The best vegetarian for eyes Eat a little more every day eyes bright and clear

Beta carotene

The eye is one of the most important organs in our body, it helps us see the world, understand the world, and is the window of spiritual communication between people. If you want to have a pair of clear and bright eyes, in addition to protecting and loving it every day, eating the right food is also key. The following are some favorite foods for the eyes, and remember to eat them often!

The reason why grapes can protect the eyes is mainly because they are rich in anthocyanins. Its antioxidant ability, in addition to reducing the damage to blood vessels, can also promote the circulation of cells around the eyes, helping to alleviate eye fatigue.

In addition to eye protection, grapes contain minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, containing a variety of amino acids needed by the human body, often eat grapes on neurasthenia, excessive fatigue is of great benefit, and a variety of fruit acids in grapes also help digestion.

Although grapes are good, but there are also people who are not suitable for eating, constipation should not eat more; Spleen and stomach deficiency cold should not eat more, easy to cause diarrhea.

Carrots Carrots are rich in carotene, carotene is the main source of vitamin A, often eat carrots can alleviate eye fatigue, the treatment of night blindness, dry eye disease is of great benefit.

Carotenoids in carrots can also improve human immunity, improve the body’s ability to resist disease, and antioxidant effects.

Pumpkin is rich in carotenoids, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, so as to maintain normal vision and promote bone development has a good role and effect.

In addition to rich carotenoids, pumpkin also contains rich mineral elements, pectin, amino acids and so on.

Especially rich in cobalt, cobalt content in all kinds of vegetables first, cobalt can active human metabolism, promote hematopoietic function, is the human islet cells necessary trace elements.

Kale Kale as our usual life is more familiar with a vegetable, it looks and cabbage is very similar, especially in the summer taste to eat crisp, and the nutritional value is very rich, loved by people.

The body is rich in vitamins, lutein and zeaxanthin, which help healthy eye cells, enhance the macular area’s ability to fight against harmful substances, prevent and slow down age-related macular disease, and prevent cataracts.

In addition to eye care, the Vc content of kale is the highest among green leafy vegetables, and the content of trace element selenium is the first among kale vegetables, and it also has certain effects such as stomach nourishing, digestion and defecation.

Dry eyes eat shepherd’s purse

Shepherd’s purse is called spring vegetable, growing in the fields, roadside and courtyard, has the effect of clearing heat and stopping bleeding, clearing liver and brightening eyes, diuretic detumescence.

Shepherd’s purse contains a lot of carotene, B vitamins and vitamin C, calcium, iron content is also high, eat more shepherd’s purse to alleviate dry eye disease is helpful, can also reduce the symptoms of dry eyes discomfort.

Use your eyes a lot. Eat yellow corn

Macular degeneration occurs when fat in the macular area is oxidized and damaged due to aging, resulting in vision loss and even blindness.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, with their powerful antioxidant effects, can absorb harmful light entering the eye and keep the macula healthy.

However, it should be noted that lutein and zeaxanthin are only found in yellow corn, but not in white corn. Therefore, taxi drivers, primary and secondary school students, editors, writers and other people who often use their eyes should eat more yellow corn.

Eat purple potatoes for tired eyes

Purple food contains a substance called anthocyanin, anthocyanin has a strong antioxidant effect, can effectively block free radicals, free radicals in the tissue habit of damage, the most easily hurt is the eyeball;

Purple food is a natural eye care food, so purple potato can effectively maintain eye health.

Eat more spinach, eyes bright

Spinach is one of the best sources of lutein, which is very effective in preventing “macular degeneration” caused by aging eyes. According to research, green leafy vegetables are also a good source of vitamin B2 and beta-carotene.

When vitamin B2 is sufficient, the eyes are not easy to be bloodshot; Beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, is helpful for the prevention and treatment of “dry eye disease”.

The benefits do not stop there, it is rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, can help strengthen the elasticity of the eye muscles, not prone to myopia.

If you want to protect your child’s eyes, these eight eye protection nutrients are absolutely essential.

1. Carotenoids: Block harmful blue light

In the carotenoid family, two nutrients, zeaxanthin and lutein, have a light filtering effect that helps the eyes resist blue light, helping to maintain sensitivity and clarity in the eyes.

Representative food: spinach, broccoli, corn, pumpkin, broccoli, etc.

2. Anthocyanins: have great benefits for the prevention and treatment of cataracts

Cyanocyanin can stabilize the eye microvessels and enhance the circulation of microvessels, which is of great benefit to the prevention and treatment of cataract.

In addition, anthocyanins are by far the most potent antioxidant, helping to reduce free radical damage to the eyes.

Representative food: blueberries, pomegranates, grapes, eggplant and other dark red black purple fruits and vegetables.

3. Beta carotene: It has great benefits for the prevention and treatment of night blindness

Beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the human body, and vitamin A is an important raw material for the formation of eye photoreceptors, making the eyes bright and lively.

Representative food: carrots, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, mango, etc.

4. Vitamin C: Promotes eye health

Vitamin C helps protect the retina from UV damage, thereby preventing the aging of the lens and helping to promote the health of the eyeball.

Representative food: kiwi, lemon, grapefruit and other fruits rich in vitamin C.

5. Calcium: enhances the toughness of the eye wall

Calcium is not only essential for growth and development, but also protects eye tissue.

If calcium is deficient, the toughness of the eye wall is reduced, which will promote the occurrence of myopia.

Represents food: beans, kelp, etc.

6. DHA: Makes vision clearer

Properly supplemented with DHA can double the sharpness of vision and make vision clearer.

DHA love is an important component of neurons in the brain and is also essential for the development of intelligence and vision.

Represents food: nuts, etc.

7. Zinc: prevents macular lesions

Related studies have found that zinc deficiency is closely related to intraocular macular lesions.

Therefore, the zinc needed by the human body can help protect vision.

Represents food: peanuts, etc.

8. Vitamin E: effective protection of eye aging

Vitamin E has a strong antioxidant, timely supplementation of vitamin E, help protect the eye aging.

Represents food: all kinds of food oil, nuts, etc.

Tip: Taking supplements is one way to protect your eyes.

If you have eye fatigue, consider improving your eye habits, eye environment, eye distance, eye length, etc., which is the most effective way to relieve eye fatigue.