About the Saffron Extract Crocin

Saffron Extract Crocin

What are the main functions of saffron?Saffron extract benefits

Saffron has a wide range of health and fitness, crocin pain relief with the effects of promoting blood stasis, cooling blood and detoxification, resolving depression and calming, beauty and beauty, treating gynecological diseases such as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, infertility, and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, regulating liver and kidney function, crocin cold,crocin for headache,crocin chest and cold,regulating three high, crocin body pain,anti-tumor cancer, crocin cold and fluand so on. Just because of the function of saffron to promote blood and nourish blood, it is prohibited during pregnancy and menstrual period, daily health care is to take saffron silk ten roots, medicinal words are according to the gram to listen to the doctor’s advice.

What are the benefits of saffron extract crocin?

1) Drinking saffron crocin active tea can prevent and cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After medical research found that the right amount of saffron on the human heart can play a protective role, can reduce high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a significant effect.

2), the use of saffron crocin all in one soak water to drink, can effectively regulate the endocrine. Often drinking saffron water can promote the circulation of the body’s blood, improve the blood oxygen supply capacity, timely regulate the human endocrine system, improve human immunity and resistance. It has the effect of enhancing physical fitness.

3) Saffron soaking water can treat women with irregular menstruation. According to ancient books, saffron “tastes sweet, mild, flat; Heart, liver channel; The body is light and moist, entering the blood and dispersing, treating irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum lochia, abdominal mass pain and other diseases. However, it also has the side effect of abortion, so pregnant women should use it with caution.

4), beauty and beauty effect. Drinking saffron for beauty has been a favorite way of beauty for women since ancient times. “Product Hui Essence” also mentioned the effect of saffron beauty: “the main Qi Qi regulating blood, wide chest diaphragm, appetizer into diet, long service under Yuan, pleasant color.” . Saffron has the effect of regulating endocrine, can promote human metabolism, so that women from the inside out of the charming luster.

What are the benefits of saffron extracts for women?

Women, beauty can be said to be the focus of every woman’s attention, through modern medical research found that saffron for women: beauty beauty, blood nourishing blood, irregular menstruation, postpartum conditioning, delay menopause syndrome, meditation ning qi, freckle weight loss, pure natural plants without adding rest at ease. Saffron is known as the “female flower” and “the herb that can cure all diseases.” 10 to 15 cigarettes a day to keep your age a secret.

What are the benefits of saffron for women’s gynecological problems? How do people use saffron in Iran?

The world knows that Iran is a country that produces beauty, which is inseparable from the local People’s Daily use of saffron. Islamic Iran has very high requirements for women’s own cleanliness, and women pay great attention to the maintenance of the vulva. Women there will “clean their bodies for three days” and wash their lower bodies with saffron soaked water, so women there rarely suffer from gynecological diseases, women’s skin is also very smooth, rosy, full of elasticity. Therefore, the local people also call saffron “women’s flower”.

Palace cold menstrual disorder dysmenorrhea female gynecological problems with saffron how to adjust?

According to the medicinal diet recipe records, saffron breeding eggs: take an egg, beat a mouth, put saffron 1.5g, stir well and steam it, start to take the second day of menstruation, eat 1 every day, even eat 9. Take it for 3 to 4 menstrual cycles. Treating infertility caused by Qi deficiency and blood stasis. That is, conditioning palace cold, we all know that female palace cold has a great impact on pregnancy. Dysmenorrhea and menstrual disorders, serious can also use saffron incubation eggs, symptoms are relatively mild can take saffron silk 15 to 20 or so every other day or two or three days to stop taking once, insist on using three to six months can be effective. Because saffron is a pure natural plant, it does not contain hormones and other pharmaceutical ingredients, so please stick to it.

postpartum woman hair loss is severe use saffron effective?

