenzyme Q10 can also improve gum problems, relieve migraines, help patients with high blood pressure and diabetes improve their conditions, and neutralize the side effects of drugs.

 Coenzyme Q10 is an essential and important component in the human body and is closely related to human health. If the body rapidly depletes Coenzyme Q10 due to mental stress, environmental pollution, viral invasion, etc., it needs to be supplemented through food or Coenzyme Q10 supplements.

How to get enough Coenzyme Q10?

 The human body needs approximately 500mg of Coenzyme Q10 every day. About 3/4 of the coenzyme Q10 in the human body is produced by itself, and only a small part comes from food supplements. Foods such as marine fish, beef, chicken, nuts, seeds, etc. all contain Coenzyme Q10.

 Unter dem Einfluss von Alter, Umwelt und spezifischen Medikamenten kann das Vertrauen auf die Autosynthese und die tägliche Ernährung nicht ausreichen, um einen physiologischen oder pathologischen CoQ10-Mangel auszugleichen. In diesem Fall kann die richtige Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln dazu beitragen, einen angemessenen Spiegel im Körper aufrechtzuerhalten.

Who needs to supplement Coenzyme Q10?

Patienten mit kardiovaskulären und zerebrovaskulären Erkrankungen

 Coenzym Q10 spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Vorbeugung von plötzlichen Herzerkrankungen, insbesondere bei Myokardhypoxie.

Beauty-Liebhaber, die Anti-Oxidation und Anti-Aging benötigen

 Coenzym Q10 kann sich direkt an den Reaktionen freier Radikale im menschlichen Körper beteiligen und eine antioxidative Rolle spielen, wodurch Schäden im menschlichen Körper verringert werden.

Ungesunde Menschen

 It is especially suitable for middle-aged people with various metabolic syndromes and sub-health problems found in physical examinations. Coenzyme Q10 plays a great role in protecting the health of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems and is a veritable “source of heart vitality.”

 Menschen mit Eierstockunterfunktion

 Improve oocyte quality.

Menschen, die ihr Immunsystem und ihre körperliche Vitalität verbessern wollen

 Coenzym Q10 hat eine ausgezeichnete antioxidative Kapazität, kann die Zellenergie verjüngen und die Immunität stärken.

Menschen mit hohen Blutfettwerten

 Coenzym Q10 kann die Symptome eines Coenzym-Mangels im Körper lindern, der durch die langfristige Einnahme von Statin-Medikamenten verursacht wird.

 The important significance of Coenzyme Q10 is that it is not only one of the nutrients stored in the human body, but also a powerful free radical scavenger. It is of great value in maintaining health and preventing diseases. Its many functions and mechanisms of action are also We need to study further. It is believed that with the continuous advancement of science and technology and the continuous improvement of people’s health awareness, the application of Coenzyme Q10 in human health maintenance and disease prevention and treatment will become more extensive and in-depth.

How to choose Coenzyme Q10

Look at the content

 Is the higher the Coenzyme Q10 content, the better? Of course not, just enough to meet daily needs, not too much but not too much!

 The State Administration for Market Regulation stipulates that the dosage range of coenzyme Q10 in health foods is 30~50mg/day.

Look at the recipe

 Compound formula, synergistic effect. Studies have shown that supplementing coenzyme Q10 with vitamin E and soy lecithin at the same time can significantly increase the content of coenzyme Q10 in the body compared to supplementing coenzyme Q10 alone.

Look at the raw materials

 Microbial fermentation makes it safer to eat. Compared with chemically synthesized Coenzyme Q10, Coenzyme Q10 synthesized by microbial fermentation avoids organic solvent pollution and has higher purity.

Blick auf den Hintergrund

 Product research and development background and brand strength are the cornerstones for eliminating consumers’ inner concerns and increasing their sense of security and trust.

Read report

 In line with national quality standards, big brands are guaranteed. Only by choosing a high-quality, up-to-standard Coenzyme Q10 nutritional supplement can it play a scientific supplement role.

Als  Coenzyme Q10 manufacturer, Backvita is determined to inherit traditional Chinese herbal medicine and TCM theory, combined with modern technology, to pass on classics and health to partners and friends around the world.

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