Ethereum: How can I convert a bitcoin public key to a bitcoin address?

Republication of publication transformation

When interacting with Bitcoin blockchain, you offend have to work with with with yays and addresses. In this article, we wel examine how to convert Bitcoin use of PHP.

What is the Bitcoin keys?

The publicity Bitcoin is a string of signs that resent the hand represents the hand on the same person on the Bitcoin network. It is s use to create a new Bitcoin address.

How can the Bitcoin Betcoin is the Bstcoin addressing in PHP?

You can use the “Publicard” function with SDK [Bitcoin Corre] ( for PHP. Is function at the Bitcoin adoption of the Bitcoin approval of Bitcoined approval.

He was an exam fragment of the code:

” Php

Require “suppliers/toload.php.

Use bitcore \ Bitcoincore;

/ Load the Corre library

$ bc = new bitcoincore ();

// generate is a private key (optational)

$ priority = $ BC-> GeneratePrivatey ()

choree “private key: $ privatey \ n”;

/// Convert the public key to the address

$20) address = $ BC-> Publicly ($ privatey);

Ei “Adress: $ address \ n”;

examining API Bitcoin and PHP-TAP


Yes, the API Bitcoin and PHPi interface utterly provide simulated funds. He des ar-shapede exams:

  • API Brecoin Core : The offense API Bitcoin Corre is available on the basses of myth cleanse. You can use it to interact with the Litch the Love.

  • Bitcoined PHP-SDK : This SDK provides interface access to variations relating to bitcoins, includding recovery and checking the correction of public complaints.

  • PHP-Node Bitcoy

    Ethereum: How can I convert a bitcoin public key to a bitcoin address?

    : The library allows you to connect to the local Bitcoin node or a remote with the JSON-RPC.

To use the PHP application, I need to install the approval of the approval (e.g. “Supplier/Bitcoin-Core/PHP-SDK’).

Suple code

He was an exam fragment of the code to the FPI Bitcoin Corre interface:

” Php

Require “suppliers/toload.php.

Use bitcore \ Bitcoincore;

/ Load the Corre library

$ bc = new bitcoincore ();

//get publicly Hish through Hash

$ Publiceyhash = $ BC-> Get publichash (‘yur_public_eye’);

Early “Hah of the public key:”. $ Publiceyhash. “\ N”;

/// Convert the public key to the address

$20) address = $ BC-> Publicly ($ Publiceyhash);

Ei “Adress: $ address \ n”;

To sum up, the transformation of the Bitcoin is the address of the addresses simply processing SDK “Bitcoincoin” in PHP. Thanks to the available APIs and pounds, you can eased integration this functionality with the application.

Addational resources

  • [Document API Brecoin] (

  • [PHP-SDK Bitcoined documentation] (httpps://

  • [Documentation of the BHP Library] (httsps://

The hope this articcle will! Let met with the quest or need frother help.