Postpartum women are the most prone to two deficiency of qi and blood, hair loss, each shampoo a big grasp, menstruation is gradually irregular, saffron postpartum conditioning, not only can remove the residual production of lochia, but also can nourish the blood of qi beauty, postpartum yellow freckles can be effectively suppressed, 10 to 15 water a day can play a health care effect, Healthy women start with saffron.

Winter hands and feet cold, fear of cold, taking saffron can improve physical fitness?

In winter, most people, especially girls, are prone to cold hands and feet, and they are also prone to frostbite. The main reason for the cold hands and feet is that the metabolism of blood slows down in winter, the low temperature constricts the blood vessels, and the blood return ability is weakened, which makes the hands and feet, especially the fingertips, the toes and other parts of the tail of the blood circulation is not smooth, and the final nerve circulation is not good. Saffron promotes blood circulation by removing blood stasis. The right medicine, the effect is great!

Can saffron be used in menopause and autumn to calm the spirit and calm the breath?

Saffron makes you a good woman of peace! When it comes to autumn, many women are prone to feeling irritable. In fact, this is a normal seasonal reaction, that is, we often say “autumn dryness”. At this time, you need to supplement some Yin moistening dry food, saffron is a good choice. Long-term adherence can also delay aging and relieve menopause symptoms.

The best time to use saffron light spots?

The best time of year for saffron to lighten is autumn! Because, after the summer exposure, many women face spots have spread deepened, and autumn UV weakening, this time saffron whitening spots can solve your stubborn spots, butterfly spots, spots, etc., generally light spots are several times to completely solve, and each time to interval for a period of time, so autumn is the prime time to fade spots, its light spot effect is significant! Don’t miss the best time to light spots! Pigment precipitation on the skin surface is caused by endocrine disorders, which is annoying and embarrassing. Saffron tea can adjust the endocrine in time and eliminate the color spots caused by endocrine disorders.

What are the benefits of saffron for respiratory system and heart function?

Saffron has a certain effect on respiration. In the case of hypoxia, the use of saffron can improve the oxygen metabolism of cells and protect the health of the heart. Use saffron during vigorous exercise to reduce the loss of heart muscle cells and make your heart healthier!

How does saffron prevent breast hyperplasia, anemia, endometritis?

Love angry, irritable, menstrual blood clots, hands and feet cold, dizzy nausea want to vomit friends, you have to pay attention to: this is a sign of mammary hyperplasia, anemia, endometritis. Saffron has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, supplementing blood and nourishing skin, easing mood, regulating menstruation, postpartum lochia, pneumonia, body weakness, and fostering Yuan fitness.

How does saffron prevent and relieve the symptoms of uterine fibroids?

Saffron “female god flower” uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors in modern female reproductive organs, and according to medical research shows that: long-term Qe-blood 阏, endocrine disorders lead to estrogen (E2R, PR) 阏 deposits in the uterus, ovaries, vagina, stimulate local tissue proliferation, is one of the important reasons to induce uterine fibroids. Taking saffron can promote blood circulation and nourish blood, quickly transport water, oxygen and nutrients needed by the body to every cell, and has auxiliary therapeutic effect on the treatment of uterine fibroids.

How does saffron improve the body’s immunity?

When saffron enters the body, it can increase physical endurance, and the proliferative response of lymphocytes is also enhanced. Why does this work? Because the main role of saffron is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory as well as promoting blood stasis, these can well enhance the body’s immunity, so that the body’s qi and blood run more smoothly, so that the health of the body will also be improved.

Can saffron regulate kidney problems caused by alcohol consumption?

Often drink kidney bad friends, saffron and saffron wine after taking can protect the health of the kidney! Because saffron can keep the kidney capillaries in a smooth state, so that the blood flow in the kidney is greatly increased, so it has a certain repair effect for various inflammation, such as glomerulonephritis and so on!

Why is saffron effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis and chronic viral hepatitis?

The old Chinese medicine tells us that saffron also has the effect of liver and gallbladder, because the saffron acid contained in saffron can reduce cholesterol in the body, and can also enhance the metabolic rate of fat. If the body suffers from fatty acids, then saffron can be taken with cassia, purna, hawthorn, etc., and the effect is very good. Saffron also has the effect of improving microcirculation, promoting the secretion of bile, so that the content of globulin and total bilirubin in the body will be reduced, effective treatment of liver cirrhosis and chronic viral hepatitis.

Can saffron prevent and treat cancer?

As we all know, saffron has the effect of treating cancer, so it is recommended that you can take a proper amount of saffron or saffron wine at ordinary times, which can improve your physical fitness and prevent cancer. If you are a cancer patient, then taking saffron and saffron-related products can also play a certain inhibitory effect.

What diseases are commonly treated with saffron in medicine?

Blood stasis caused by amenorrhea, chest, abdominal and hypochondriac pain, but also the treatment of trauma carbuncular swelling, especially saffron blood nourishing function has long been well-known in the world. In recent years, scientists have found that saffron acid (Crocitin), saffron (safranal), Crocin (Crocin) and crocin (Protocrocin) contained in the flower stamens of saffron have strong anti-cancer activities. Especially for blood cancer cells, flat cell tumor and soft tissue sarcoma have a strong inhibitory effect.

What are the other benefits of saffron?

1. Enhance physical fitness. Relieve work pressure, quickly engulf all kinds of “garbage” in the body, enhance the immune function of cells, defend against virus attacks, and restore the body to a healthy state and be carefree.

2. Regulate the spirit and calm the breath. Supplement the brain nutrients, relieve the boring mood, make the work pressure to slow down, quick thinking, good memory, make the mood happy, full of confidence.

3, regulate endocrine. Drinking saffron can adjust the endocrine in time, eliminate the color spots caused by endocrine disorders, relieve the precipitation of pigment on the skin, and restore the complexion to normal.

4, nourishing the skin. Saffron blood circulation and oxygen resistance effect, can make the blood flow speed up, the oxygen, water, nutrition quickly sent to the cell, so that every cell is full of vitality, love the beauty of women for a long time to take can make the skin tender, smooth, elastic, full of female beauty.

Saffron can be used as daily health care products?

The 21st century will become the most critical era to focus on health care, with climate change, environmental pollution, food safety problems, sub-health status continues, legend, saffron is the spirit of heaven and earth, is the god grass that can cure all diseases. Empress Wu Zetian is drinking saffron every day for decades of health care, and saffron is a pure natural plant, without any added ingredients and pharmaceutical ingredients, mastering the correct use of health care is the best choice.

The old Chinese medicine told us that after women take saffron soaking water, not only their faces will get better and better, but also their spirits will be more abundant, making women more and more beautiful.

Safflower pure natural plants are really better for the body than drugs?

Saffron pure natural plant gold does not add real rest assured health care products. How does Western medicine work? With any kind of disease, when you take an anti-inflammatory drug (that is, an antibiotic), it reaches the stomach, and the stomach starts secreting digestive juices that break down the pill, and then it’s absorbed through the small intestine, and then it goes through the liver and into the bloodstream, and the heart pumps the blood around the body, and finally it gets to the inflammation site that you’ve designated. You just for a small inflammation, the result of your brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen and so on all large-scale damage once again, you are really cruel.

Friendly tips: Would rather one hundred yuan health, do not eat one yuan pills!

Why does every woman need saffron?

Modern life and work pressure lead to many women in a long-term anxiety, anxiety, fatigue of the sub-health state, irregular sleep, poor quality, increased blood viscosity in the body, so that invisible capillaries congestion, blood flow slowed down, ten million skin hypoxia. In severe cases, due to blood stasis, pigmentation, water is squeezed out of blood vessels, causing the skin to lose its natural luster due to hypoxia, and pigmentation spots appear on the skin surface. Get yourself a cup of saffron tea, work and life together.

How do female friends achieve both internal and external conditioning effects through saffron?

It can be said that there is no person who does not love beauty, especially female friends, often in order to create a more beautiful face so as to throw a lot of money on skin care products and cosmetics. In fact, in order to become more beautiful, in addition to these cosmetics, women can completely achieve the real beauty effect of saffron. Many women often appear for a variety of reasons yellow, dark spots, dull, etc., in these symptoms even if you are born beautiful will appear haggard. Therefore, for this part of women, if you want to love beauty, you must first pay attention to adjusting your color, so that you can show your beauty from the inside out.

Why do women insist on taking saffron to promote blood and nourish blood?

Why should women especially promote blood and nourish blood, blood stasis is easy to long color spot palace cold complexion dark gradually aging, from the inside out maintenance is to maintain the rule of youth. Saffron nourishes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, keeping you healthy and active forever.

Can saffron man drink?

In foreign countries, the shadow of saffron can be seen everywhere in pastry, candy, dairy products, ice cream and other foods, and even the daily rice will be soaked with saffron rice. So in every family in foreign countries, saffron is used as a condiment, men and women are taking it, and saffron is conducive to improving male immunity, enhancing memory, and improving sleep quality.

What are the effects of saffron on women, old people, young people and men?

Pure natural plant gold: Saffron, for women, men, the elderly respective efficacy

Female: beauty, freckle, regulate endocrine, regulate menstruation, nourishing blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, warm palace, detoxification diuresis, postpartum congestion, amenorrhea to relieve menopause.

Male: conditioning liver and kidney, prostate, sexual dysfunction.

Youth: Enhance immunity, improve memory, protect eyesight.

The elderly: heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, vasculitis, myocardial infarction, neurodegeneration, can also prevent cancer and treatment of cancer can enhance physical strength.

What are the physical reactions to long-term use of saffron?

【 Four stages of using saffron 】

First: enhance circulation, strengthen metabolism

Second: clear kidney detoxification, promote fission

Third: supply nutrients, nourish cells

Fourth: comprehensive conditioning, improve body function

Fifth: comprehensive promotion, to achieve the ideal effect

Because each person’s physique is different, the speed of absorption is not the same, the severity of the body is different, and there needs to be a repair process. Saffron is not a fairy pill is a pure plant natural product without any processing frozen three feet is not cold in a day! Our body is the same, so health is the same, you insist!

Saffron is expensive, daily use will not be very expensive?

Although saffron may seem expensive, good saffron only needs to be used in very small amounts. 10 sticks a day, 5 grams can drink for 4 months, so it seems very expensive but everyone can afford to eat. Saffron smells special, keeps you healthy, and you deserve it!

What are the contraindications of taking saffron?

In addition to its nourishing and health care effects on the body, saffron is also harmful to the body when taken in excess or by people who are not suitable for it. Not all people are suitable for taking saffron, if it is some women with blood stasis or pregnancy, then it is best not to take saffron, because it is easy to lead to heavy bleeding or abortion. In addition, it is best not to take saffron for women who are trying to become pregnant. Women also try not to take saffron during menstruation. Saffron is also prohibited in patients with stomach ulcers.

Saffron consumption what are the precautions?saffron extract for adhd?how to use saffron extract to lose weight?best time of day to take saffron extract?saffron extract for kids?

Notes on saffron consumption: In order to enhance the flavor or color, Iranians often add saffron to food. The color and fragrance of saffron need to be heated to develop, and the use of cream in food can fix the color and fragrance of saffron. Ordinary people in Iran often add saffron water to rice or naan. A few stamens are enough for a meal.

Advice: Saffron for medical purposes must be taken under the advice of a doctor. 5 grams of daily health care is the amount of 2 months (each 10-15 saffron can soak 3-4 cups of water to drink on a day), in order to prevent fire and facilitate the full absorption of saffron vitamins, body heat friends can drink 3 days stop a day, pregnant, breastfeeding women, normal women during menstruation prohibited.

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